Saturday Session 2: A Voice in the Dark Report

General Summary

The Cambion in the Cell

      The echoing words reverberated through the chamber, sending a chill down their spines. "Visitors... Finally." The group descended into the depths of Sahd Nanuial Prison , their steps resounding against the cold stone floor. As they reached the guard station, their eyes fell upon a formidable wall of stone, adorned with a rough iron door composed mostly of bars, granting them a glimpse into the impenetrable darkness beyond. A sense of solitude pervaded the air, and they stood there, feeling strangely alone amidst the oppressive silence.   It was within this foreboding setting that they learned of the captive who had been imprisoned for a most peculiar reason - for bringing too much joy. The name on everyone's lips was Malachoz the Debaucher. Faenor, with his vast knowledge, had heard whispers of a being who once dwelled in Beaumar, a being of mixed demon and fae heritage, who had mysteriously vanished and found themselves on the wrong side of the law. The unlikely captors of this enigmatic figure were none other than the moon elves of Sahd Nanuial , known to eschew such pursuits. It was a baffling tale, one that had unfolded centuries ago in the realm they now found themselves in.   The revelation that Malachoz was unaware of his mother's identity only deepened the enigma surrounding him. His father, Graz'zt, was a name that resonated solely with Faenor. Malachoz, a prince of the abyss, possessed an allure and seductiveness that defied description. His father's conquest of three layers within the infinite realm of the abyss spoke of the magnitude of his power.   A glimmer of Malachoz's past emerged as they uncovered the fact that he had once visited Calimbar, an elf-dominated city of significance. The purpose of his visit remained shrouded in mystery, but the mere thought of a being part-demon, with piercing red eyes, being present in such a place filled their minds with intrigue and curiosity.   Lyra, ever compassionate, attempted to assuage Malachoz's plight by sending waves of warmth to his frigid skin. In gratitude, he bestowed upon her a small yellow stone, a precious gift given to him by his sister Isolde. The stone possessed a sacred aura and could only be wielded by a person of great holiness. It was a stone of heat metal, an object that represented everything Malachoz yearned for - warmth. And yet, he could not harness its power.   In a fascinating turn of events, Faenor utilized the sacred gem to cast a spell, causing the bars of Malachoz's prison to radiate with heat. The captive prince reveled in the newfound warmth, a sly smile playing upon his lips, as if he had orchestrated a cunning deception. To Faenor, he offered a key and instructed him to take it to the veiled market, where an associate awaited. Malachoz's eyes gleamed with an unsettling malevolence as the bars glowed red-hot under the intense heat.   Faenor, recognizing the need to divert Lyra's incessant chatter, passed the key to her, hoping to quell her curiosity. In an unexpected act of generosity, Lyra bestowed her entire wealth upon Callun, realizing that his motives were driven by profit rather than material wealth.   Leaving Malachoz behind, the group pressed onward, their minds brimming with questions. Lyra could not resist inquiring about the nature of the treasure hidden within Malachoz's realm. With a cryptic smile, he replied that the true treasure lay in the friendships forged along the perilous journey. And he entrusted them with a message for Aurendil , bidding them to express his gratitude.   As they bid their enigmatic acquaintance farewell, they couldn't help but notice the sinister expression etched upon Malachoz's face. But Lyra, ever hopeful and seeing beauty in the darkest of places, clung to the belief that there was still a chance for redemption, even if the reality painted a different picture.  

Aurendil's disapointment

  Leaving the somber Sahd Nanuial Prison behind, the group stepped out into the open, relieved to find no arrows pointing in their direction. Their eyes scanned the surroundings, searching for a place to rest for the night. A cave presented itself as a safe refuge, offering shelter from the night's embrace. Settling in, they took a moment to catch their breath and collect their thoughts.   Their attention turned to the key they had received, a magnificent golden key adorned with a black gem and three delicate flowers. Its intricate design piqued their curiosity, urging them to decipher its purpose. Leeland, ever resourceful, delved into studying the art of crafting Molotov bombs using flowers, while Tempest honed his skills with a short sword, preparing for the challenges that lay ahead.   As night enveloped them, Leeland took up the first watch, keen eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. Callun, Faenor, and Lyra sought solace in meditation, seeking guidance and inner peace. Tempest, exhausted from their recent trials, succumbed to a deep slumber.   In the midst of Leeland's watch, a radiant light pierced through the darkness, drawing their attention. From within the luminosity, a voice echoed, resonating with disappointment. It was Aurendil himself, manifesting before them. His words carried a weight of admonishment, indicating that they had failed his test. However, a glimmer of hope emerged as he granted them another chance to set things right. With that, he vanished, leaving behind a resolute condition—they would only see him again if they could rectify their mistakes.   Faenor, lost in the depths of his meditation, beseeched the divine for insight. In the realm of his prayers, he glimpsed the truth—they were being tested, and in their first endeavor, they had fallen short. The solution, he sensed, was within reach, possibly attainable through the aid of the moon elves and, perchance, even Aurendil himself. Yet, they had been left to unravel the riddles and challenges on their own. This continuation of the test demanded their perseverance and ingenuity, for they were the architects of their redemption.   As the weight of their failure settled upon their hearts, a newfound determination ignited within the group. Their resolve was unyielding—they would not falter again. With the dawn of a new day, they rose from their temporary respite, ready to face the trials that awaited them, armed with the lessons learned and the hope of redemption guiding their every step. For the path ahead would not be easy, but their spirits burned with the desire to emerge victorious, to prove themselves worthy of the divine's favor once more.  

