Character Creation Physical / Metaphysical Law in Andermyre | World Anvil

Character Creation

There is work to be done before adventure can begin
& it will take a bit of creative investment on your part.
For anyone not familiar with GURPS, it is a character point by system.
Creating a character requires you to submit three elements...

Setting, Archetype, Backstory

For each of these elements you can do a full write up, or leave it blank for the GM to fill in the gaps.


There are four starting locations in Andermyrid corresponding to the four worlds. You must choose one of these four. If you intend on adventuring with other players you should all select the same one. Your choice should depend on what kind of adventuring you want to do.

Drawnton is a seaside village that lays as far from the capital city of Sarendele as you can get. The unique and valuable resources that can be found there make it a prosperous trading post.
Any young entrepreneur can take a risk and strike it rich. Whether it's on the seas doing the salt-work, or heading into the mountains for ore or exotic pelts, the opportunities are plentiful.
Political Fantasy
Evil rises from the shadows. Mysterious events, unexplained encounters, and things going bump in the night are occurring in increasing frequency in Washington D.C. and around the world.
Some civilians have been torn from their mundane lives by such encounters, and along with the brave agents of Daingerfield Island they must become heroes to protect truth, justice and the American Way.
Investigating Paranormal
Orions native to the space station hovering above earth work alongside Moonies, Martians, Belters, and their uplifted animal companions througut the solar system. They gather resources and wait for the closed earth to recover and reopen. Even the newly arrived extra-terrestrial Ceresians, are integrating into society and up for adventure.
Merchant Exploration  
sHell World
Hope is a precious commodity in Gaftwud, just like water, bullets and whisky. When riding into town you never know who might take a shot at you, old miners with warped bodies, one of the underground mole-people, or a fanged chimerman. Keep your guns close as you lean into survival of the fittest or join the elite who are trying to rebuild a civilization out of the ruins of the past?
Combat Survival


What is an Archetype

In every world there exist certain reoccurring type of person, especially one suited for adventure.
You can select a generalize archetype that can fit into any setting like; The Innocent, Everyman, Hero, Outlaw, Explorer, Creator, Ruler, Magician, Lover, Caregiver, Jester, and Sage Or you can tailor it to one of the four starting points. Some examples are below.

Ask yourself..."what kind of character have I always wanted to play?"
Make a list of your favorite books, comics, movies, songs or television show protagonists (not always the hero). Write down the character name and why they resonate with you. Does the same type of character show up several times? Perhaps this is the character concept you'll want to start with. It's probably smart to save the rest of the list as back-up character concepts, just in case this first one doesn't make it very long .

Remember your character is at the start of their career. A young Indiana Jones is much different from the seasoned veteran we get in the movies.  
Archetype prompts
Inspiration: Game of Thrones, Conan the Barbarian, Three Musketeers, Wheel of Time
Examples: Guard, merchant, orphan, high-born, pirate cabin boy, musketeer,
Even more specific: Rand al'Thor, Arya Stark, Red Sonja, D'Artagnan, Frodo Baggins
Inspiration: X-files, Stranger Things, Dreamscape, Scanners, James Bond, Watchmen
Examples: Spy, gifted child, latent pyrotechnic,
More Specific: Fox Mulder, Eleven, Alex Gardner, Charlene "Charlie" McGee, The Comedian
Inspiration: The Expanse, Aliens, Predator, Rendezvous with Rama, The Martian, Ringworld
Examples: Explorer, pilot, captain, mechanic, security guard, archeologist, miner, scientist
More Specific: Pvt. Hudson, Rebecca Jorden, Billy Sole, Amos Burton, Mark Watney, Bill Norton
sHell World
Inspiration: Auto-duel, Mad Max, Planet of the Apes, Logan's Run, Fallout 4, Escape from New York
Examples: Survivalist, archivist, bounty hunter, deputy, guard, scout, explorer
More Specific: Mad Max, Sole Survivor, Caesar, Sandman, Master/Blaster, Buck Rodgers, Snake Plissken


Write up as much as you like, but at least a paragraph starting with setting and archetype.
This should start with character name, occupation if appropriate and a physical description.
Note that the GM may need to make significant changes to fit the setting and story.
Questions to be answered
Dig deep into the character as you build them out in your mind and answer these questions.
What kind of family did they have growing up?
Are you new in town? Or part of one of the existing local families?
Are they all still alive? How many siblings? What kind of parents? Are they close physically or emotionally?
What kind of place did they grow up in?
Rich vs. poor? Wild vs. Rural vs. Urban vs. Suburban? Mountains vs. Ocean vs. Penthouse?
Are you without direction yet in life? Or do you feel the calling to ideals, to duty, to faith?
Do you thrive in the social festivals and council meetings, or to you prefer the quiet of the wilderness?
What was a foundational childhood memory or event?
Was there some formative event in your past? A dark turn? What lesson did you learn from this?
Who was their best friend? Greatest victory vs. Greatest loss?
What event caused them to go looking for, or take on a profession that seeks, adventures?
When did this happen? Or has it not happened yet and they will feel the call to adventure during play?
The questions
Who are you? What do you want? Why are you here? Where are you going?
Do you have anything worth living for? Do you have anything worth dying for?
What is your greatest desire? What is your greatest fear?
Whom do you trust? Whom do you serve?

Starting Considerations

Remember your character is at the start of their career. A young Indiana Jones is much different from the seasoned veteran we get in the movies.   Are you new in town? Or part of one of the existing local families? Are you without direction yet in life? Or do you feel the calling to ideals, to duty, to faith? Do you thrive in the social festivals and council meetings, or to you prefer the quiet of the wilderness? Was there some formative event in your past? A dark turn? What lesson did you learn from this?  


Send all the information to [email protected] with the subject line:
"<Character Name>: Ready to play in <World Name>."

The Advanced Option

If you have built characters for GURPS before and know how to use Gurps Character Sheet then you can fully build out any character you want with the following conditions.
  • Species and occupation templates are setting specific.
  • Starting characters are built on 150cp.
    When building a replacement for a character that has retired or died discuss your budget with your GM.
  • There is a max of -40 cp of disadvantages and -5 for quirks.
  • There is a flat cost of -20 cp for unusual background to gain access to the following advantages.
    More detail at The One System.
    • Trained by a Master
    • Weapons Master
    • Exotic
    • Supernatural
  • Rapier Wit is considered exotic or supernatural.
  • Remember your character is at the beginning of their adventure.
  • When submitting your character (above) please attach the .gcs file. The GM will make modifications as needed to fit the setting, starting location and story.


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