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"A world of political intrigue within an inter planar empire"  

The Silverhost Empire is a collection of habitable planets located within relatively neighboring wildspace systems when considering the entirety of the Neptaverse. These planets, that have housed life for thousands of millennia, have evolved into an interplanetary and inter planar realm connected by a set of arcane portal gates made in an unknown time by an unknown people. The empire as a whole spans trillions of light years, an impossible distance for space travel making these arcane gates, the L'Astra Porta what the Silverhost is founded upon.

The Empire is governed by the Capa-Senatorum, the House of the Warden-Elects, the all powerful, oversight electorate. It consists of a large number of racial compositions and galactic representatives from every corner and angle of the Neptaverse. This Empire, like all empires before it, is always expanding; reliant on the growth and the industry that comes with it. Expansion has become the focus of the Warden-Elects and with that expansion, comes an exponential increase in the number of threats.

The Church of the Reflection Creed has a symbiotic relationship with the Capa-Senatorum in the role of governorship. The Silverhost Empire is dedicated to the God of Balance, the Argent and his delegated Divine Family of deities. Because of this, their power to guide decisions among the elected officials is tremendous.

Empire spanning Corpo-Guilds are a large aspect of the Empire's political power. Every industry within the Empire is run by monopolistic guilds that use arcane technologies to collect vast resources and fund the Empire's expansion. These guilds have tremendous interest in the decisions of the Capa-Senatorum and use their gold to manipulate its members.

Together, the Magistrate and its Capa-Senatorum, the Church of the Reflection Creed and the Corpo-Guilds of the Silverhost form the three pillars of the Empire's governing institutions.
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Threats to the Empire's longevity come from everywhere, including within. Its short history is wrought with civil feuds and expansionist wars that have nearly destroyed itself on numerous occasions. Its hold on the collected galaxies is not a certain one and the trio of Capa-Senatorum, the Church and the Corpo-Guilds are a political viper pit of power hungry planetary motivations.

The union that is the Silverhost is in a constant struggle to maintain the control of the irreplaceable system of astral gates that connect their planets. These bridged planets have a large militaristic presence on each that protect the gate itself and the cities that have built up around them. Their importance to the realm is paramount, without them there would be no inter galactic Empire. They allow anyone and anything to freely travel between them, giving the ability to the Silverhost to rapidly transport the entirety of their forces across their domain. Through this system, the risk becomes minimal compared to the chaos and dangers the Astral Sea provides.

The discovery of more of these gates has become the key to expansion for the Empire. Finding new gates enables the cycle of industry to continue unabated. This cycle has existed since the Empire's founding. Well funded galactic exploration guilds, also known as the trade planet hopping, send convoys of ships that sail the gates and beyond in search of traces of more portals of this ancient system. The large industry guilds that finance the exploratory guilds, cooperate with the Capa-Senatorum in exchange for rights to the contracts for the harvestable resources. This symbiotic relationship can be tenous and there are often inter-empire squabbles and alliance shifting with different factions within the realm vying for power.

The uncovering of a new branch of L'Astra-Porta is a sure way to become generationally rich and live the rest of your days in fame. For some of the captains and crews of these star sailing ships, that is what drives them, to live in history or at least die trying. This is even more true for those that scout the Outer Planes. Where physics and logic itself start to bend and then bend some more until they break completely.

There are an uncountable number of planets belonging to the planes of existence in the Neptaverse. Prime among them are the Trinity Planes in which Gods exert their will or influence over all the other planes. The Reflection Planes of the Mater, the Ferrix and the Umbrak are most bound by the natural laws of physics. They act as the theatre in which the Divine Family and the other Gods source their power.   The planets with discovered gates reside mostly in the plane of the Mater and though there are a number of other gates through the twin dualities of the Reflection Planes and beyond, the Silverhost remains solely an empire of the material realm. Factions within the Trinity Planes and the Fiendish Planes have forever been entangled in a metaphoric good versus evil battle that remains a balance neither has been able to tilt in their own favour.

And here we are as the balance continues....