Session 35: Adventures back to Ardenia by Lyra Spectralsong It's Ravenqueensea 11th roughly 8pm

We are in the temple of Woe aka E'moncitriem. We take a long rest. Lyra wakes up early and gets Tempest Magnus and lufyer and Hazel Arden and takes them to their mission. They are going to go gather the barbarian armies in the south before heading to ardenia. She leaves a note for Faenor Arvala. As they start to leave, an orc ends up escorting them to a dragon with instructions to fly us all to Greatspear to infiltrate Adenizeal. WE tell the orc that we need to go to the river to take a boat down. Our goal is to rally barbarians as allies.   We start walking there and tell the orc that he can get permission and pick us up later, but we are heading out. Faenor Arvala and Leeland Magnus are left behind. Their mission is to go back to Forgestone to try and amass an army there. We get to a cave in a mesa where we find a dead guy who is about a month dead. He has wounds all over his body and he is missing his clothes. We do speak with dead and learn that he was a paid guide leading a person. This person's name was Glen Amberson. Amberson ended up killing a person, and when this guy said they needed to call authorities. Glen Amberson then made him strip down and then hunted him until he succumbed to his wounds. Glen Amberson was a noble from Pontimude.   We go through the backpack here and find a handkerchief with the initials G.A. We also see fairly freshly killed birds in the area.   We decide this isn't our business and decide to leave. Lufir does take the handkerchief. As hazel walks out of the cave, she is struck by an arrow. This is followed by Tempest and Lyra getting hit as well. However, Lufir is able to see that he is hiding 600 feet away. This allows Tempest the opportunity to cast Ice Storm successfully hitting this asshole. We decide to head over there and find a lot of holes dug, but do not find Glen.   It seems he has escaped us. We are worried that he may try to hunt us down if we continue. Lufir summons 8 giant badgers. We detect that he is 600 feet further away and send the badgers after him. This does put him on the run. We decide to head back out. We get to the bank of the river around night fall.   We find some ripped clothing, blood, a steak in the ground and a piece of cut rope attached to the stake. We figure out that Amberson made it here, and took a boat to escape the badgers. We take our boat and Tempest is able to get us down the river really quickly. We get to a stop and hear a ruckus coming from an inn.   Inside the inn, we see Glen telling a story to a group of military men. We barge in and interrupt his story shouting he's the one who attacked up. Lyra goes to destroy him, but Tempest stops her by telling her that she will become the monster she looks like if she does this.   Lyra convinces them of the truth, but they don't actually give a fuck, because Glen is the uncle of the captain of the group, and he has the same psychotic eyes that Glen has.   Tempest Banishes Glen causing a moment of confusion. They decide to let us leave though. As we leave, Tempest tells them about the invading army. Tempest ends up starting a fight with wording things poorly.   It gets really insane, but we kill that fucker Glen and leave one soldier alive to report back to Pontimunde the threat here. We burned the inn down, but gave the innkeeper gems to more than cover the cost.   We take a long rest. The next morning, we are get in our boat and because we can travel 17 miles per hour we get really far. All the way down to Black Tusk. We see some barbarians.   It's Ravenqueensea 12th roughly 4pm.   We advise the barbarians of the invading army. They agree to notify all the tribes in this area. A blue dragon shows up and takes us on our way to GreatSpear. We get there around midnight.   We land just outside of Ardenia. We see that the invaders banners are hung everywhere. WE learn that Hazel was previously supposed to be married to someone named Light Lockmarche....who is from Adenizeal.   Hazel ran away away and married Tempest, and immediately consummate their marriage so that she will no longer be desirable to this Light Lockmarche fellow.   We sneak into the city through the sewers. We find an inn to sleep in.   It's now Ravenqueensea 13th 8am   We talk to Hazel and she wants to go confront her parents about marrying Tempest and how she isn't going to to marry Light Lockmarche.   Lyra tries to talk her out of it. Lufir talks her into taking Tempest around the city while Lufir and Lyra go gather some information.   They learn that back when this city was Verdeau, this city easily bent the knee to the invaders of Greatspear, and now they've done it again to the Adenizeal invaders.   The king and Queen are still in place, but report to Adenizeal. Anyone who is holding onto the idea of Greatspear and claim to be Greatspeareans are being killed.   The Adenizeal city appeared magically in this area and is blocked by a magical barrier.   WE meet back up with Hazel and convince her that she should at very least go to her parents secretly. Not through the front door. She takes us through a secret passage way. Lyra makes everyone invisible and Lufir casts pass without a trace.   WE get to the throne room. Only her father is sitting there. Hazel insists on talking to him. Her and Tempest go poof in front of the father. Hazel tells her father that she is now married to Tempest and possibly pregnant with his child. Lufir and Lyra are still invisible in the halls.   Hazel's father is confused, because Hazel is supposed to be engaged to Light Lockmarche.   At that moment a 6ft tall handsome muscular man walks in. It's Light. He doesn't seem to concerned with any of this. It's kind of weird. Light offers to become acquaintances with both Hazel and Tempest and see the city. Tempest says they are just going to leave, but Light asks if they can have a conversation first.   The king leaves the room to let them all talk.   LIght actually seem a little sympathetic to them feeling weird and out of place here. His parents are dead and some guy named Thandius is ruling, and Light can't become ruler until he's 25, so he must do what he is told. He doesn't believe in any of this. His people are worshiping this new goddess Salfa now and they used to worship Lathander. It's all very strange to him. He doesn't actually want to be a conqueror. He tells them that Xantoine has joined their military recently, and Light believes he will ruin everything they stand for. Light thinks that Thandius doesn't really appreciate Light as the next ruler and wants to rule the entire world.   Xantoine wants to lead a bunch of orcs and have them integrate with humans. Light does not think this would be a possible or good thing for Adenizeal.   Their plan is to take over all civilized cities. Verdeau , Windspire, and Greatspear are in up heaval and/or fighting back. They've so far taken over Ardenia and Valtara.   Tempest asks how they could get into the city, and Light tells them that he could get them in.   Lufir detects that Light is a very strategic person and may be saying what he thinks would go over best with Tempest and Hazel.   lufir decides to follow Light when he retreats. Lyra follows after Hazel and Tempest to keep an eye on them.   Lufir sees that Light rights down his events in his journal. He writes about Hazel being naive and foolish but headstrong. He just continues to read over his shoulder.   Hazel is in her childhood room telling Tempest about it.   This is where we end.   It's now Ravenqueensea 13th 12pm


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