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History of 2042

Rise of UFP

2018 2025

  • 2018

    31 /8

    UFP is founded

    The company United for progress has been founded in secret in Ascona, Switzerland by the Shadow Council. Their goal appears to be to find a cure for cancer. Their reasearch has began.

  • 2023

    1 /1

    UFP goes public
    Scientific achievement

    The then unknown research institute United for progress (UFP for short), announces it has found the cure for cancer. Any kind of cancer. The cure they have developed, they say, has been in development since 2018 and is finally ready to be brought to market. They are now building a company-owned production facility in the mountains of Graubünden for this purpose. Despite the strange choice for such a construction project, humanity is excited.

  • 2023

    5 /8

    Demonstrations against UFP
    Construction beginning/end

    There was an interruption in the construction of the production facility: demonstrators from the Green and Green Liberal parties, lead by Ellias Graf are against the construction project, saying it will devastate the mountain landscape and increase the risk of natural disasters. However, the interruption did not last long, because already on the same day the demonstrators had to be rescued by the REGA, they were apparently all caught by an avalanche.

  • 2023

    1 /10

    Completion of the production facility construction
    Construction beginning/end

    The construction of the manufacturing facility is now complete, and the cure being produced, announced UFP company spokesman Dr. Stoci.

  • 2023

    25 /12 9:00

    First treatement of cancer patients
    Scientific achievement

    That morning, UFP announced that they would now treat the first cancer patients with the strange cure, but only in their company-owned treatment centers, which were built in most major Swiss cities and look like big black skyscrapers. When the first patients arrived at the treatment centers, they could not believe their eyes: the treatment is offered for the price of 1500 Swiss Francs and is supposed to take only 2 days. Some burst into tears, others are rather skeptical, but no one wants to refuse this offer. However, this treatment seems to be incredibly painful and one loses consciousness after less than 5 minutes.

  • 2023

    27 /12

    No more cancer
    Scientific achievement

    The first patients woke up from their treatment, and indeed, miraculously, the patients seemed to have completely got rid of their tumor. The life expectancies of humans has increased to 88 years for men, and 90years for women. This is lifechanging, humanity will be celebrating this day from now on. But many big pharmaceutical companies curse UFP for what they did.

  • 2024


    The Players are born
    Life, Birth

    The Players of this Game are born and grow up somewhere in Europe.

  • 2024

    29 /2

    Extention of UFP facilities on an international level
    Financial Event

    UFP has opened many production, research and treatement facilities across all of Europe. With this action, they increase the medical tourism to Europe, because people from all over the world are now flying to Europe, to recieve their cheap and reliable UFP cancer treatement. This leads to a huge economic boom in the countries that have such facilities. Europe is getting increasingly more wealthy, even the financial weaker countries such as the Ex-Jugoslavian or Ex-Soviet countries.

  • 2024

    11 /9

    Cure for physical disabilities and diseases
    Scientific achievement

    Dr. Stoci has come forward to the public, and presented their new cure for physical disabilities that are based on genetical errors such as trisomy 2, the Sickle-Disease and every other imaginable one. Apparently this treatement is even more painful than their cure for cancer. The life expectancy for humans has increased to 95 years for men, and 98 years for women. The price for such a treatement is just a thousand Swiss Franks.

  • 2024

    15 /9

    27 /9

    More protests against UFP
    Civil action

    In many countries people are protesting against UFP and their actions. Protestors say it is very unnatural and not human at all to get rid of these problems that lay in the human nature. The protests, once again lead by Ellias Graf, escalate into big fights between the protestors and the supporters of UFP. Humanity is devided. Around 2 weeks after the beginning of these protests, they have already been stopped again by police forces.

  • 2024

    30 /9

    Militarization of UFP
    Military action

    UFPs head of armed forces M.Cielo announced they will be militarzing their company, to protect themselves from future protesters, thieves and "other dangers". For that, they are offering an apprenticeship as security guard at UFP. Apprentices will be fully educated and trained in a span of 4 years. UFP will only take apprentices from age 15-18, their salary will be increadibly high.

