
Centaurs are generally thought to be creatures of myth and legend. Although there are sporadic sightings of them, most enlightened folk regard them as either an extinct race, or having never existed. There is no clear evidence of any human and Beastkin hybrid manifesting with clear delineation between the two species, in the way that a centaur exists (physically half human/half horse). The closest equivalent would be the Naga/Naga hybrids, although True Naga resemble large snakes with vestigial arms, while Hybrids present with larger arms and some body hair, but never a clear half and half presentation. There is evidence of their existence in reality or in folklore, as cave paintings and ancient writings describe them in great detail. Whether they truly existed, or were simple creatures created as myth, is still unknown.   Centaurs are depicted as having a horses body, and a human torso growing from where the horses neck would normally grow. Writings describe them as 'wild' looking, inhuman yet familiar in features. Most ancient depictions of them feature a mane of fur and elongated and downturned faun-like ears. They also feature in a range of natural colors normally associated with horses.   There are two defining features of iconography consistent in all depictions of Centaurs: Deep blue eyes and glowing orbs. Regardless of region or culture, this iconography is consistent among almost all depictions that have been discovered. This has led some researchers to believe that the creatures may have actually existed, as the level of consistency in their depiction among such disparate cultures as mere chance, would be improbable.   The deep blue eyes of Centaurs are depicted without pupils, and in some art, jewels are utilized. The question remains, if their eyes were simply blue, or if they shimmered as jewels. Some believe the jewels are meant to represent the deep, spiritual connection to nature that the creatures are depicted as having.   The glowing orbs are depicted in different forms within the Centaur iconography. Some orbs simply lay about the area of paintings, being gathered by Centaurs. Others are affixed to staves and polearms. Some centaurs are depicted wielding the raw orbs, projecting fantastical magics from them. It is spoken of in legend and myth that the centaurs were able to 'Snatch Aura from the air around them' and 'mold it to their wills'. It is suspected that the translations of these myths infer that Centaurs were capable of syphoning Aura Magics naturally and crystalizing it for use.   Interestingly, none of the orbs or weapons with affixed orbs, are shown being used offensively in any known depiction of Centaurs. In fact, it is a saying among scholars who study ancient species and cultures, that the unofficial 'third piece of iconography' that all the depictions share, is that the Centaurs are shown as peaceful or defensive of the species they are interacting with. There are many ancient arts depicting the Centaurs utilizing their orbs to protect The People from attacking dark forces.   While the dark forces depicted are similar across depictions, they do differ in many key aspects among their depictions. Some of them are masses of writhing tentacles and eyes, others are depicted as shadows made of hands and claws, among many other strange dark images. It is thought that these simply represent all the dangerous creatures in the areas that Centaur iconography has been found, and the stories are meant to convey that the Centaurs protected the people from all forms of harm. There is no sufficient evidence that the dark creatures and forces are meant to depict a single creature of any known existance.*   One of the most controversial depictions of the Centaur was discovered in the Shatterlands. In the bay just east of the Riverlands Gash, a small sunken shrine was discovered and excavated. Upon inspection, the runes and etchings depict a dead or dying Centaur being brought to the alter and burned. What is fascinating, is that this is the only known depiction of a Centaur with a different color of eyes. Once the burning begins, its eyes are depicted as blood red and its fur black as ash, assumed due to the ritual burning.   It is unknown why this Centaur was brought here to be burned, as only a few miles from this discovery lies a web of ancient cave hovels with etchings and paintings of Centaurs benevolently protecting the people of the lands. Was this a rogue Centaur? Was it cursed? How did it die? Why do its eyes change from the normal blue to red? These questions are completely unknown, as the tablet of runes that encircle the alter are damaged, and a large plate of runes is lost to time, either destroyed or taken, before anyone could discover the alter.
Genetic Descendants


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