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Air Nomads

This article is an overview of the Air Nomads

Written by: Astra
Click here to read the articles relating to: The Northern Air Temple; The Eastern Air Temple; Air Temple Island; The Southern Air Temple; The Western Air Temple; The Bison Camps


The Air Nomads are a peaceful group of peoples who inhabit five distinct temples built around the physical world; four in cardinal directions and one built on an island by Avatar Aang post-Hundred Year War. They are one of the four original nations. The AN is comprised of both airbenders and chi blockers alike, who work harmoniously to keep relations strong between the temples across the world. They are known for actively traveling the world and being friendly to all those they cross paths with.

Table of Contents

Brief History

After the Air Nomad genocide and the restoration of widespread airbenders via Harmonic Convergence, the Air Nomads did not face many major conflicts. That is, until the year 301 AG, when Elder Reznik was pronounced the Elder of the Western Air Temple following Elder Cycari. He ruled alongside Elders Nilak and Jinju before Jinju was killed at the Western Air Temple that same year under mysterious circumstances.
In spring of 302 AG, Reznik was exposed for being the cause of Jinju's death as well as the leader of the reiteration of the Red Lotus . His goal was to cause instability within the Air Nomads to take the Northern Air Temple. For the year he spent as Elder, Reznik was content with letting his temple go to waste, and it wasn't until 304 AG when Western Elder Jinji and Master Hes began their restoration project that Western returned to its former glory.
In 308 AG, the Air Nomads were yet again faced with danger. Sky bison had begun to go missing at Air Temple Island. By the next year, alongside the United Republic of Nations, the Air Nomads uncovered the thieves and put an end to their heinous crimes.
Not two years later, groups of rogues-violent nationless people who sought to steal and harm innocents- began merciless attacks on each the air temples. The Elders were forced to put the entirety of the Air Nomads into full lockdown. No visitors were allowed in, and Nomads were not allowed to leave save for visiting other temples. A year later, the rogue group
Vendetta finally ended their attacks, and the Air Nomads returned to peace once more.  

Culture & Traditions

The Air Nomads are free-flowing and joyous souls. They indulge in games such as scavenger hunts and airball, and are known for their exciting and quite popular festivals. Examples of these include the Air Nomad Olympics, where Nomads compete against one another using a wide array of bending techniques, and Yangchen Festivals, where they come together to honor Avatar Yangchen. Though the Air Nomads were once minimalists-ridding themselves of most or all earthly tethers in search of liberation and enlightenment- after the Hundred Year War, many have turned to collecting materialistic items. This shift in Air Nomad values has in part turned them away from spirituality, but of the six nations in the present day, they remain the most spiritual. Meditation chambers and reflection sites can be found at all five temples, and they're often occupied by Nomads. Each Nomad is also sworn to the Oath of Nonagression. It states that Air Nomads will not harm animals or other humans unless it is in self defense, nor will they eat meat. This oath reflects their pacifistic ways.


Common Air Nomads tend to have gray eyes and white or brown hair and pale skin tones. Many wear typical Air Nomad robes, with flowing orange, crimson, yellow, and white fabrics and sashes. Another common form of attire is the wingsuit: a snug red and gray one piece with long, wrist-to-ankle flaps made for gliding. This tighter style of clothing is ideal for flights and fighting. Once a Nomad reaches the rank of Monk, Nun, Bhante, or Acolyte, they receive a bo staff, carved from sleek wood with orange wings.
Upon reaching the rank of Master or Watcher, an Air Nomad will receive their respective tattoos. Both are a light blue color, tattooed across one's entire body, from the center of their brow, down their back and to their fingertips, and past the legs to the tops of the feat. The Master tattoos each end with an arrow pointing downward, and the Watcher tattoos mimmick that of the oldest airbenders', with an arrow whose tip has been cut off, followed by a dot.

