Dwarves Species in Ávra | World Anvil




Stone Sense

Dwarves possess an innate connection to the earth and stone. They can passively sense the presence of valuable minerals and ores within the earth, making them exceptional prospectors and miners.   Roll for ability Strength BEFORE character creation. Dwarven player must craft lore based on this roll. Roll 3d10; the highest die is counted. If all three match, the player will be able to choose the level of this ability, excluding all 1's.   All 1's: Player can not attain this ability, and is known as a "Runt", the pejorative for a Dwarven who has no attunement to stone and cannot learn this ability at any point in the game.   2-4: The Character has a light attunement, akin to an 'itch' in the nose. When searching for raw or refined ore/minerals, roll a d20.
  • 1-15, you can pick up the faint scent, but can't pinpoint it.
  • 16-20, DM will tell you "hot or Cold" based on the direction you choose.
5-7: The Character has medium attunement, akin to smelling food within range of a few blocks. When searching for raw or refined ore/minerals, roll a d20.
  • 1-12, you can pick up the faint scent, but can't pinpoint it, DM will tell you "Hot or Cold" based on the direction you end your turn facing.
  • 13-20, DM will tell you the approximate direction of the ore, "hot or Cold" begins on your next turn.
8-10: Character has master attunement, born with the ability to naturally seek ore as if in possesion of an internal dousing rod. When searching for Raw or refined or/minerals, roll a d20.
  • 1-10, you pick up the scent, DM will tell you which direction to go. Roll again on your next turn
  • 11-19, DM will tell you 20 foot radius of ore's location, "hot or cold" begins on your next turn.
  • Natural 20: DM will tell you explicitly where the ore sought is.


Dwarves have a natural aptitude for machinery and tinkering. They excel in inventing, crafting, and maintaining complex mechanical devices. This innate talent grants them a significant advantage when working with technology and allows them to create intricate, reliable machines. Dwarven inventions are renowned for their quality and craftsmanship.   Roll 2d6: 1d6 to determine if passed (3+), the other to determine effect, players choice which die applies to pass/effect
  • 1-3(Scrapwork): Dwarven finds some scraps on the ground and creates a small defensive device, able to withstand a single attack no matter how strong, before breaking.
  • 4-6: Dwarven finds a few trinkets on the ground and is able to craft a single use device. Device use is determined by current story need/DM discretion.

Optional Attributes
(Based on Character lore)


Stag Mastery
(Male Dwarves Only)

Most male Dwarves are skilled practitioners of the ancient martial art known as Stag Riding. This unique combat style combines mounted combat with earth-elemental attunement, allowing Dwarves to ride powerful creatures called Stags. They can bond with these creatures and use them in battle, enhancing their combat prowess and mobility. Their attunement to the earth and natural Stag riding abilities temporarily tames the stag.   Roll a d10,
  • 1-5: A stag will burst from the closest thicket and attack once, for 2 damage, then bolts from battle never to be seen again. Player can not call upon Stag Mastery again in this battle.
  • 6-10: A stag burst from the closest thicket and rears, bellowing. The Dwarf reaches out with his long arms and uses the antlers to pull himself to mount the great beast.
The Stag will attack with the Dwarf, when mounted the player is granted 2x attacks and 2x passive actions per turn. The player must choose if the second attack is from the Dwarf or the Stag.
  • If the player chooses the Stag, roll 2x of the dice rolled for the main attack, and attacks for the lower of the two dice.
  • If the player chooses the Dwarf, roll 2x of the dice two ranks lower than your attack dice and attacks for the higher of the two dice. (ie, if you are asked to roll d10's for attack, you would instead roll d6's)
  End of Battle: Roll a d20
  • 1-19: The stag is no longer under the Dwarf's taming spell, and escapes into the forest from where it came.
  • Nat20: The battle has forged a strong bond between the two, and the Stag is now able to be permanently called upon without a roll.

