The Player's Tools Physical / Metaphysical Law in Andermyre | World Anvil

The Player's Tools

World Tracking & Character Creation

World Anvil - The Wiki of worlds tracking. Articles are either public to all, or they are private to only characters who have certain skills, backgrounds, or experiences.

E-mail - [email protected]
For casual correspondence, questions, or, most importantly, the final step to Character Creation.


Playing the Game

Foundry VTT - This is the current Virtual Table Top (VTT) that the group uses.
Each 'party' will have it's own environment here and links specific to your adventure will be provided.

Zoom - Combined with using Zoom for conferencing.
Yes, I know Discord and Roll20 both have voice and video baked in, but this is what we're doing for now.



For getting players together to create a party or other OOC activities  

Discord - A place where adventurers can go to organize, plan expeditions, and share rumors (true or not).

Facebook - Some members congregate here.


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