

Weapon: swords of any variety Secondary Weapon: Polearm   The last known member of a race that helps maintain balance with the world, a member of the Flame Keeper race... He was sealed for an undetermined amount of time and has lost most of his memories of before when he was sealed. He has been given the task of fighting the blight, while searching for a mysterious girl and unlocking the secrets of his past. Solaris has dark skin and golden hair, with a red streak or 2. This is hair coloring gets him a lot of attention, yet is natural for him, and is often considered blonde by many. His combat methods are that of a rather offensive fighter, with minor magic skill, and those skills which were used by the Flame Keepers. His strength and defense are incredible to put it simply.   He has a tendency to destroy both his clothing and weapons while in combat, and continually seeks suitable fire-resistant replacements.   Personality: He doesn’t actually like hurting people. Whether his actions show this fact or not is completely beside the point, as he appears to be incredibly good at causing harm in one way or another. He will fight fiercely to protect those he cares about; the hard part is actually getting him to care in the first place.   Solaris has a tendency to get himself into trouble, and fortunately for him, out of trouble. His natural curiosity doesn’t help him in this regard, yet his ability to seem oblivious to the situation at hand seems to somehow counterbalance this. Random facts:   His healing abilities are far superior to most other races. He hates being called blonde and has trouble controlling his temper when he is called such. Blessed by the Sun Dragon   He can eat fire (among other seemingly inedible things)….and actually finds it quite tasty….depending on what is burning.   Known skills: Nova   Blaze Burn/Heat Wall   Gravity Break   (Post ch 10): Surge Pulse Supernova Shockwave: A very powerful technique that uses all of Solaris’s power to create an explosion. It’s a difficult skill to master and is usually used as more of a self-destruct skill.   (post ch 20): Incendiary Guard   Scorch Ward   Summon Weapon

Divine Domains

Age: 22 (give or take a few centuries of suspended animation) Height: 5’7” (170 cm) Weight: 190 lbs. ( 86 kg) (not like this matters as he can manipulate this number freely) Primary Elemental Affinity: Fire (85%) Secondary Elemental Affinity: Light (15%) Weapon type: swords of any variety Secondary Weapon Type: Staves Race: Flame keeper   The last known member of a race that helps maintain balance with the world, a member of the Flame Keeper race... He was sealed for an undetermined amount of time and has lost most of his memories of before when he was sealed. He has been given the task of fighting the blight, while searching for a mysterious girl and unlocking the secrets of his past. Solaris has dark skin and golden hair, with a red streak or 2. This is hair coloring gets him a lot of attention, yet is natural for him, and is often considered blonde by many. His combat methods are that of a rather offensive fighter, with minor magic skill, and those skills which were used by the Flame Keepers. His strength and defense are incredible to put it simply.   He has a tendency to destroy both his clothing and weapons while in combat, and continually seeks suitable fire resistant replacements.   Personality: He doesn’t actually like hurting people. Whether his actions show this fact or not is completely beside the point, as he appears to be incredibly good at causing harm in one way or another. He will fight fiercely to protect those he cares about; the hard part is actually getting him to care in the first place.   Solaris has a tendency to get himself into trouble, and fortunately for him, out of trouble. His natural curiosity doesn’t help him in this regard, yet his ability to seem oblivious to the situation at hand seems to somehow counterbalance this. Random facts:   He can’t be burned by regular fire His healing abilities are far superior to most other races. He hates being called blonde and has trouble controlling his temper when he is called such.   He can eat fire (among other seemingly inedible things)….and actually finds it quite tasty….depending on what is burning.   Known skills: Nova: A state which invokes the power of the sun. Physical attack and defense abilities are increased sharply, extending to limits beyond the strongest points of any race of creatures in existence with the exceptions of dragons, pixies, and moon guardians.   Blaze Burn: An aura of extreme heat is created around him. It is a physical defensive measure which will burn most things as they approach him.   Gravity Break: The ability to control the force of gravity upon himself and objects which he can see and/or fall into range of a created gravity field.   (Post ch 10): Supernova Shockwave: A very powerful technique which uses all of Solaris’s power to create an explosion. It’s a difficult skill to master, and is usually used as more of a self-destruct skill.   (post ch 20): Incendiary Guard: A defensive skill for all things fiery, up to a certain point.   Scorch Ward: A fire resistance spell for clothing. The skill will be negated if the clothes become drenched, and it will need to be recast in such an event.   Summon Weapon (incomplete): summons a weapon of the caster’s choice, imbued with the attribute of the caster.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born and raised in the Village of Embers

Mental Trauma

He survived the assault on the Village of Embers and witnessed scores of his friends and family fall at the hands of water arts users. He has a massive hate-boner for water arts practitioners.

Intellectual Characteristics

Solaris is inquisitive by nature and generally asks many questions. This will become even worse as he has been displaced from his original era.



Traveling Companion and combat instructor (Important)

Towards Romel




Traveling Companion and student (Important)

Towards Solaris



Relationship Reasoning

Solaris is lost in a world which he hasn't been part of for a millennia. Romel is unfortunate enough to have been found in Solaris's proximity when some unsavory individuals found him. Now staying beside Solaris as his guide is Romel's safest option

Shared Acquaintances



Student and Warden (Vital)

Towards Eber Frostbane



Eber Frostbane

Teacher and Ward (Vital)

Towards Solaris




They are soul-bound as a punitive and yet protective measure.

Relationship Reasoning

They are soul-bound. This was forced upon them to accomplish 2 things:

  1. Protect Solaris from getting murdered by angry townspeople
  2. Fulfill the conditions of a treaty between the Drow territories and the Guardians.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Surviving. Their lives literally depend on each other's survival.

Shared Acquaintances

  • Romel
  • Celeste
  • Spica

Currently Held Titles
Short, Golden with red streaks interspersed throughout
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown
170 cm 5’7”
86 kg 190 lbs


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