  • 2024

    31 /10

    UFP troops appear across Europe
    Military action

    Across Europe armed UFP troops are appearing infront of their facilities and their transporters. Their uniform is completly mostly black with some grey features. The guns they wield are unknown, apperantly from their own production.

  • 2025

    1 /1

    9 billion people
    Life, Milestone

    UFPs milestones have helped humanity to increase it's numbers (and they be breeding like crazy), which has lead to humanity reaching a count of 9 billion. Thar is an incrase of 1.2 billion is just 3 years. Many people fear a resource scarcity.

  • 2025

    28 /2

    The unbreakable steel
    Scientific achievement

    General Cielo and Dr.Spoci presented a new synthetic material. It was presented in the form of black, metal-like plates. These plates seem to be impenetrable, blocking every projectile they were shot with, withstanding fire and even explosions. With this material, which they call "vanta-steel" they plan on developing unbreakable vehicles and armors. This presentation caught the attention of many militaries that would be interested in such a material, especially the US-, Russian Army.

  • 2025

    20 /4

    Vanta-Steel on wheels
    Military action

    UFP has now built their new armored vanta-steel vehicles. These vehicles have replaced all their old, non-armored, normal vehicles. There have also been sightings of armed UFP vehicles of all kinds; trains, transporters, tanks, helikopters, planes, jets, boats, ships etc. UFP stated these vehicles, air- and watercrafts are only produced and deployed for their own protection, and will not be sold to any military. There have already been attempts to rob the UFP transporters used for moving the cures around Europe, but they have all been unsuccessful, the vehicles didn't get a signle scratch from the attacks.

  • 2025

    30 /4

    Earths thermostat
    Technological achievement

    UFP has build a mysterious reactor in the middle of Greenland. The reactor is a 500m wide hole that goes deep into the ground, but the specific depth and the way it works are unknown, since its highly guarded, and no one other than UFP has acess to it. In a statement, UFP scientists said this reactor will be able to regulate earths temperature, while absorbing polluting gases and other things in the air. On the 30.04.2025 the reactor was first activated, with the goal to fight climate change. But it did more than that, it ended climate change. UFP now had full controll over earths temperature and climate. Earths climate was not increasing anymore, the reactor cooled the areas down that needed to be cooled down, and increased the heat in areas that needed more heat.

  • 2025

    23 /8

    General Cielo survives

    A revolutionary group called "The Arrows", with the goal to "end UFP before it's to late" and was founded by Ellias Graf, tried to assasinate General Cielo when he was holding a speach, but failed miserably. The 3 failed assasins were killed by Cielo killed all three with his bare hands infront of everyone watching. The croud was cheering.

  • 2025

    29 /8

    Artificial organic bodyparts
    Scientific achievement

    Dr. Stoci just presented UFPs newest scientific accomplishment: UFP is now able to create organic human bodyparts and organs that look and function just like natural bodyparts, with a new artificial progress. This will let people that need an organ, get one within a few days, and not let them wait on a list for months, until it's to late. Furthermore these bodyparts enable people that lost a limb to get it replaced with a real human arm, adjusted specifically for their body, instead of a very expensive and impractical prosthesis. TheLife expectancy of humans of both genders has now increased to 99years. These bodypart-replacements are offerd by UFP for just two thousand Swiss Franks.

  • 2025

    30 /8

    11 /11

    The Twin Prisms
    Construction beginning/end

    Over the span of almost two and a half months, UFP has built two huge black prism shaped, identical looking buildings, one of them in the middle of the Pacific ocean and the other one in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. They have both been declared the tallest buildings on earth, with a stunnishing height of 12 kilometers. UFPs head of security Roger Speer has stated these buildings are their new "megaprisons". These will act as international, world wide prisons. UFP has put the offer out for every county to use these prisons. This way, countries that accept that offer, can safe tax money and space, because these megaprisons will be fully financed and payed by UFP themself, and countries accepting this offer can destroy their old prisons, and build something else on that new space.

