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Avatar Tamiko Speaks Up


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Avatar Tamiko condemns both sides of the ongoing Earth Kingdom - Fire Nation conflict, calling both sides out for disregarding the best interest of their citizens to pursue a war with no end in site. In her speech, she criticises the Nahuati people and United Republic government for also making no effort to move to a peaceful solution. She concludes that she will be moving all her focus to her airbending training, as she will be more equipped to help with the mastery of two elements rather than one.

In her speech, Avatar Tamiko states:  

I would like to openly discuss the topics I have been so often asked at hand. Starting with where I stand in the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom war, this war was started from blind rage and no motive other than destruction. The back and forths between a mourning Earth King and a war-mongering General are costing both Nations more lives than gain. Childish techniques like this give no purpose or honor to the lives lost in battle, it is embarrassing what you are putting your nations through. I have spent any and all time that I have on finding the murderer of Belan and neither of you have expressed any interest in this, it simply shows your minds are not in the right place. Every moment I have brought it up, you did not listen, you continued on with the violence that inflicted pain on not you, but your soldiers. Violence is a coward's escape from finding tranquility.
As for the war brewing between the United Republic of Nations and Nahuat, understanding and reason was not evident in the discussion. You have danced around the topic of peace and subsequentionally fell into war. With the little reason you each have for continuing the conflict, I understand why it has come to this. The constant back and forth of libel’s between your nations seemed small and manageable but it was taken to an extent unfixable. This war will lead to nothing admirable and I believe it has potential to become more dangerous than expected.
I have thought extensively on what is needed of me at this moment and I’ve come to closure. I will be traveling to the Air Nation as soon as I can. It seems as if the motive I had when I first became Avatar has been lost in the conflict between our Nations. Spirituality is waiting for me and I intend to keep my commitment to you all focusing on how to further attach the spirits to this world and us. I also intend to continue my search for the murderer of Belan, we have reason to believe he is headed to the Earth Kingdom and my journey to Eastern Air Temple will set me on the path of the accused. My Air training will become my number one priority as of now, I will be of no help until I am able to master at least two elements and find my spiritual self. This action is the best option for myself and the Nations, I need to collect my thoughts and return when I am absolutely needed. Until then, Avatar Tamiko.

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