Zhad'hinal River

The Pakhrani desert is bisected by the Zhad'hinal River, a fresh water river fed by springs high in the Hayitese that winds its way down out of the mountains, bringing with it the hope for life in an otherwise inhospitable region of the world. During the spring runoff, the Zhad'hinal regularly floods it banks, rinsing away the residual salts and depositing a layer of nutrient rich silt. This winding source of life and its fertile flood plains are what the Ankhana saw as the crested the cliffs, giving them hope and a sense of purpose.

The Zhad'hinal River acts as both the wellspring of life and the major avenue for trade between the Doma of the Ankhana. From the Hayitese in the north to the Citadel in the south, boats and barges make their way up and down its slow moving waters ferrying people and cargo to their destinations. Along with fresh water, the river also provides a plentiful source of fish for food to the people and animals that depend up on it for survival.

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