Salat Character in Andermyre | World Anvil


Salat was the first thing that was everything.
Salat authored The First Mistake, Davion.
Salat's first experience with chaos created Myrid
Salat was the first to create Children, including his second mistake, humans.
Salat was distracted by the portals created by magic and his Children broke the Pact of Peace.
Salat was banished for three ages.
Book 8: The Gatherings of Power,
Book 9: The Threat of Darkness.
While banished Salat tried again and created The World of Earth.
When Salat returned he absorbed all of the power of the gods back into himself.
He used that power to destroy the column of the planes, and end the darkness.
Salat then left to try again. This attempt is called The World of Orionus.
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