Atlas of the Neptaverse in 9V


  • Jorsekun
    The Capital World of the Silverhost Empire. Home to the Capa-Senatorum and the Ulv Stone Gate, this world is the lynchpin of the Empire.
  • The Grand Capital
    Cornerstone, the Grand Capital of the Silverhost Empire
  • Planets of the Empire
  • Albürn
    Albürn is the Northernmost habitable continent in the world of Jorsekun. The continent is covered in mountains of glacial peaks and stone plateaus that create a bleak environment.
  • Glenora
    Jorsekun's second continent with a L'Astra Porta gate.
  • Ghal
    A bleak icy landscape filled with humongous mountain ranges cover most of this continent.
  • Loup d'Guerre
    Loup d’Guerre owes its prosperity to the Sapan Milk industry. The continent is home to two forests, the Nor and Sud that produce almost 30 percent of the Empire's Sapan Milk industry. These farms are tended to by the Magistrate Farmer Union with ancestral lineage ties to the founders of the early Empire. They employ hundreds of thousands of workers who tend row upon row of milked trees split only by the river veins that span the entirety of the continent.
The Neptaverse is a vast place with a wide variety of habitable planets. This is where details of the planets belonging to the Empire can be found.




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