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FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE Zeus and Hades history

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hades is lean, not overly muscular, but he is still incredibly powerful. Due to his vamprism, he has high agillty, supernatural strength, and enhanced senses.

Body Features

Hades has short and fluffy brown hair, is 6' 2", and has wine red eyes and short fangs.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rainer Vogel was born on February 2nd, 807 CE in Germany, the oldest of three brothers. Born to a family of peasants, he was very energetic and athletic as a child, as well as being sharp mentally. He always wanted more growing up, refusing to accept his life as a peasant, and rebelled against feudalism.

As he entered his teenage years, Rainer taught himself how to read, becoming the only one in his family who could read. He got every book he could find on ancient history and became obsessed with ancient Greek culture and mythology. In his late teens, he found a book detailing dark magic, including how to use it. That's when Rainer began to spiral. He spent all his time studying that book, searching for a way to become more powerful.

In Rainer's early twenties, he found the thing he had been searching for: a spell to become immortal and gain supernatural strength and speed. It took a human sacrifice; Rainer took the youngest of his brothers, Ottmar, who was thirteen at the time, and performed the spell.

Rainer summoned a demon, sacrificed Ottmar, and became the thing he had always wanted to be. The irises of Rainer's eyes turned red, he developed two long fangs, and he gained the power he always wanted. There was the side effect of Rainer now needing to drink human blood for sustenance, but that didn't bother Rainer. Shortly after turning into a vampire, Rainer ran away from his old life, seeking out more power, wanting to become a royal. At this time, he changed his name to what he goes by now, Hades. The demon stayed with him, allowing him to have power beyond what most vampires had, including magic.

Hades rose in the ranks quickly through becoming adopted by a noble family. Over the next twenty-five years, he became what he always wanted to be, a royal. He ruled with an iron fist, becoming drunk off of power.

Whenever those twenty-five years were over, he started to get bored. He traveled back to his old home to see his family, only to find that Gerhardt was the only one left. He was in his early forties now, and he was extremely shocked to see Hades, given that he had been assumed dead, and even more shocked that he appeared to not aged a day past the last time he had seen him whenever he was in his early twenties. Hades offered to explain everything to Gerhardt over wine and because Gerhardt had never gotten to try the wine before due to its rarity, he accepted.

Hades had mixed the wine with some of his own blood, knowing that by consuming his blood Gerhardt would become a creature like him. Whenever Gerhardt took his first drink of the wine-blood mixture, he imminently started to feel nauseated, but he tried to ignore it, thinking he was having some sort of digestive issue relating to the wine. Nausea kept getting worse until he was in unbearable pain. Gerhardt's appearance began to change rapidly, his body being transformed into that of a vampire. In a panic, he asked his brother what was happening, to which Hades explained that he was going to be just like him; immortal.

Hades gave Gerhardt the name Zeus. Zeus was terrified, not knowing what to do. So, he listened to Hades, doing what he wanted out of fear of the thing he had become. For centuries, Zeus followed Hades as he became incredibly powerful. However, Hades made a fatal error; he left the book of dark magic out one day, and Zeus investigated, wanting more information on who he had become. That's whenever Zeus saw the page on becoming immortal; the thing standing out to him being that it requires a sacrifice. That's when it all clicked; Hades had murdered his little brother to become a vampire.

Zeus confronted Hades, and Hades confessed what had happened. He showed no remorse, telling Zeus that one peasant's life in exchange for all this power was the right choice. Zeus, furious at Hades, immediately ran away from the royal. (See Zeus for more information on his side of the backstory.)

Hades spent the next centuries alone, becoming bitter and progressively more power-hungry. No matter what he had, it was never enough. He grew an empire, unknown to the human world, where he became a powerful royal amongst vampires. Because he had been turned by a demon, he was far more powerful than most vampires.

Once the war between humans and vampires broke out, Hades become one of the most powerful royals. He ruled over a large part of Germany, which is where he continues to rule today.

Gender Identity





Everything Hades know he taught himself. Because he grew up a peasant, he received no formal education.


Vampire royal

Intellectual Characteristics

Hades is sharp, quick thinking, and is skilled at manipulative.

Morality & Philosophy

The the ends always justify the means.

Personality Characteristics



Likes & Dislikes

  • Human blood, won't drink anything else.
  • Board games
  • Strong smells
  • Animals and were-animals, esipecially the smell and taste of their blood.
  • Losing control


Contacts & Relations

Zeus Very poor, the two have a lot of bad blood between them.

Social Aptitude



Unhinged, threatening whenever he wants to be, which is often.



Brother (Important)

Towards Zeus




Brother (Important)

Towards Hades



Finn Vogel


Towards Hades




Towards Finn Vogel




Towards Persephone Vogel

Persephone Vogel


Towards Hades

Wealth & Financial state

Very wealthy
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Royal, Lord
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
February 2nd
Persephone Vogel (spouse)
Zeus (Brother)
Current Residence
Red, wide
Fluffy, medium length brown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, inhumanly so.
6’ 2”
Known Languages
German, English, Latin, and Greek.
Ruled Locations

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