  • 2025

    5 /12

    World Police UFP
    Political event

    Most countries have now accepted UFPs offer to replace their prisons with the Twin Prisms. The most notable countries that denied this offer are the USA, Russia, North Korea, China, Belarus, and Afghanistan.

UFP Strengthening the Grip

2026 2030

  • 2026

    3 /1

    Law unification in UFP partner countries
    Political event

    All European countries that partnered up with UFP regarding their prison system now have the same laws. UFP expanded the Swiss laws to the rest of the countries and unified them.

  • 2026

    28 /1

    17 /6

    UFP Police stations
    Construction beginning/end

    UFP started building their own police stations all across the countries they unified prior that year. Some people are fearing their goverment has been "corrupted" by UFP. But most people are confident that UFP will help lower the crime rate in their area and bring them safety and stability.

  • 2026

    21 /10

    Russian-Ukrainan Truce
    Diplomatic action

    UFP diplomats have entered negotiation with Russia and Ukrain and achieved an agreement between Wladimir Putin and Wolodymyr Selenskyj. Both parties have agreed to lay down their weapon until at least 2030, what exactly happened or any other details of the negotiation are unknown, but for now, peace returns to Europe.

  • 2027

    9 /2

    European Government Funding
    Financial Event

    UFP has created government funds for their European partner countries. Depending on how wealthy a country is, it recieved between 100billion-2.5trillion Swiss Franks. Poor European countries like Portugal, Georgia or Moldova see an economic boom for the first time in ages. But the funds they recieved are overseen by UFP personell that make sure the money is spent on the counry and it's needs.

  • 2027

    1 /5

    Educational Improvements and school reforms
    Political event

    UFP unified the educational system over all their partner countries and completly reformed it to an optimized school system. Teachers that were not okay with the changes and refused to teach in this new system were let go from their position. Any educational institution is now completly free.

  • 2027

    15 /7

    Terrorist attack on the Swiss Federal Council
    Disaster / Destruction

    The revolutionary group "The Arrows" planted bombs underneath the stage of the Press conference of the Swiss Federal Council in Bern and killed the whole council, as well as dozens of journalists and other attendands. Ellias Graf posted a video on Reddit of him and some other members of The Arrows, planting the bombs the day before.

  • 2027

    16 /7

    State of emergency power-takeover
    Political event

    Switzerland, now in a state of emergency declared the UFP their new temporary government in retrospection of their political and financial influence they had before. UFP troop presence is increased even more and the suspects of the terrorist attack are quickly put under arrest and being interrogated.

  • 2027

    17 /7

    "The Arrows" declared as Terrorist organisation
    Political event

    UFP General Cielo came forward this day and officially declared the group "The Arrows" a terrorist organisation. Everyone connected to it will be hunted down and arrested.

  • 2027

    2 /9

    Italy and Austria join
    Political event

    Italy and Austria both gave power over their country to UFP and make it their new government. This movement came from the citizen in those countries that saw how much better UFP is handling the country and not form the politicians of those countries. This is the first time in over 150 years that a company rules one or multiple countries. With this, Italy and Austria leave the European Union and make the Swiss Franks their currency (for them the Italian and Austrian Franks).

  • 2027

    6 /12

    Currency and Language reform
    Financial Event

    Switzerland, Italy and Austria unified their currencies to the UFP Franks or short UFr. The currency keeps the same characteristics of the Swiss Franks and is just as stable and in demand. Even more, the demand for the UFP Frank is rising, other countries want a piece of that stability, while the world tension is rising. The new official languages in Switzerland, Italy and Austria are now: German, Italian, Rhaeto-Romanic and English.