The Night of the Gremishaka

  The night of the Gremishaka had befallen the weary group, with Callun assuming the responsibility of the second watch. Unfortunately, his attempts to remain vigilant were thwarted by a lapse in focus, as he unwittingly slipped into a meditative state. In the depths of his trance, a sudden onslaught befell him—a malevolent creature, unseen and unknown, launched a vicious attack.   The unknown assailant swiftly incapacitated Callun, followed by Leeland, leaving them defenseless against the relentless assault. Tempest, roused from his slumber by the harrowing screams of his companions, confronted the malevolent creature head-on. However, the odds were stacked against him as he valiantly fought, his efforts only managing to mortally wound one of the gremishaka.   Amidst the chaos, Faenor and Lyra were awakened by the cacophony of the battle, their hearts pounding with fear for their friends. Faenor awoke to find a monstrous rodent sinking its teeth into his face, a searing pain coursing through his body. In a desperate bid to protect his comrades, Leeland unleashed a fiery bolt at one of the gremishaka, injuring it but failing to deliver a killing blow.   Yet, misfortune befell them, for as the creature was wounded, a surge of magical energy emanated from its being, inflicting further harm upon those already unconscious. It seemed as though it had some sort of magical allergy to the magic. Luckily the other grimshaka were far enough away or else it would have been the end of them all. The situation grew direr as Lyra, having regained consciousness with Faenor Arvala's aid, Lyra attempted to stabilize Callun, only to be immediately targeted by another ferocious attack, rendering her unconscious once more. She lay there, her life hanging by a thread, beside the motionless form of Callun.   In a race against time, Faenor dashed to Lyra's side, utilizing his divine abilities to restore her to a fragile state of awareness. With her life temporarily preserved, he turned his attention to Callun, reviving him from the brink of death. However, their respite was short-lived, as Callun, too, was swiftly assaulted and rendered unconscious once more. The dire situation pressed upon them, with the relentless assault threatening to claim their lives.   Leeland, fueled by a mix of courage and desperation, struck with precision, obliterating the rat that had clamped its jaws on Callun's face. The scars that adorned Callun's visage would forever bear witness to the ordeal he endured. Tempest continued his relentless assault, slicing through the air with his blade, delivering a critical hit that grievously wounded one of the gremishaka.   In the face of imminent peril, Faenor unleashed his restorative powers, mending the fractures in Callun's spirit and bestowing him with renewed strength. Miraculously, Callun sprang to action, his vengeance unleashed upon the relentless gremishaka. With each swing of his weapon, he decimated the nimble cat like creature, eliminating the immediate threat and securing a momentary reprieve for the group.   As the night waned, Faenor assumed the next watch, his gaze unwavering as he stood guard, ensuring the safety of his companions. The remaining hours passed without incident, thanks to the collective efforts of the group, united in their determination to protect one another. However, the seeds of suspicion began to sprout within Lyra's's mind, casting a wary eye upon Callun due to his white hair. Nonetheless, she strived to see the best in him, her faith in their shared purpose unwavering.   In the aftermath of the harrowing encounter, Leeland, ever the bearer of knowledge, revealed that the creatures that had assailed them were born from the mishap of a novice spellcaster. These malevolent beings harbored an insidious grudge against magic-users, their appetite for magical spells and artifacts insatiable. They would employ the guise of whimpering children, luring unsuspecting victims into their traps. Spells cast upon these creatures held the potential to rebound upon the caster and explode, endangering all nearby. The presence of a single gremishaka was often indicative of a larger, more menacing swarm lying in wait, ready to strike.  

