Wednesday Session 4: Ensnared in the Fey's Embrace: A Scarlet Salvation Saga

General Summary


Amidst a breathtakingly beautiful and colorful forest, our group finds themselves surrounded by a vibrant, otherworldly landscape. The air is filled with the sounds of chirping birds and croaking frogs, lending an ethereal ambiance to the scene. Jo's friendly gesture towards a squirrel with acorns attracts a flurry of wildlife seeking nourishment, only to scatter when their offerings run out.

Enchanted Villages and Peculiar Time

In the distance, a small village catches their attention, adorned with Lupal trees. However, the Lupals' falling on a bed of flowers results in a startling discovery: the flowers scream in agony, indicating a unique and disconcerting reality. Joe employs druidic magic to restore some of the flowers, hinting at the magical properties of this realm.

An Encounter with Time and Familiar Faces

The group encounters Ventor, a human resident of the village who went missing from Lurueamar and recognizes them and reminisces about their past meeting when he was a child. Ventor's presence raises questions about the flow of time in this realm, as he reveals that decades have passed for him while only years have transpired for our adventurers. The mention of a mushroom circle sparks hope for a possible exit, but the elusive circle remains elusive, leaving them searching for a way back home.

Storms, Names, and the Fickle Summer Queen

Curiously, the utterance of the name "Avalora" triggers a storm, while "Isoldae" prompts a wintry sleet. They uncover that Titania, the Summer Queen, holds the key to clearing the skies, by her laugh. Learning that they are trapped in a pocket dimension, the group learns that Titania could have released the villiagers years ago but she deemed this realm more suitable for their well-being. However their desire to escape still lingers.

Dwarves, Dreams, and Forbidden Iron

Their quest leads them to a group of dwarves residing in the village, who arrived here via a shared dream more than two centuries ago. Rinsein and Ripete, survivors of the now-deceased dwarven population from Black Mountain in the Fae Wild, share their puzzling tale. The dwarves' brought a black diamond as a gift for the Summer Queen, Titania. Although Titania was not present, and off swimming. Titania's sister whose name is forgotten, accepted it in her place, and over time it corrupted her. Her sister took treasure and rode off on a chariot of smoke and fire. The dwarves perish when their mountain explodes, releasing a caustic smoke across the land.

Challenges and Secrets Unveiled

The group indulges in the dwarves' hospitality, partaking in Hello Faries drinks, and learned that the dwarves are trying to create weapons from cold-forged iron. The weapon they are working on must be kept hidden to prevent the Fae from discovering they are atempting to create it. This knowledge carries grave consequences if revealed, because if a cold iron weapon if used to kill a fae it will prevent them from reincarnating and extinguish their soul.

Elusive Trails and Fae Enigmas

In their pursuit of a mushroom circle, Angst and Elias attempt to follow a stolen faerie, only to lose track of it among the branches of a tree. Ash's attempt to soar into the sky as a butterfly ends abruptly, fatiguing her wings. Ash comes up with a plan to try and bring the Summer Queen to them. She needed certain ingrediants to perform this ritual. Joe, Dermish, Franz, and Elias navigate challenges and dangers in gathering the required ingredients for the summoning ritual.

Burdens and Charms

The encounters with a charming dryad named Reeta and a captivating satyr named Nap reveal unexpected bargains and distractions. Dermish's infatuation with Reeta and Joe's desperate ruse to separate them add tension to the already precarious situation. Eventually, the Jo manages to collect the necessary components, while Dermish keeps the dryad very distracted.

A Perilous Journey Through the Sunflower Field

Amidst a field of sunflowers, Angst, Franz, and Elias face an unexpected challenge. As they attempt to gather the sunflowers, the flowers emit horrifying screams of pain. The trio finds themselves disoriented and lost within the vast expanse of the sunflower field. Frustration mounts, and Angst, driven by desperation, threatens to harm the remaining sunflowers unless they guide him out. Unfortunately, the sunflower they confront is as clueless as they are, having never ventured beyond the field before. In a plea for mercy, the sunflower begs for its life. In a surprising twist, they discover that the key to escaping the labyrinthine field lies in walking backward. With the sunflower's guidance, they overcome the challenge, finally finding their way out and leaving the sunflower field behind them.

Rituals, Revelations, and the Summer Queen

With the gathered items, Ash performs a ritual aimed at capturing the attention of Titania, the Summer Queen. As the incantation commences, the adventurers find themselves transported to a realm of towering trees and are greeted by elven sentinels. Their journey leads them to Titania, who takes the form of a young girl. Through stories and jokes, they forge a connection with the queen, sharing news of Lurue and the threat posed by the Queen of Air and Darkness.

Hope, Escape, and a Quest for Red

Titania reveals that Larue, trapped by her corrupted sister, may hold the key to restoring balance. The group discusses their origins and the danger unleashed by their inadvertent actions. With the promise of assistance from Valera, a fae seeking the color red, they embark on a new quest, searching for this elusive hue to aid them in their ongoing journey.


Within the vibrant and mystical realms, our adventurers strive to find their way home, uncovering secrets, encountering fascinating creatures, and striving to restore the delicate balance between light and darkness. As they seek the color red, their path becomes intertwined with the fate of Lurue and the unfolding conflict between the fae realms.
Shards of the Sundering
Bael Ecra
Neutral Good Variant Human (Folk Hero)
Fighter 2
14 / 14 HP
Asharene Shadowthorn
Jothilda Oakenfoot
Neutral Good Hill Dwarf (Archaeologist)
Druid 2
24 / 24 HP
Elias Hoccleve
Chaotic Good Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 2
18 / 18 HP
Angst Oblation
Neutral Good Tiefling (Soldier)
Paladin 1
14 / 14 HP
Franz Iceman
Dermish Rizzy
Report Date
29 Jun 2023


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