  • 2028

    4 /1

    30 /4

    Architectural changes
    Construction beginning/end

    UFP teared down all eastern-socialist influenced buildings, as well as all run down and generally ugly buildings and "poor people" housings. They were all replaced with more modern, better looking buildings but the prices stayed the same. The people who lived in there were moved to hotels during the construcions and then recieved their new house or appartement after the constructions were finished. Other buildings that did not need to be teared down were renovated. The infrastructure was significantly increased, with perfect roads, cheaper and better public transportations and a better network infrastructure, bringing better internet connection everywhere and many more things. This happened in all UFP controlled countries and UFP stated they will do these changes in all of their controlled areas.

  • 2028

    9 /5

    Germany, Slovenia and Croatia join
    Political event

    Germany, Slovenia and Croatia decided to join the UFP confederation and all previous changes were applied to these countries as well over the next few months. They decided to join the UFP confederation after seeing the success of the oher countries under UFP control.

  • 2028

    10 /6

    Protests against UFP across Europe
    Civil action

    People in many countries that are not under the control of UFP now fear a more or less violent takeover of their country by the UFP confederation. Protests spread over Europe and alarm the rest of the World.

  • 2028

    20 /6

    30 /11

    Negotianions between the UFP confederation and the EU
    Gathering / Conference

    The EU has asked the UFP confederation for negotiationos for the future of Europe. The United Kingdom and Norway as well as Russia have asked to be part of the negotiations. Over multiple moths these negotiations were held daily, with a weekly session on live television.

  • 2028

    1 /12

    The End of the EU
    Political event

    After almost half a year of negotiations, the EU, as well as Norway have agreed to join the UFP confederation, leaving only few European countries with an idependent government: Russia, Ukraine, the UK, Montenegro, Andorra, San Marino, Liechtenstein, Serbia, Kosovo, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia, Macedonia, Moldova, Belarus and Iceland. Over the next year all countries are brought up to UFP standart by applying all of the changed that joining the UFP confederation brings with it. Europe is now in an utopic state.

  • 2029

    13 /1

    Second American Civil War
    Military: War

    While Joe Biden served his second term from 2024-2028 the financial and social state of the US rapidly declined. This lead to Donald J. Trump being elected President again. After that, early 2029 when Joe Biden died, and the democrats sparked a revolution, the second civil war broke out between the red and the blue states with Donlad J. Trump leading the red states, the blue states elected Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as their new president. UFP decided to send medical aid to the now not United States anymore and aides both sides in this war.

  • 2029

    14 /2

    Wolrd tension rises
    Military: War

    As the civil war continued, it has evolved into more than just a civil war. Canada joined the democratic states The republican states also recieved support, Mexico joined them. Japan has spoken out their support to the republican states, but did not join the war. Dr. Stoci gave a short stateman saying that the founder and leader of UFP will soon speak out about the situation himself.

  • 2029

    1 /3

    The Shadow Council speaks out
    Gathering / Conference

    The second Shadow Council Member has come out to the public with a speech, talking about how UFP has no interest in entering the American War, but the UFP Federation will still be sending medical aid to North America. He also stated that UFP will not engage in any diplomatic negotiations between the two sides, since they are working on way bigger projects and are not gonna be dependent on the world trade market anymore soon.

  • 2029

    15 /7

    Change of Laws
    Political event

    Dr. Stoci has announced a change in Laws for the UFP Federation. These changes include but are not limited to: -Complete ban on alcohol, excluding medical purposes and meals from licensed restaurants -Complete ban on tobacco and tobacco products -Ban on gender reasignement surgeries and medication -Ban on adoption rights for homosexual couples, excluding biological parents of the child that live in homosexual relationships -Ban on any kind of smoking and smoking devices (such as weed or electronical smoking devices) -Ban on use of social media and mobile phones under the age of 12 and more. Many people are outraged. Whole industries have to shut down and many people working in those industries loose their jobs, but recieve compensations and are soon to be hired by UFP whenever they create new jobs. These new laws are enforced by Rogger Speer and his security and police forces. Existing products that are now illegal under the new laws are confiscated by Rogger Speer and his men.