Face to Face with the moon elves

  Awakening to a new day, the group embarked on their journey towards the moon elves, a wary understanding of the tenuous relationship between high elves and moon elves lingering in their minds. moon elves, known for their fanaticism and a belief in their pivotal role in shaping history by vanquishing evil, did not welcome intruders into their territory. Venturing into their domain meant potential hostility and unwelcome consequences.   For a day, they traveled, a watchful gaze upon them every step of the way. Lyra's, driven by her determination, called out to seek guidance from the moon elves. However, her words were met with an arrow that narrowly missed her feet, a clear message demanding their departure. Undeterred, Faenor stepped forward, proclaiming their intent to rectify their mistakes, pleading for an opportunity to make amends. A moon elf emerged from the shadows, a stern figure adorned in mithril armor, her pale bluish skin contrasting with her black hair.   Standing before them, the moon elf did not need positioned her bow firmly before her, there were already many bows pointed at the heroes. She reiterated their unwelcome presence and demanded their immediate departure. Faenor, undeterred, reached deep within himself, invoking the blessings of Corellon. Surprisingly, the moon elf responded, granting him the blessings of Selune, the goddess of the moon. A glimmer of hope emerged as Faenor attempted to charm the stern moon elf, explaining their genuine intentions to right their wrongs, despite their uncertainty of how to do so.   The moon elf revealed the reverence the moon elves held for Aurendil, acknowledging their trust in his wisdom when he instructed them to allow the group entry into the prison where Malachoz, the captive demon, was held. However, the moon elves struggled to maintain their faith in Aurendil, their trust wavered by the release of Malachoz by Lyra's and Faenor. Aurendil had assured the moon elves that matters would be set right.   In response to Lyra's's question about Malachoz, the moon elf revealed his sinister nature. Known as Malachoz the Debaucher, he preyed upon the people of Beaumar, a demon whose name sent shivers down the spine of those who knew of him. Legends whispered of hidden passages and forgotten chambers beneath Beaumar's surface, where untold treasures and ancient spirits lay. Few who ventured into those depths returned, their fate unknown. It was in these treacherous depths, within the labyrinth built in Malachoz's name, that the group must confront the demon and seek to rectify their mistakes.   Malachoz, his very name meaning "evil power," remained an enigma to Lyra's, yet the moon elves' declaration that he needed to be stopped filled her with determination. Pledging to make right their wrongs, even if it meant facing certain death, Lyra's assured the moon elves of their commitment. Tempest, inquisitive as ever, sought to know the source of the moon elves' mithril armor. The answer came, revealing that the mithril was obtained from Mithril Hold, adding another layer to their understanding of the moon elves' connections and resources.   With arrows aimed at their backs, the group departed the moon elves' domain, their lives spared but left without a source of water. Thirst consumed them, and the water genasi among them, Tempest, lacked the ability to conjure water. The desperate need for sustenance and hydration lingered as they continued their journey towards Beaumar, knowing that perilous trials awaited them in the labyrinth that bore Malachoz the Debaucher's name, better known to the locals of Beaumar as Veiled Catacombs.  

