
Dynatins are a people who live 10,000 ft up on a rock where they have an egaletarian government, their laws are all oral tradition. They have hot gysers that shoot up pools of hot water. The water brings up a dense obsidian sand. They produce a very rare silk that is said to be made by taking the silk from a Queen of the Night Caterpillar though the caterpillars only live for mere weeks if they are not hibernating. They use this silk to make a very strong cloth that gives the same defence as chain mail and is considered light armor. They are self sufficent in everything, they have their own gardens and livestock and they need nothing from the lower lands. When a child reaches the age of 10 they are banished from the city, and can only return if they bring back a trophy from a kill that is worthy of a Dynatin. They have metal javilins that can redirect lightning from a blue dragon. They make obsidian spearheads that are kinda like a prince ruperts drop. The tails are put into the wooden shaft and if broken the obsidian spearhead explodes, commonly this is used to have it explode after it has been inserted into the dragon.   Tattoos Heads are shaved and tattoo of a lightning bolt for zeus is tattooed. when a trophy is returned a tattoo of a symbol for that creature is tattooed For each battle against a forein advosary a tattoo of a spear. for each battle defending their home a tattoo of a shield. Those who fight blue dragons are tattooed with a special ink that gives them lightning absorbsion.   The city was founded 250 years ago when the people were told by zeus this would be their home.   There are no ladders up to the city, instead Dynatins must climb by hand to reach the top of the 10,000 mesa   There is lower level of the city that settlers live in, city, the culture is full of music and dance and colorful cloths and jewels. It is a merchant city and over the years the Nation of Greatspear has wiped out the lower levels 3 times.   The rock is like a cresent moon shape that gives a natural protection to the people inside on the lower levels. The lower level people are refered to by the Dynatins as Wah-whens, which means dirt. The lower level people call them selves Gashants, or Gashian.   Dynatin Women are not warriors but they still know how to fight and are better warriors than some men of other cultures.   The oldest of the dynatins are the guards at the top, they defend the city from those that would enter the city. they are usually old warriors that are too old to fight anymore. They still have amazing strength.   It is said that 1 Dynatin is worth 10 soldiers.     The penatly for coming into the city and not being Dynatin is death   Those found with property of the Dynatin are punsihed by death. Non-Dynatins are not allowed to own their spears or silks.   disabled or malformed babies are thrown from the top.
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