  • 2029

    31 /12

    Zero Tolerance Policy
    Political event

    Rogger Speer announced that UFP will have a Zero crime tolerance policy from now on. That means no matter what crime is committed, the person will be arrested and thrown into the Twin Prism Prisons. After he gave his speech, armed security and police forces raided every single home and other building in the UFP Federation, that was holding illegal goods and wares or engaging in criminal activities. Any kind of resistance was immediatly met with violence. People who resisted their arrest ended up with broken bones, open wounds or other light to heavy injuries. People who opened fire on UFP forces were killed immediatly. These arrests happened no matter if u tried to lie or defend yourself, or UFP had no evidence to show at the moment. And yet, no one was falsely arrested. No one really knew how UFP found out about these people's crimes, because even the best hidden crimes were noticed. This turn of event would bring the crime rate in the UFP Federation to almost zero. Despite over a million arrests, people were happy, and felt safer than ever. This policy would continue from this day on.

  • 2030

    10 /1

    Cielos wedding

    General Cielo got married one of his high ranking officers in Barcelona. The wedding was attendend by the 4th Shadow Council Member. General Cielo held a little speech about the importance of family and after that General Cielo and 1st Lieutenant Cielo enjoyed their honeymoon in China.

  • 2030

    3 /8

    Space Trio

    A very unusal event was held. Thomas Zurbuchen and Elon Musk announced that NASA and Space X will work together with UFP to speed up the process bringing humanity into space. Dr. Stoci spoke about how the three will share research and progress together and UFP will financially support NASA and Space X.

  • 2030

    29 /11

    Back to War
    Military: War

    Since the truce between Ukraine and Russia is over now, Russia has attacked the Ukraine once again. This time with more men, and more advanced technology. General Cielo held a speech saying how they will not deploy troops to the Ukraine or to Russia, and not get involved in general, as long as there is no attack on the UFP Federation.

Globalisation of UFP's power

2031 2040

  • 2031

    17 /2

    UFP declares complete Independence
    Technological achievement

    The UFP Federation has declared that thanks to their technological advancements, they have managet to become completly independent from any imports or exports from the rest of the world and they will now stop importing anything from governments outside the UFP Federation. Only the import of special goods from non-state-owned companies is still allowed. This puts countries like China or Russia, that heavily rely on their exports, in a really bad spot.

  • 2031

    25 /2

    Economic downfall
    Financial Event

    After the UFP confederation stopped importing goods and resources from the US, Russia and China, the 3 countrie's economy collapsed on itself, since the European countries were it's main trade partner. In and outrage, China and the US have called for an immediate emergency conference with the UFP officials. UFP officials said they will not be able to help, and China, Russia and the US will have to rely on each other, as well as Africa, South America as well as the rest of North America and Oceania as a trade partner. China threatened with the UFP federation with war, Russia and the US seemed to drown in despair since they have to deal with a destroyed economy as well as their own wars.

  • 2031

    8 /6

    The Arrows Partners up
    Military action

    Under the lead of Ellias Graf, The Arrows have partnered up with China and Russia. Russia and China support The Arrows with guns, ammunition, armor, vehicles and more, while The Arrows try to help to push back UFP and help build up trade connections to save the countries economies. For this, Ellias Graf met up with Xi Jingping and Vladimir Putin in Beijing.

  • 2031

    20 /11

    RSA calls for meeting with UFP
    Gathering / Conference

    As the economy in the Ex-United States continues to suffer under the economic independence of the UFP confederation and the ongoing civil war, the RSA have called for a meeting with the leaders of UFP. They wish to create some contracts or agreements with the UFP confederation and recieve their help, but without joining them. For that, Donald J. Trump and other Republican-American politicians met up with General Cielo in Ascona.

  • 2032

    1 /4

    RSA bilateral treaty with UFP
    Political event

    General Cielo and the rest of UFP have agreed to a bilateral treaty with the RSA. The treaty includes financial support, and 45'000 Security Troops from UFP for the RSA, and an agreement from the RSA to use the UFP prisons from now on.

