Black Market Bounty: Golden Eyes

A type of bounty unrecognized by current governments, attempting to enact or claim such a bounty is illegal unless the bounty is accepted by the government of the region in which you are. This particular bounty relates to those with "golden eyes", which is a defining trait of those with either the Blessing of the Moon Goddess or Blessing of the Sun God   Some seek the complete annihilation of guardians, though the entities behind the bounty remain shrouded in secrecy.   It is said that one who successfully can claim said bounty would at the very least be able to purchase a house and land with their reward.   Recently, The bounty has been expanded to include massive payments for 'ancient' golden eyes, The sum of which has been said to be enough to purchase an estate and staff to manage it. This has never been confirmed.   One aspect that seems to slip the mind of those who discuss said bounty or pass it along is the fact that defeating a guardian is no easy feat and more than a few mercenaries and assassins have met their ends over the years trying to do so.


Wanted: Golden Eyes, dead or alive (preferably dead).   Those who bring one to a suspiciously unspecified location are said to be handsomely rewarded with enough wealth to not have to work another day in their life.

Historical Basis

In the year 3199 GA, the year the guardian settlements were attacked, it was quite obvious that someone was not particularly fond of beings with golden eyes.   There were nobles in the now-ruined nation of Razanden who wanted to gain favor with the crown by subjugating guardians that their coordinated purge missed. As a result, mercenaries would occasionally be paid a handsome sum for the head of a golden-eyed individual.


It mostly spread through mercenaries and assassins over the years. It went through a drop in popularity over the last 200 years but has started spreading again due to the apparent resurgence of these beings one thought to be extinct.

Variations & Mutation

The concept of "a handsome sum" has been changed over the years and greatly exaggerated. A few gold coins have become enough to buy a small house. More extreme payouts such as "enough to buy a small mansion and hire staff to manage it" have become commonplace amongst those propagating this rumor.

Cultural Reception

Discussing this legend in the wrong place or with the wrong context can, in some circumstances, be seen as attempted murder, or at the very least kidnapping. More than one person has been detained while discussing this myth. This is true for all regions except for the now-defunct territory of Razonden.

In Literature

This bounty is mentioned in a few text books and historical documentation around the world, all of which denounce it.
Date of First Recording
3200 AE
Date of Setting
3200 AE - present
Related Locations
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