Government & Politics

The Air Nomads are run by the Council of Elders, consisting of both Elders and Gurus. They work together to ensure the Air Nomads remain at peace and maintain balance. They must be role models and have extensive knowledge of Air Nomad custom, culture, belief, and tradition.
  The Council of Elders
The Elders are the leaders-both physically and spiritually- of the Air Nomads. Elders must run their respective temple and its residents and oversee any architectural changes or projects, along with managing foreign relations. To become an Elder, one must show great leadership skill and responsibility. They must pass an interview given by an existing Elder, which is judged by the Council as a whole.
Gurus are often some of the oldest members of the Air Nomads. This is due to the fact that, to become a Guru, a Nomad must have had made significant contributions to the Air Nomads during their time as a Grandmaster/Dai Sensei, High Watcher, Abbot, or Elder. They are advisors of not only the Elders, but the Air Nomads as a whole, serving as role models and spiritual and cultural mentors.
Those in Sanctuary are all chosen by the Council of Elders for their position based on their skills and talents. Aside from Abbots and Abbesses, Sanctuary ranks are not bound to a single temple, but rather oversee those in their respective branch from all temples.
Abbots and Abbesses are the caretakers and advisors of their respective temples, and as such must be knowledgable of Air Nomad culture and traditions. Abbots must pass an interview given by an Elder, and they must not be of the same bending type of their Elder.
Grandmasters/Dai Sensei
Chosen by the Council of Elders based on leadership and overall skill in airbending or chi blocking, Grandmasters and Dai Sensei are the leaders of the Master Branch. Their primary job is to make changes to the tests as they see fit as well as to continue carrying out duties of Master/Sensei. There may exist, at most, two Grandmasters and two Dai Sensei at a time.
High Watchers
The leaders of the Watcher Branch are the High Watchers, whose rank is equivalent to Grandmaster/Dai Sensei. As such, their primary job is also to make any necessary changes to the Watcher Trials. High Watchers must show great competence with obtaining, protecting, and distributing knowledge. They may only exist up to two High Watchers at a time.
Monastery ranks are some of the long-standing members of the Air Nomads, with expertise in their branch after passing the entirety of their respective test.
Masters have passed the six phases of the Master Tests, also called the six levels of airbending. They are the defenders of the Air Nomads, and must lead and train the Guardians to ensure they are well prepared against any attackers. Sensei are the equivalent to Masters, but are chi blockers rather than airbenders. The Sensei test has yet to be released.
Watchers have passed the five volumes of the Watcher Trials. They are responsible for overseeing the Keepers and acting as their mentors. The mission of the Watchers is to protect, collect, and spread knowledge.

Emissaries can host events, spark trade deals, relay information across nations, and should maintain peaceful relations with the nation they are emissary for.
To further improve relations with other nations, Air Nomad Emissaries were established in the year 314 AG. To become an Emissary, a Nomad of the rank Monk or higher must submit an application, reviewed by the Sanctuary, and pass an interview given by an Elder, Guru, or Abbot. They must have an extensive knowledge of the nation they would like to be Emissary for, and must be able to resolve conflict should it arise. Emissaries live in embassaies of the nation they are charged with, and are expected to be friendly and familiar faces to those of that nation.


The Air Nomads

Nation: Air Nomads   Air Temples:   The Northern Air Temple   The Eastern Air Temple   The Air Temple Island   The Southern Air Temple   The Western Air Temple  

Form of Government: Oligarchy   Head of Government: Council of Elders   Current Elders:   Northern Elder Rai   Eastern Elder Avia   Island Elder Astra   Southern Elder Lahio   Western Elder Jinji   Regent Elder Ezra   Current Gurus:   Guru Div   Guru Samten   Guru Yua  

Animals: Flying Bison, Winged Lemur, Firefly, Spiderfly, Hermit Crab  
Location on Map


Diplomatic Relations

The Air Nomads prefer to remain isolated during world conflicts, staying true to their beliefs in pacifism and peace. As such, their relations with the other nations are neutral, but their connections are not extremely prevalent. The introduction of Emissaries is meant to strenghten those bonds.

Resources & Trade

With a variety of climates from the five temples making agriculture and mining widely accessible, the Air Nomads are primarily self-sufficient. Though they often shop at markets from other nations for more unique goods, such as iron and varying kinds of woods. Aside form that, at the temples, the Air Nomads have access to animal products, lapis lazuli, birch wood, spruce wood, clay, quartz, gravel, and mixed stone. All of these are available for Nomads to use for personal use or trade.

Notable Figures

Note: Underlined text means it is a direct link to the character page. Hover your cursor over names with dotted lines to see a fun fact about that person.

Previous Air Elders

Northern Elders
Elder Samten, Elder Jinju, Elder Jiazo, Elder Yongten, Elder Neox, Elder Zenji, Elder Pasang

Eastern Elders
Elder Sangye, Elder Yua, Elder Maari, Elder Nilak, Elder Appa, Elder Zach

Southern Elders
Elder Nel, Elder Lui, Elder Tashi, Elder Nima, Elder Kalden, Elder Ketu, Elder Fujin, Elder Tenzin, Elder Fleur

Western Elders
Elder Cycari, Elder Reznik, Elder Rangzen, Elder Tenkuu, Elder Kuai, Elder Sonam, Elder Genshu


Prominent Figures


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