  • 2032

    17 /7

    UFP sends police forces to clean the RSA from crime
    Military action

    General Cielo and Rogger Speer have announced that UFP has sent over 120 thousand police troops to the RSA to bring the Zero crime policy over to America as well. This lead to countless arrests and the Police forces are also protecting the civilians from the raging civil war. This caused the crime rate in the RSA to fall to almost zero, but increased the general hostality against UFP in the RSA.

  • 2032

    3 /8

    The Arrows land in America
    Civil action

    Ellias Graf landed landed in California, DSA and met up with President Kennedy. On demand of the citizen and the DSA, the two now became allies in their fight against UFP. The RSA is now finnancing The Arrows and they will try to bring down UFP together.

  • 2032

    5 /12

    Ecosystems breaking apart
    Geological / environmental event

    Many ecosystems are suffering, the reason: The UFP reactor, or "Earth's thermostat", that stopped climate change. Since temperatures and climates are not evolving naturally anymore now, many ecosystems are heavily damaged by that. Right-winged parties around the world are saying "We told you so" and laugh at the thought that the left-winged parties wanted to stop climate change for so many years now. It is a major disaster.

  • 2033

    1 /3

    Earths Thermostat is shut down

    After 7 years of running, UFP's reactor for climate control was shut down, because of the enviremental crisis it, ironically, created. With this, many Green-parties around the globe are loosing their political power, because people have lost faith in them. Dr. Stoci himself spoke out about this issue and appologized on behalf of UFP.

  • 2033

    17 /6

    The Eifel Tower Bombing
    Criminal Activity

    The Arrows have planted bombs at the Eifel Tower in Paris after General Cielo held a speech in Paris in which he talked about UFPs in the Second American Civil War. Over 160 people died in this attack and the Eifel Tower collapsed and was almost entirely destroyed. All that is left from it are the 4 pillars it was standing on. Ellias Graf posted a video on the internet in which he talked about how The Arrows will now aggressively fight UFP's influence because they don't know when to stop themselves.

  • 2033

    2 /7

    19 /10

    UFP builds laboratory for genetic studies
    Construction beginning/end

    UFP started building a lab for their genetic studies. The facility will be under the lead of Dr. Luca Stoci and be used to unlock the secrets of human and animal genetics.

  • 2033

    25 /12

    UFP teases important scientific achievement.

    In a short speech of Dr. Stoci, he dopped some hints about a major scientific experimant they are conducting right now, and the results will change a lot for humanity. He said UFP will soon come out to the public and demonstrate the results of their experiments.

  • 2034

    28 /2

    UFP brings back animals that were lost in time
    Scientific achievement

    Dr. Stoci just presented the world with something incredible. UFP scientists have discovered how to clone of extinct animals using only a tiny bit of their DNA. With this, they cloned 4 extinct species back to life. The sabertoothed-cat, the tasmanian tiger, the woolly mammoth and of course, the dodo. The animals have been scattered around the planet once again, and put into areas that are suited for their living. Many Zoo's around the globe also requested and recieved some of those animals. The world is in awe. Animals that have never been seen alive in the past century or more, are now inhabiting our planet again. This is something incredible.

  • 2034

    9 /5

    Turkey threatens War on UFP
    Military action

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the turkish president just threatened UFP with war, if they don't stop expanding their influence and start trading with them again. He stated that the turkish people will not tolerate a company destroying the world and have everyone else just stand there and watch, while not intervening. Erdoğan gave UFP 2 month, to change their behavior, before he will start a war against them.

  • 2034

    27 /7

    1st Lieutenant Cielo's female only troop secures border to Turkey
    Military action

    As tensions rise and UFP did not follow the demands of Turkey, the UFP Federation secures it's borders to Turkey. This job was given to 1st Lieutenant Cielo and her female-only military unit. Many of the recruits in Greece are getting excited because they are so close to the border and hope to be put onto the battlefield if the situations would escalate to an armed conflict.

