The Exchange

The Exchange

The Exchange is the last bastion of 'civilization' before crossing the central plains to the east. The settlement grew out of the conflict between the Eastern Nomads that wanted to trade with the other humans of Lakeland and those that wanted to keep settlements off of the Central Plains to prevent any future Dragmar Hordes. The desolation caused by that conflict was etched deeply into the cultural memories of the Eastern Nomads, and many were loathe to all the pre-conditions for another such event to occur. Eventually, during one of their annual gatherins, the chieftains agreed to build one city, so long as not a single stone of it rested east of the river.

A site was selected on the western shore of Lake Baliston due to its protected position and the availability of river access and an easy crossing for livestock. The Exchange itself is a bit of an odd city. The core of the city is build of wood and stone, with a defensive wall surrounding the narrow streets. The outer part of the city appears and vanishes with the coming of the seasons and the herdsmen. Twice a year, in the spring and fall, the city nearly quadruples in size with colorful tents and encampments spreading out over more than five mile in every direction, only to evaporate like the tides as the seasons turn and the nomads return to the plains.

To the east and west, water access is provided by river and lake, and trade flows briskly from both directions. During the high seasons, barely a hundred paces can be taken without crossing tradesmen, carts, tents, or wagons moving vast quantities of goods to the chorus of thousands of voices. It is a most chaotic display, but surprisingly boisterous and good natured. Fights are rare, and those that breach the peace are swiftly and forcefully dealt with, a fact that all new comers are made aware of.

Trade post
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