Morecastor Coven

A particularly less known coven of Warlocks that reside in the northern areas of The Shatterlands. They are unique among other covens, in that they do not hold the Witchborn in esteem, with those born with a passenger being banished from the coven.   Although covenless Warlocks are rare, most that are encountered originally hailed from the Morecastor Coven and are also Witchborn.


The coven is lead by The Coventry Mother and Father , titles passed down to the leadership regardless of bloodline. When one set passes, the coven stays leaderless until the birth of the next Witchborn , who's parents are given the titles and become the next leaders of the coven. Upon their 18th birthday, the Mother and Father are expected to cast their child out of the Coven, into the world at large. While they see the Witchborn as cursed, the coven still cares for the child and does not wish to see their death, hence why they first raise and then excomunicate them.


The coven is in essence a defacto family tied together by their Aura. Warlock covens are all made of disparate individuals who's Aura synchronizes with eachother, allowing each member to become greater when in the presence of their coven. These covens eventually settle into small villages and do, over time, become close knit familial groups. While one does not need to be blood related to enter a coven, one does need to synchronize with the covens Aura, as this is the only stipulation for joining the coven.    This massive amount of Aura congestion has an unintended consequence: Witchborn . The congregation of Aura gives a hellish passenger the ability to slip into the mortal realm and tie itself to an unborn child, which it will posses and haunt for its entire life. These passengers are unseen to the rest of the world, and only partially detectable by the coven itself. Unlike most covens, which will hold Witchborn in esteem and elevate them to leadership/positions of influence, the Morecastor coven views them as abominations and after raising them to adulthood will cast them out from the coven, shunning them.   While shunned, their birth does hold significance, as during times when their leadership has passed, the birth of Witchborn is a sign to denote the parents as the next leaders. The Coventry Mother and Father are the defacto leaders of the coven in all matters, and are the center of most rituals performed by them. The birth of the Witchborn seems to enhance their already latent abilities, making them more powerful than others in the coven.

Public Agenda

Like all Warlock covens, the Morecastor coven simply wishes to exist in harmony with the world and be left to perform their rituals in peace. While to the world at large, Warlocks perform magics utilizing Corrupted Magic , this does not seem to harm the Warlocks Aura. Since most covens live in peace, they are usually left in peace by the world at large, and this is no different for the Morecastor Coven.

"Aura is found in the stolen moments"~ Grimoire quote from The First Coventry Father

The Coventry Mother and Father
Religious, Coven
Alternative Names
The Morecastors
Notable Members


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