The World of Dorumyr Geographic Location in Andermyre | World Anvil

The World of Dorumyr

The First World

At the beginning there was everything, and that everything called itself Salat.
Davion rose from not-Salat and hated and attacked and destroyed.
The cycle of things began.

Dorumyr is a world in recovery. It is a few centuries out of the third apocalypse, The End of The Sky.
In that godless time the threats were from the darkness above. In the end the heroes of the last era won, but there were a great many sacrifices. In this world there is no moon, no stars, no seasons.
And, for good or ill, the slivers of gods gone have returned to Dorumyr.


Game of Thrones, Conan the Barbarian, River-world, Wheel of Time, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

Starting Point

Shellton is a large fishing village on the coast of the Sovereign Sea. It is host to over 300 permanent citizens. For the last few generations it's been prosperous due to it's consistent source of seafood to trade with the city markets. Many boats make Shellton their home port, and those sailors know which pirates hoist which flags. Water, weather and wooden ships are critical to it's on going success.
  It is a friendly place where Sheriff Vincent and his musketeers stay vigilant around new strangers coming through the area. There is still a great deal of unsettled and unclaimed land in the area for those looking to start a new life, and the growing village welcomes those willing to contribute to the community.
  The area is lorded over by the honorable red-blooded Giese family. The area is banner-pledged to the Queen's Bishop, Avondale who controls the region for Queen Salysor. These rulers and their houses truly have the blue-blood in their veins. It is this that bestows true powers throughout their family. Every 6 years the Queen's nannies come through the area looking for purple-blooded remnants from when the royalty was allowed to breed with the common folk. They are taken away to be properly educated in the great cites.
  Other than that, Shellton has never had a problem paying their taxes and has been generally left alone.
  Out in the Sovereign Sea among the isles a moonlit ruins has been found. Shellton is the closest port, and a new business has started to provide transport to those seeking adventure. The fare there and back is paid in advance because there is no guarantee the passengers will survive the experience of the island. The rumor is there is something special beneath the ruins, or else the Bishop wouldn't be building a new keep up the road.

How is Dorumyr played differently?

The fact of the matter is that the smart and safe thing would be to get a plot of land and some livestock and raise a family. The area is doing well at the moment and it could be a way to make an honest living. But honest livings don't make for the best adventures. There are many different ways to strike it rich. Clearing the forest for the lumber-mills, protecting Shellton from pirates, captaining your own shrimp boat, or even going into the ruins yourself. For those socially or politically minded taking the road West will lead to larger cities with more factions and agendas. Just keep your eyes and ears open and your back against the wall.

In addition take a look at these expectations:
  • A team of murder-hobos will likely have wanted posters out for them quickly. If you enjoy being hunted by all of civilization more power to you.
  • There are divine forces in motion. The fates, destiny, karma, redemption will all step in.
    While good does not always triumph over evil, they will have an easier time of it.
  • In the cities and capitals relationships are currency. You best have other's eyes & ears at your disposal. In the wilderness you may need to call on your neighbor so relationships are key here too.
  • If you have the proper hunting and survival skills 'Grub' and 'ammo' is not tracked on the surface.
    Expeditions into 'dungeons' will require tracking inventory of grub and ammo.
  • It's always a good idea to evaluate and scope out any potential dangers and conflicts so you know what you're getting into.


The habitability zone of this tidally locked world is a band of fertile land between a desert and a glacier.
The source of this habitable land is a thick global river belt winding around the middle of the world. It is a key region acting as the largest reservoir for the planet's water cycle.
The river receives 12 hours of day light and 12 hours of night. Very quickly as you move hot-ward or cold-ward that ratio changes until you have either 24 hours of light or 24 hours of darkness.

The hot side of the world forever burns, constantly facing the sun, and the cold side is frozen solid for eternity.
Dimensional plane

Tech Level

Medieval base-line achieving tech level 4, sailing ships, muskets, prosthetic, etc., through clockwork, alchemy and magical summoning & binding of spirits.

  Mana Level

+ + +

  Power Sources
+ + +


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