Blaskateer Training
(Female Dwarves Only)

Some Dwarven women train in the secretive martial art of the Blaskateers, a combination of close-range knife combat and the use of specialized Dwarven Hand Muskets known as Shotsabres. This training equips them to be skilled assassins and soldiers. Blaskateers are known for their precision, agility, and mastery of these deadly arts, making them formidable combatants in both covert operations and open conflicts.   The Blaskateer carries a Shotsabre at all times, this does not count against any pack restrictions. There are three Blaskateers styles, player must choose only one to master.   The way of Steel: Scatter style Shotsabre, Excels in close range combat, utilizing a form of martial arts that uses the Shotsabres blade and projectiles in tandem during a fight.
  • Able to attack twice during combat. Roll 2xd6, player choice which to apply to melee and Shotsabre. Melee attack dice does 1.5x damage, immune to counter attacks
  • Only able to use Shotsabre in mid Ranged Combat, roll 1xd6 for Long ranged combat, all attacks are divided in half
  • Only able to use Shotsabre in Long Ranged Combat, roll 2xd6, both dice must match and attack is divided in half
The way of Stone: Rifle Style Shotsabre: Medium range practitioners who prefer to rely on their shotsabre over melee attacks. While they are more adept with the trigger and crosshair than the blade, they are still a force to be reckoned with when in close range combat. 
  • Only able to utilize the Shotsabre when performing close range melee attacks, all melee attacks  do 1.5x damage, but can not block counter attacks. 
  • Only able to perform Shotsabre attacks at mid range combat, Shotsabre attacks do 1.5x more damage than normal attacks
  • Only able to perform Shotsabre attacks at Long Range Combat, Shotsabre attacks divded in half
The way of Gemstone: Sniper Style Shotsabre, The true assassins of the art, Gemstone practitioners excel in ranged combat with their Shotsabre, but severely lack in close combat experience. 
  • At Long range, Blaskateer is able to perfectly balance, adjust for wind and projectile drop; all Shotsabre attacks deal 4x damage 
  • At mid range, Blaskateer is semi balanced, and does quick adjustments for outside forces, all Shotsabre attacks deal 2x damage
  • Is only able to utilize the Shotsabre when performing close range melee attacks, all melee attacks divided in half, but can not block counter attacks

Blaskateer Passive Traits:

  • 2x passive actions per turn
  • Roll only 1d6 for pass/fail on Inventive Prowess, and is only able to perform the ability at Scrapwork level

Basic Information


Dwarves, as a whole, are one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented races in The World. The stereotype of the short, squat, bearded men and women with a hammer is just that: A stereotype. While they are in general, shorter than most races, they would hardly count as halflings. Most Dwarves range between 4-5 feet, and body types range just as wildly as any other human. The only defining characteristic of the Dwarves outside of their slightly smaller size is their arms and ears. Dwarven arms are much longer than natural humans, and their ears are large and pointed and they have manes of hair that grow down their backs. The mane of hair is seen in both male and female Dwarves.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarves are unique in that they have both an attunement to nature, particularly the element of stone, and a natural aptitude for machinery. Being naturally attuned to the elements of stone, Dwarves are able to 'sniff out' veins of gold and other precious metals within the very earth. This is an extremely passive skill, most if not all Dwarves are barely able to perceive it. With training and time, devout Dwarven folk can fine tune this skill to a level of incredible accuracy. Needless to say, many Dwarven folk are employed by mining guilds. Dwarves are also naturally inclined to tinkering and inventing with machinery. One of the few stereotypes that rings true, Dwarven machines rival even Goblin machinery in quality. Due to this, most Dwarves are situated in the land of Dunnywild, as its technological advancement grants them a veritable playpen of machines and technology to work with.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Dwarves are known for originating two of the more unique martial styles of combat: The Stag Riders and the Blaskateers. Both combat styles have been kept close to the chest of the Dwarven culture in the world, with very few non-dwarven being trained in them (partly due to dwarven biology being intrinsic to their use). Stag Riders were utilized for a time as a mercenary force for hire, as the clan that originated the art were not aligned to any one nation. Eventually over time, the art crept into most of dwarven society, and most male Dwarves who've experienced war have had some Stag training under their belt.   Blaskateers are a martial art designed by an enclave of Dwarven Nuns hundreds of years ago. It was designed in part to train females to be able to protect themselves. The art combines close range knife combat with Dwarven firearms. The art utilizes a specialized Dwarven firearm with a razor sharp blade attached to the underside of the barrels called Shotsabre. Despite its origin in a religious convent, most Blaskateers ply their art as assassins and soldiers.
A Dwarven Barkeep
80-100 years
Average Height
ranges between 4-5 feet
Related Organizations


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