
A variant of a Saint, a Guardian is a saint blessed by one of 2 specific deities: the Primordial God of the Suns, and the Primordial Goddess of the Moons.   Known for their striking golden eyes, unusual or vibrant hair colors, and their strength and multiple elemental affinities, Guardians once mostly inhabited Twilgiht's Hold and a few hamlets throughout the world. Unfortunately, do to some immature aspirations of power, coupled with a lack of understanding or care as to their purpose, most were wiped out over a millennia ago.   Those that survived wake up from a magically induced sleep seemingly at random, in an unfamiliar world that has forgotten them or has outright tried to finish the task of their eradication through means such as the Black Market Bounty: Golden Eyes.


Average technological level

Guardians, specifically those within Twilight's Hold, would have been one of the most technologically advanced civilizations in Elviria. Unfortunately, due to the fact that their comradery was based on a blessing that spanned nearly every bi-pedal species on the planet,  the inter-species relations are what ultimately stifled their advancement, as some species refused to adopt the technology or techniques of others.    This is not to say that there was a complete intolerance, but intolerance was the norm and not the exception.


Gender Ideals

One of the more promising points of Guardians is that gender equality is more-or-less a thing, even despite the mixture of various races attempting to influence and change that. Almost every job or profession is open to any gender, unless the profession has a strict physical requirement based on gender, such as nursing infants.

Relationship Ideals

Guardians are, for the most part, like to keep amongst their own kind and like status. Many find it preferable to court or marry within their own species, and preferably with another guardian or saint.
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