Obsidian Clutch

The Obsidian Clutch is one of the most feared and formidable clutches within the Chromatic Horde, an organization that operates less in the shadows and more at the forefront to further the Hoard's rebellion against the Silverhost Empire. Comprised primarily of black chromatic dragonborn, this clutch is known for its blunt, forceful and boisterous operations.  
Clutch Chieftain:
Draekorax Amonyx is a formidable figure among the Chromatic Horde. His scales are as dark as the abyss, glistening with an eerie, obsidian sheen. His physical presence commands respect, his obsidian-black armor is covered in magical wards. What stands out most, however, is his right eye and side of that face, which has been replaced with an arctec bionic and metal mask that matches his armor. To have survived such a grievous wound is a symbol of his resilience and strength. His leadership is marked by unwavering determination and a keen strategic mind.  
Specialized Training:
Members of the Obsidian Clutch undergo rigorous training in the arts of combat, military strategy, and astral travel. They have learned to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, and then strike when it is least expected.  
Acidic Expertise:
As black chromatic dragonborn, members of the Obsidian Clutch possess the natural ability to exhale corrosive acid breath. They have honed this skill to lethal precision, using it to incapacitate or eliminate adversaries when necessary.  
Elite Operations:
The clutch is often called upon to carry out high-stake missions, such as the siege of enemy strongholds, extracting hostages, and sabotaging key Silverhost installations.  
Hidden Safehouses:
The Obsidian Clutch maintains a network of hidden safehouses throughout the Neptaverse, where they store supplies, weapons, and crucial intelligence. These safehouses serve as secure bases of operations.  
Bionic Augmentations:
Many members of the Obsidian Clutch, like their chieftain, have received arctec bionic enhancements to improve their capabilities. These augmentations may include enhanced vision, cybernetic limbs, or other modifications that make them more efficient on the battlefield.  
Clutch Loyalty:
The members of the Obsidian Clutch share a profound sense of loyalty to their chieftain and their cause. They view each other as a tight-knit family and rely on one another's skills and support during dangerous missions.  
The Obsidian Clutch is motivated by a shared goal of challenging the oppressive rule of the Silverhost Empire and a hereditary need for revenge for their near eradication in the Empire's earliest days.


Draekorax, Chieftain of the Obsidian Clutch
Illicit, Rebel


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