  • 2034

    30 /11

    General Cielo demands Turkey puts demilitarize their borders
    Political event

    General Cielo held a speech and demanded Turkey to demilitarize their borders, and to stop their military build-up. If they won't do it, General Cielo assures Turkey that they will be attacked by the UFP Army.

  • 2035

    31 /3

    Operation Henna-Night
    Life, Death

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was kidnapped in Kasımpaşa, Turkey, by an unkown UFP military unit while he attended a wedding. The UFP troops were also not seen at by anyone during the kidnapping, the only thing that was seen, was a armored truck with a UFP coat of arms on it, driving away. The same night, General Cielo, 1st Lieutenant Cielo and Head of Security Rogger Speer held a speech in which they talked about every mistake Turkey did, and how Erdoğan was a terrible dictator, all of them fired one shot form a handgun into Erdoğans chest and he was carried away by the UFP Security Force. The speech and execution was broadcasted live on TV.

  • 2035

    18 /5

    Alleged son of Shadow Council Member goes Viral
    Discovery, Exploration

    A guy in his early twenties has gone viral online for the ridiculous amounts of money he's throwing around with. Buying whole hotels, beaches, Yachts and more and displaying a crazy rich party life. Officials of the DSA are speculating he might be the son of a member of the Shadow Council. His name is "Mark Taddia" and he has also been seen playing jokes on UFP security guards, without any reprimands.

  • 2035

    2 /8

    UFP solves energy crisis
    Scientific achievement

    Dr. Stoci presented a new technology he created with his team. The presented item is a glowing yellow cube. Dr. Stoci explained how the Cube as a new sort of energy. Each house in the UFP Confederation will be fitted with one. The cube will wirelessly power any device in the houshold and with that, any energy production facility such as Nuclear powerplants, Hydroelectric power stations or Wind turbines are deconstructed, because they are not needed anymore.

  • 2036

    4 /1

    The Arrows kidnappings
    Criminal Activity

    The Arrows have started a kidnapping series around the world. They targeted only childrens of important politicians that sympathize with UFP. Elllias Graf himself was spotted shooting the bodyguards of one of their victims in Argentinia.

  • 2036

    30 /5

    Turkish Protests in UFP Confederation
    Civil action

    Turkish protestors have crossed the borders and entered the UFP Confederationin Greece. There they started protesting against the UFP regime over Europe, that they won't let Turkey join the UFP Confederation and the killing of Recep Erdoğan.

  • 2036

    12 /9

    UFP opens psychology facilities

    UFP has opened new psychological-treatement facility. They explained that due to the rise in mental illnesses, they have decided to found a Psychology-Departement. They will now offer free Therapy for all kind of mental problems. People are amazed by UFP's decision and many celebrate the increase in free healthcare programs.

  • 2036

    22 /12

    The Arrows head of propaganda
    Criminal Activity

    In an effort to push their believes o others, The Arrows robbed a military conoy that was transporting guns from Austin, TX to the frontlines of the American Civil war. Ellias Graf held a welcome speech for a new member of The Arrows: Pavel Kushnirenko, the new head of Propaganda. After that Pavel held a speech about how The Arrows are going to recruit many street gangs and criminal organizations, because otherwise they wont be able to stop UFP.

  • 2037

    13 /2

    UFP Reform of sexuality and gender identity laws
    Political event

    The UFP Confederationhad reformed their laws for sexuality and gender identity. The UFP Confederations government does only recognize male and female again from now on. Any type gender reassignment is now perhibited and any other sexuality than being Straight, Gay, Bi or Lesibian is now perhibited as well. The LGBTQ movement as a whole organization is also perhibited and the use of any LGBTQ flags will lead to an arrest. UFP explained this happened after the Muslim and Christian community were attacked by LGBTQ protesters in the last few years, and the UFP medical experts reevaluated many of these sexualities and gender identities and declared them as severe mental illnesses.

