Teague Morecastor

A tan slender to medium weight male. Mostly in forest green and brown clothing. Shaggy auburn hair with a beige and green headband keeping his hair out of his face. Dark red eyes with auburn facial hair.   LORE Teague’s life: i. Teague was born into a Warlock coven. Though he’s a special one that started seeing other beings from another plane of existence since his teen years. He has been the apple of one outer being's eye for years.

ii. The Warlock Masters are both impressed with Teague’s plane sight but feel that it is something that could consume him in a way that could doom their covenant. This being has been persuading him to become more powerful in his dark magic to go beyond the Master Warlocks of his people.

iii. Teague’s Masters have withheld the rest of his training from progressing in the dark arts and now his outer planes friend has become angered for him and with him. Teague confronts his Masters to continue his training but they denied him from the knowledge he seeks.

iv. Teague tries to overtake his masters but he is the one overpowered by them. His outer plane’s friend makes a deal with him as his masters are about to deal their finishing blow to him. Teague agrees to his unseen friend and gains a new level of power.

v. The sudden burst of power allows Teague to overcome the powers of his masters but the cunning of one has still turned around on him. Teague’s master Kalron has banished the 9 books of his training. They've been placed in different places of the world for him to retrieve.

vi. Kalron spoke a curse upon his new partnership with the outer planes being bonded to him. Teague is now forced to accomplish four tasks dealt to him. Find the 9 Books and complete his training, fulfil the outer plane beings wishes, gain the last of his power and figure out his master's curse placed upon him.

Teague sets out into the world to find his 9 spell books while learning about his new life-bound friend.
Date of Birth
Shaggy Auburn
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
165 lb.
Aligned Organization


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