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Royal Norwood Julian

Ares/Norwood history
“But he'd seen how the world was”

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ares possesses vampiric abilities, so he has high agility, supernatural strength, and enhanced senses. He isn't skilled at hand-to-hand combat, so he overly relies on his vampiric abilities.

Body Features

Ares has long fangs and pink eyes. He's 5' 6", and has a lot of scars on his body, including one on the right side of his face, starting next to his right nostirl and goes nearly to his right ear

Identifying Characteristics

Ares has very long blonde hair, which he styles in a long braid. Whenever not styled, Ares' hair goes down to his upper thighs. Because he is one of the The Children of Dionysus, he has pink eyes which glow whenever it's dark, or he's experiencing strong emotions.

Special abilities

Increased strength, speed, enhanced senses and can heal upon drinking blood.

Apparel & Accessories

Ares tends to wear mostly dark or black clothing, as well as a cloak that covers the parts of his body he's insecure about; most commonly he'll wear jeans and a dark t-shirt underneath his cloak.

Specialized Equipment

Ares keeps a bow he's had since he was 13. Even though he now rarely uses it, he keeps it and occasionally uses it for battles. (See Norwood's crossbow)

Mental characteristics

Personal history

(See Norwood's backstory for information on what happened before this.)

After Norwood was left half-dead by one of Athena's guards, Anthony, Athena turned the barely alive Norwood; not out of mercy, but out of a want to get information about the human base in Phoenix. Norwood, newly turned, was brought to a cell. He was in excruciating pain, his body still adjusting to being a new vampire, but no one showed him mercy. As long as Athena, the vampire queen, was ruling over Fayarce, Norwood went through hell. He was interrogated, the vampires of the city slicing his skin with a silver knife, keeping his body from healing. Norwood didn't give in, though. Not for the first week. No matter what happened, he promised himself that he wasn't going to break, that he'd stay strong, even if they killed him. He promised himself that, but he wasn't able to keep his promise. 

One day, the vampire who had almost killed him suggested an idea. They would capture two humans that Norwood used to know and put them in the room with Norwood who hadn't eaten in a week. Norwood tried to resist his new vampiric urges, his body screaming at him to attack the humans. He couldn't resist, and he attacked the humans. He ripped out their throats, draining each of the humans of their blood. Norwood completely broke down and confessed everything he knew to the vampires, begging them to never make him attack humans ever like that again. [br
Norwood, while no longer being interrogated, still struggled. Unable to make himself drink blood, he quickly became underweight. He spent several months like this until the ruler of Fayarce changed. The old royal, Zeus, returned, taking the place of Athena. Zeus was much kinder than Athena, to say the least. He showed Norwood mercy, some of the only mercy he had experienced since he had become stuck in Fayarce. Even while Zeus was royal, he, unfortunately, wasn't able to do anything to help Norwood out of the situation he was in. He did what he could, dressing the other's wounds whenever the interrogations got particularly violent. Norwood was held captive for a long time, and his mental state continued to get worse and worse until mentally he began to break down. He didn't feel like himself. The man he once was had faded away. He wasn't a human anymore.

Whenever Norwood completely broke down, he was released from being held hostage, but he didn't try to escape. His mind was broken, and he struggled to function. He still couldn't make himself drink blood, the experience of his first time drinking from human scarring him. He starved himself until he was unable to hold himself back, then he would attack an animal, completely losing control until he had enough blood in his system to feel sane again. One day, about a year into Zeus being the royal of Fayarce, Zeus assigned one of his guards to act as a personal guard to Norwood. This guard was named Percy. Norwood, his mind too broken to trust anyone, even if it was someone who Zeus had assigned, so he spent most of his time in bed, trying to ignore Percy, and the only words he spoke to Percy being "fuck off." Percy didn't give up on Norwood though, repeatedly trying to speak to the other, even if he seemed to not make any progress. on a particularly bad stretch of Norwood not drinking, having not drank for five days, Percy made him an offer. He would offer him his own blood, as long as Norwood agreed to start drinking it regularly. Norwood didn't understand why he was doing this, expecting it to be some sort of trick, but he was so hungry he gave in and began to drink from Percy

Starting to drink Percy's blood was a turning point for Norwood. He began to put on weight, and also became progressively more friendly towards the other vampire. Norwood was absolutely terrified of touch, but the rare touch he got from Percy was different. It made him feel safe; the feeling of safety being something he hadn't experienced in a long time. 

After several more years of Norwood maturing and recovering, though he never felt like a human again. In addition to Percy, Norwood became close to Zeus, though he never learned much about Zeus' personal life. After several more years, in 2041, Zeus decided to go back to being a royal in his home in Germany. Before he left, he declared Norwood to be the new royal of the area, changing Norwood's name to Ares, as the royals naming themselves after Greek gods was a tradition of Fayarce. Ares became a powerful leader; though even then he struggled to drink blood, still relying on Percy's blood to take care of himself. As the months went by, his feelings for Percy only grew, until they became romantic in nature. He still hasn't told Percy about his feeling, too scared of rejection.

Gender Identity



Bisexual, homoromantic.


See Norwood for infomation.


Vampire royal of Fayarce.

Accomplishments & Achievements

See Norwood for infomation. Since being turned into a vampire, his only accompishment is becoming a royal.

Mental Trauma

Shortly after being turned, the vampires of Fayarce started to interrogate Ares, who still went by Norwood at the time. They showed him no mercy, attacking him with silver weapons to get him to talk. Norwood held up for a few weeks but eventually broke down as he had gone a week without blood. The vampires offered him a deal; if he gave in and gave them information about Phoenix, then they would feed him and he would never have to drink blood from a human. After Norwood gave in and told them everything he knew, they imminently turned on him, placing the starving vampire into a room with a friend he had known when he was younger. Norwood, completely unable to control himself, attacked his friend, crying as he did so.
After Norwood drank the blood of a human for the first time, he became terrifeid of drinking human blood again. So, he started to drink blood from another vampire, Anthony. Anthony was very manipulative, and would make Norwood to do whatever he wanted so Norwood could keep drinking his blood.

Intellectual Characteristics

Ares is cold, harsh, and quiet around people he doesn't know well. He's a risk-taker and is prone to self-destructive habits. He cries a lot in secret, continuing the mourn the life he once had.
Has haphephobia (fear of touch.)




Towards Ares




Towards Zeus


Local sad gay vampire. One of the main NPCs.

Character Location
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Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
23rd August
Pink, wide
Long blonde hair that goes down to his upper thighs whenever not styled. He typically styles his hair in a long braid, the parts that aren't styled being fluffy.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale enough to make it obvious that he's vampire.
5' 6"
130 lbs
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

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