Drow in the night

  Seeking respite and sustenance, the group stumbles upon a cave with a pool of water. With desperation driving them, they drink from the water, only to realize that bat guano contaminates it. Lyra's swiftly employs her prestidigitation to cleanse the water as best she can, while Leeland collects some of the guano. Though not ideal, their thirst quenched, they press on, delving deeper into the cave.   As they progress, they come across a hole into which water cascades endlessly. Faenor discovers a rope ladder, and Tempest allows him to descend first. Taking caution, Tempest conceals the hole with a rock as he makes his descent. One by one, they descend the rope ladder, reaching a ramp that leads further underground. At the top of the ramp, they discover a small cave in the wall, providing a potential resting spot.   Their respite is abruptly interrupted as a group of drow approaches up the ramp while they sleep. Lyra's instinctively uses mold earth to conceal them, but their presence is revealed when Callun peeks out through a narrow opening. Swiftly adapting to the situation, Lyra's manipulates the earth to create an opening in the hidden door, allowing them to engage the drow from behind as they ascend the ramp. Little did she know that the power to manipulate earth came from the Pan's Flute her grandmother gave her, allowing her once a day to cast shape stone.   Aware of the drow's deadly arrows, Lyra's implores the group not to engage. Faenor constructs a makeshift manikin using his armor and luggage, designed to deceive the drow. Lyra's lowers a portion of the wall, while Tempest employs the spell "Gust" to blow three of the drow off the edge, their screams echoing through the depths.   Meanwhile, Leeland and Callun take aim, launching arrows at a drow climbing down the rope ladder. Their attack strikes true, swiftly dispatching the drow before he can react. Lyra's, seeking a peaceful resolution, heals the captured drow and secures him with restraints. However, discord erupts when Leeland unexpectedly strikes the captive drow with a punch, prompting Callun to draw his bow and aim at the drow. Lyra's intervenes, pushing Callun to prevent him from harming the captive. In a selfless act, Faenor shields Lyra's, taking the arrow meant for her.   Struggling to restore peace, Lyra's attempts to reason with everyone, hoping to find common ground. The drow confesses to his miserable existence, and as the conversation continues, tensions rise once again. Provoked by a comment about his family, Callun launches a ferocious attack, stabbing the drow with his dagger. In a desperate bid to retaliate, the drow breaks free from his bonds and hurls a poisonous dagger at Callun, inflicting significant damage before succumbing to his wounds. His dying words condemn the elves, reinforcing the drow's beliefs about their evil nature.   Faenor quickly halts the poison's effects, using his abilities to heal Callun's injuries. Tempest takes charge, dragging the lifeless drow away, while Lyra's sits, overwhelmed by a sense of defeat and betrayal from her companions. In her heart, she ponders the drow's hatred towards surface dwellers and wonders if their hostility stems from acts such as these. She yearns to delve into the drow's culture, seeking to understand and eventually foster peace between their society and others.   Regaining their composure, Faenor discovers a new resting spot, and the rest of the night passes without interruption. Though the events have left them disheartened, the group prepares themselves for the trials that lie ahead, their resolve to make amends unyielding.  

Back to Beaumar

  After deliberation, the group decides to climb out of the cave and return to Beaumar. It is now Tempesember 10th. While hunting for food, Callun shoots a stag but hears a branch break in the forest, alerting him to the presence of four drow tracking them from about 200 feet away. The drow communicate through sign language, and Callun manages to warn the group. Lyra's suggests avoiding a fight and simply moving on, but the group has other plans.   Lyra Spectralsong shouts in Elvish, expressing her desire for peace and to return home without further conflict, hoping that everyone will go their separate ways. However, Tempest casts a fog cloud and hides behind a tree, while Lyra's uses minor illusion to create the illusion of the group running in a different direction. The drow fall for the illusion and run past the group.   Finding a safe place to rest, Lyra's sets up an alarm system using strings and bells, while Faenor and Leeland construct a basic swing trap to capture anyone who runs through. Callun creates his own alarm system, and Tempest, though limited in his abilities, offers his support. The night passes without incident, granting them some much-needed rest.   Gathering their trap materials, the group continues their journey on Tempesember 11th. Faenor detects that they are being followed by the drow once again. Though the drow do not seem to be on their immediate trail, they remain vigilant and manage to avoid confrontation thanks to Faenor's attentiveness. They reach the edge of the forest and find a momentary respite from the drow's pursuit.   Able to sleep without disturbance, they still harbor a sense of paranoia regarding the drow's presence. They venture into the plains and, for the first time, feel as though they are no longer being followed. They rest once again, enjoying an easier journey on Tempesember 13th. Another uneventful rest follows, and it is now Tempesember 14th. Though the travel has been quiet, the weather remains stormy.   Finding shelter from the storm, they fall a bit behind but manage to find a safe hiding spot. After a few days, Tempest encounters Delu, a water elemental approaching their camp. Fortunately, Tempest knows Aquan, the language spoken by the elemental, and assures it that they mean no harm. The elemental explains that it is searching for a diamond taken from its lake. Tempest promises to keep an eye out for the diamond and return it if found. The diamond contains swirling water within and serves as a gateway to the water plane when broken. The water elemental ensures their safety as they rest.   Finally, they reach the bridge of Beaumar, marking the end of their journey for now.
The real treasure is the friends we made along the way.
— Malachoz the Debaucher
Shards of the Sundering
Lyra Spectralsong
Leeland Magnus
CN Dwarf (Clan Crafter)
Artificer 1
10 / 10 HP
Faenor Arvala
CN High Elf (Noble)
Paladin 2
25 / 25 HP
Callon Dawnfall
Neutral good Wood elf (Criminal)
Rouge 1
8 / 8 HP
Tempest Magnus
Chaotic Good Water Genasi (Sailor)
Sorcerer of Storm Sorcery 5
33 / 33 HP
Report Date
20 May 2023
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