Attendants Species in Ávra | World Anvil


Attendants are a crafty and relatively innocuous seeming breed of Devil. Despite their timid nature, Attendants live to dole out the punishments of the Hellish Realms on the Mortal World. Singular in their purpose of pain and destruction, the summoning of an Attendant is to spell doom for oneself. They will pursue those they are summoned to punish with abandon and dole out the sentence with relished glee. They feed on the immeasurable pain they bring in their creative punishments they dole out upon the mortal realm.   Attendants are most well known by their visage, wearing ornate robes sewn from the tanned flesh of their victims, their instruments of torture strapped to their bodies with the very sinew beneath their former skin. Attendants can create Raspandatori, binding the souls of those they have tortured to the very realm itself. Once these souls are able to 'pluck' themselves free, the unimaginable pain and suffering turns them into Attendants themselves.   Each attendant serves as the ferryman for a specific form of torture they dole into the mortal realm, and carry the visage and scars of their given form of torture. Unless directly confronted, Attendants will take extra precaution to spare innocent lives they were not summoned to extinguish.

Basic Information


Attendants are distinguishable from other Devils by their visage. Attendants are masters of misery, and as such, adorn themselves in their respective form of misery. They wear ornate robes and jewelry sewn from their victims flesh, their own sinew used to strap their garments to their bodies, as well as their instruments of torture. They are pallid and skeletal, as if there dead flesh is pulled taught over their bones with no musculature between. They have sallow deep sunken eyes of darkness with pinpricks of light swimming behind them. Angular joints and bone spurs jut from beneath their joints, giving them a regal sharpness. Their hands are white spiders of sinew and spindly bone.

Genetics and Reproduction

As they are Devils , and not mortals, they do not mate to reproduce. Attendants are the result of Raspandatori who have been able to tear themselves from the grip of The Hellish Realms . The process is one of such excruciating eternal pain, that they are twisted into an Attendant, a being that exists solely to dole out torture and pain in the mortal realms, the Attendants sole source of joy in its now eternally miserable afterlife.

Growth Rate & Stages

Once the Raspandatori is successful in rending itself from the The Hellish Realms , it utilizes its now torn flesh to fashion a garment, which will become the beginings of the Attendants flesh robes. The Pit Fiend will then consecrate them in blood and set it about its first task: Creating its Tether. Tethers are small games or puzzles that the Attendants create and let loose into the Mortal realm, it is by solving or playing these that Mortals summon the Attendant to drag them to the Hellish Realms. Each Tether is tied to an Attendants Book of Souls, which they keep meticulous track of every Mortal soul they've vanquished to the Hellish Realms. Once the Attendant has slaughtered its first victim, it will fashion the victims flesh into its full garmenture, and be a fully born Attendant.

Ecology and Habitats

Attendants wallow in The Hellish Realms with little purpose, wandering for eternity, until called upon by their Tether. Unless they are in persuit of a victim, they are innocuous and pose little threat to those who may encounter them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Attendants have no need for sustinance as a mortal would, but they do hunger for the torture of souls. The agony they ply upon mortals feeds their damned souls, without which they would begin to wither back into their original form as Raspandatori . Attendants whos Tethers have not been utlized for long periods of time can be found in The Hellish Realms ensared in fleshy vines, pulling them slowly back into the dirt of the realms, trapping them again as a tortured Raspandatori.


Attendants are docile and polite creatures when interacting with mortals they are not in persuit of. They have been known to make deals with Mortals to further their own agenda, that actually favor the mortal in the long run. Attendants harbor no ill will towards mortals, and see their tasks simply as a natural order of things. Thus they will very rarely harm any others outside their intended victim. Attempting to prevent an Attendant from their persuit, on the other hand, has led to great tradgedy for those brave enough to try.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Attendants are able to sense their victims through time and space, stalking them mercilessly until they are caught. This perception is innate to them, and is not something they must actively utilize. Once a victim has been chosen for them to persue, there is nowhere the victim can run or hide, that the Attendant can not follow. They are not effected by holy grounds, and are able to walk freely anywhere on the surface of Ávra unhindered.
An Ancient Attendant
Scientific Name
Devils born of Raspandatori , born of cursed mortals.
Devils, born from Raspandatori able to tear themselves free from the Hellish Realms
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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