Titans Reach

Titans Reach is a place where all of the natures forces come together, clash, and fight for over the power balance - yet the nature that evolves from this conflict, is breathtaking and beautiful. The area close to the volcano "Crochekat" is also home of one of the largest individuals ever seen on Saigon and experts are convinced that the Magmabinder is not only ancient, but might be from a time far beyond any written records. A book entry was found that shows the titan in what is expected to be its current form - yet the author noted, that the size comparison is outdated. By the last time the Magmabinder was seen, the length between his knee and foot was about a giraffe high. Why ever, you would measure high in "giraffes"...


From the giant volcano "Crochekat", to the quartzite sandstone pillars & peaks, many over 220m in height, along with ravines, gorges, streams, pools, & waterfalls, - Titans Reach glows with its diversity and rich nature. The island is located at the west of Saigon, as part of the Kingdom of Nagaro. It is relatively isolated, but their people oftentimes travel towards the east, landing on the coasts of Peara or Guro-Umin.


Different species are located at this island, fe. the species of the Chayati'Ren. These are humanoid people with the morph of a 6-winged giant bird. They prefer to live in tribes and wear colorful clothing, adorned with dozens of relics, symbols and talismans. Their shamans are known to be closely connected to the Kahoré - The dimension of the Spirits. Scholars say, that the close relationship to the volcano, which is not only the bringer of life and growth, but also the reaper of anything living, caused them to be connected on a totally different level through the topics of life and decay.  
Outdated/Old Artworks:
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by Alka-Di-Kijarr
by Alka-Di-Kijarr

Ecosystem Cycles

The cycles are rather stable, in a permanent state of growth and flourishing times. The weather is mostly constant, simply the dryer periods and the rainfall periods mark a certain time of the year. Storms and flooding can take place in the summer months, as that the air gets hotter and more humid.

Localized Phenomena

The Magmabinder has its home on this island. It was reported that this gigantic creature had been seen inside the volcano, as well as outside after a break-out. Nobody is exactly sure as to why, but the shamans praise the Magmabinder as the reason for why the island was never destroyed by the giant fire spitting Crochekat. Others claim that this creature is the sole reason for the volcano to be this active, as other volcanoes around Saigon have fixed sleeping rhythms, rather than erupting sometimes multiple times per year. The vast majority, on the other hand, can agree that neither of them would like to find out what happens if the Magmabinder vanishes - not even to speak about how this should happen.


The climate on these island is rather tropical, with rain stormy and heat waves.
Inspirational Photos:
by Miguel Camilo; Pinterest
by José Telmo Alves; Pinterest
by BetterPhoto


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Aug 17, 2024 23:00

Titan's Reach is truly magical. The landscape and lore make it a place brimming with wonder and enchantment. An inspiring creation. The imagery used was lovely.