  • 2037

    1 /3

    26 /5

    LGBTQ-rights protests
    Civil action

    For almost 3 months, LGBTQ protestors have been marching through the streets of the UFP Confederation and destroying properties, buring down cars and buildings and vandalizing many other things. The protests were caused by UFP's latest law-reforms. Protestors also started attacking many innocent people, espevially elderly. Many people were killed, intentionally or accidentally by the protestors during that time. UFP authorities have not done anything about the protestors yet.

  • 2037

    26 /5

    30 /5

    UFP violently ends LGBTQ-protests
    Military action

    Roger Speer publically announced after a warning to the protestors, that was ignored by them, that UFP will now begin to stop the protests, since they have caused billions of Francs in damages and will not stop, if they are not stopped. Over the course of the next 4 days, UFP security troops started beating protestors, arresting them, running them over with vehiles, opening fire on them. Dr. Stoci announced that no protestor that was hurt by UFP Security forces because of the protests will recieve any medical attention. They are left to succumb to their injuries. This action lead to around 15 thousand arrests and 37 thousand deaths. After that, the remaining protestors gave up and tried to return home, only to see that all their homes were closed down and sold by UFP. The remaining protestors were left homeless and without any possessions.

  • 2037

    17 /6

    UFP advertises military academy
    Military action

    UFP has started extensively advertising their military academy. Posters, flyers, Television, Radio, on the Internet; the ads are everywhere. This has lead to an increase in recruits for the academy, because many young teenagers are attracted by the power UFP displays, and the very generous salaries they pay. The Cielos also went around from city to city to recruit teenagers themselves.

  • 2037

    14 /9

    UFP's campaign for clean healthy oceans
    Political event

    Dr. Stoci announced that he and his team have started a new project. They will work on ways and technologies to make the oceans healthier and cleaner again, as they used to be a long time ago. With that, UFP has once again increased the support they recieve form the people.

  • 2037

    7 /11

    UFP restricts and controlls fishing
    Political event

    Dr. Stoci has announced that from now on, UFP will be restricting the amout of fish that may be fished from the oceans for countries in the UFP Confederation. This will be controlled by patrol boats that will follow and monitor every fishing boat that comes from anywhere within the UFP Confederation.

  • 2037

    25 /12

    UFP bans humanitarian help to African and Middle eastern countries at war
    Political event

    UFP just banned any humanitarian and finanncial help for African and Middle eastern countries at war from the UFP Confederation. General Cielo explained that over the past half century, european countries have paid and invested more than a trillion dollars to these countries and nothing ever came from that. Instead, the money donated to these areas will no flow into development of the poorer areas in the UFP Confederation, such as eastern european or medditeranian countries. It was stated by Cielo that this will benefit the world a lot more, will increase the living quality in the UFP Confederation and many people agreed.

  • 2038

    31 /1

    UFP deploys Ocean cleaners
    Technological achievement

    UFP created artificial fish that are half mechanical and half organic. The fish come in many different forms and will swim through the oceans of the Earth to clean it from trash by eating up all of it, Dr. Stoci explained. The fish will also not be eaten by other fish oder predators because they emit a small electro-magnetic field that does not hurt others, but bothers them enough to not make them try eating the artificial fish.

  • 2038

    15 /2

    The Oceans are clean
    Geological / environmental event

    The artificial fish deployed by UFP have done it. In just 15 days, the fish have completly cleaned the oceans from any human trash. Dr. Stoci explained that they will not be removed from the oceans, but stay as a permanent "cleaner-upgrade" for Earths oceans. The fish will also be improved with the ability to get rid of oil or other substances in the oceans that shouldn't be there like microplastics.

  • 2039


    The Players attend the UFP Academy
    Life, Career

    With 15 years old, the players of this game join the UFP academy and over the course of 3 years are trained to be the future recruits for UFPs armed forces. In these 3 years they spend in Greece for their "apprenticeship" they earn their first own money, and get educated on a very high standart. They are now ready for their final test.