Raspandatori Species in Ávra | World Anvil


People from The World who are banished to the Hellish Realms are destined to become Raspandatori. While there is a time that a person is able to be saved from the Hellish Realms, it is short. Once the realm takes them, they become Raspandatori, or Raspandi for short, cursed beings obsessed for eternity with clawing their way back into the mortal world. The cruel irony of their obsession is the Raspandi are physically melded with the Hellish realms, and are unable to ever leave without first eviscerating themselves; However, this would only serve to seal them to an even crueler fate within the realms: the unmeasurable pain forms them into an Attendant, forever cursed to continue the cycle and dole torture into the world they once obsessed to return to.

Basic Information


Raspandatori look just like the species they were before being cursed to The Hellish Realms . The main difference is that the Raspandatori are emaciatted and dehydrated. Their skin is like brittle leather, white from the lack of blood flow. Their bones brittle and their bodies overgrown by the fleshy tendrils of the realm itself. They are trapped, physically tied to the walls and floors of the cursed realm. Any movement is excruciatingly painful, as the tendrils tigthen around them. The Tendrils not only grip their bodies, but begin to meld into them as well.

Genetics and Reproduction

Raspandatori do not reproduce, they are created when a mortal loses their soul to a Hellish being, and then are cast into the The Hellish Realms . They are eventually absorbed completely by the realm after decades of physically painful torture, or are able to finally rip free from their bonds. This process eviscerates them and rends their flesh to shreds, but also transforms them into an Attendants .

Growth Rate & Stages

It can take decades for a Raspandatori to fully absorb into the realms, and they feel the pain of their destrcution down to the very last cell. If they are able to rend free, a fate perhaps more cruel awaits them, as they now begin their eternal life as Attendants .

Ecology and Habitats

The Hellish Realms are made of a living mass of eternal flesh, which is in a constant state of hunger. It feeds on the misery and pain of souls. It is able to do this by wrapping its tendrils around cursed souls and slowly digesting them over decades. The longer a Raspandatori is in the Hellish Realms, the more encased in these tendrils they become and the greater their pain and misery.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Raspandatori have no need to feed, as they are already dead. Their bodes do no wither, even as they are absorbed by the realm.


Raspandatori spend their days screaming in agony, so profusely that their cries are hoarse and bloody. They reach eternally for anything that may help them pull themselves from their torture, and have been known to trap lesser devils in their grasp, entrapping them to the same fate as the Raspandatori itself.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Raspandatori are only able to sense their own pain, and as such, feverishly squirm and claw at the tendrils that trap them. Their sole focus is to escape, despite the misery and torture it produces.
A Female Raspandatori, taken by the Hellish Realms


Scientific Name
Devil, born of cursed mortals
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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