Ælsh A fractured land, where magic shapes the world and heroes write history.

Saturday: Tempusember the 18th, 1083 / Wednesday: Dawn's Rise, 1083

Created by

Writers Team

Welcome to the world of Aelsh, a place of wonder, danger, and ancient mysteries. It is a world where powerful magic, legendary heroes, and dangerous creatures roam the land, and where the fate of nations hangs in the balance.


Long ago an event happened, a great cataclism known as the Sundering split the continent of Aerndor in two. The people who survived this upheaval struggled to rebild their shattered land, creating new kingdoms, cities and cultures in the aftermath.


Over the centuries, Aelsh has been shaped by powerful forces, from the rise and fall of empires to the machinations of god, fiends, and fey alike. It is a place where ancient ruins, hidden treasures, and terrible monsters await those brave enough to seek them out.


Yet, despite its many dangers, Aelsh is also a world of great beauty, where towering mountains, vast forests, and shimmering seas can take your breath away. It is a world of adventure and discovery, where heroes can make their mark and legends can be born.


So come, explore the world of Aelsh, and see what wonders and terrors await you in this realm of magic and mystery.
