Larissa Ziegler Character in Osiron | World Anvil

Larissa Ziegler

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page refers to a mock idea / concept

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page is a draft and undergoing construction

OFFICIAL NOTICE - The content on this page is undergoing an extensive review

A little rough around the edges - not too surprising, considering where we drafted her from - but there are glimpses of potential brewing beneath the surface. When she engages with the training, she scores well above the rest. We just have to find a way to keep her engaged.

— Captain Kitazawa - CF Personnel Review

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At 6’7”, Larissa is on the lower side of the average height bracket for a Tau-Terran. Overall she is quite lithe. There is some muscle definition from regular exercise and physical activity. Notably, she has a Cerberus Ravager tattoo down the right side of her abdomen (above the obliques) which she got when she was 18 - for the Zieglers, getting this tattoo tends to be a bit of a family tradition.

She has an oblong face with high cheekbones, soft but still prominent. Her nose is long and thin, her eyebrows are full and a darker shade of red than her hair, to the point that they appear more brownish.

Physical quirks

Her dominant hand is her right hand.

If years of attending high society parties has taught her anything, it is that a great posture will get her parents off of her back for most of the evening. Because of this, Larissa does her best to maintain her posture to the point of perfection - so much so that others tend to notice it and sometimes even point it out.

There are a lot of things Larissa would rather be doing right now. Hanging around with her friends, sneaking into a club, drinking until the sun rises. You know, typical rebellious teenager things. Instead she’s being forced to play dress up for a bunch of snobs - which is a rare insult from her, considering she’s a member of the snobs - who care less about Larissa and more about the Zieglers.

Most of the snobs here make her squirm too. Dread filling in the pit of her stomach, because they’re all a little too rich, a little too wolfish with their grins. She doesn’t even realise she’s raised her hand to toy with a stray lock of hair until something grabs her wrist, almost tight enough to bruise.

“Stop that,” her mother berates, all bite hidden behind a lush smile.


Larissa,” she hisses. Threat clear. It’s a tone she only ever takes in private, when Larissa has done something particularly stupid or reckless, and the fact that she barely even glances Larissa’s way, too focused on a figure standing tall and proud in the distance? Only makes that pooling dread worse.

Her default stance, whether she’s bored or relaxed, is to have her arms folded across her chest. If she can find something to lean against, she’ll use that too. When it comes to Larissa being angry or upset, she will place her hands in her pockets and her shoulders hunch, which is very noticeable considering her typically good posture. When she is anxious or worried, she’ll subconsciously start to tuck strands of hair behind her ears.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born to Leonore and Cyrus Ziegler at the Yilyaun Health Centre in Golden Falls. Due to some complications surrounding her birth, her mother Leonore was unable to conceive another child, and so Larissa would spend her life as an only child. Being the only child of the main branch of Zieglers, Larissa was the sole heir to the Ziegler fortune; a blessing that quickly deteriorated into a burden as she grew older.

Her status meant that throughout her childhood, parents would force their children to try and befriend her in the hopes that they could get on the good side of Larissa’s parents. Into her teenage years, this became more and more apparent, especially when the other children started to adopt their parents’ approaches. As such, Larissa is only really friends with the other ‘rich kids’ that lived nearby. Though she wouldn’t take to calling many of them ‘close’ or ‘best’ friends.


In compliance with Terran Education Standards, Larissa has the following:

  • Foundation Grade (L5) Certificate of Completion
  • Lower Secondary Certificate of Completion - Grade A.8
  • Higher Secondary Certificate of Completion - Grade B.9
  • Advanced Grade (Distinction 2) Certificate of Completion

On top of those, she also has two Universal Degrees, awarded by the Osiron Educational Collective. The first is a Degree of Medicinal Studies (Theoretical) and the second is a Degree of Medicinal Physiology and Anatomy (Practical). Both of her Universal Degrees were graded COMP.

As per the requirements of the Cerberus Fleet, she has also undergone basic training in weaponry, engineering, emergency medical care, piloting skills, and CF tactics.

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Larissa Ziegler has attended the following educational institutions:

  • Fallinwright Private Academy as a foundation student
  • Venatauri Private Academy as a secondary student
  • Sinclair College of Excellence as an advanced student
  • Kallencrass University to undertake two Universal Degrees (with a scholarship awarded on academic merit)


Family Ties

Strenuous is probably the best way to describe Larissa’s relationship with her parents. It wasn’t always that way, and her mother at least is more civil and kind than her father tends to be, but that only makes those moments of thunderous arguments cut deeper. As far as extended family is concerned, she only sees them at parties and any civility between them at such events is just a formality. Most of her extended family hates that she alone will inherit the Ziegler fortune.

It isn’t all doom and gloom though. Her cousin Roland is far enough removed from the inheritance that he doesn’t care about it, so the two of them get along like a house on fire. Larissa thinks of him like the brother she never had because of how close they are.

//--- Incoming transmission ---//
//--- Saved ID: Ro ---//

Hey hey hey! How’s my favourite cousin doing, huh? Too busy to message your bestest buddy from prison? Or, don’t tell me, they actually confiscated your comms. Hah! As if they’d do that to an almighty Ziegler, right?

In all seriousness though, how ya doing cuz? Everyone else has been towing the good old family line, saying that everything's a-okay, that you’re being held unfairly. And don’t get me started on your parents - they’re being cagey as hell about it.

I’m worried about ya. So just, I dunno, give me a call or something when you get the chance? Love ya


Leus Ziegler

Year of Birth
6937 UGY 28 Years old

Bright blue


Dark red and curly

Skin Tone/Pigmentation




  • Ziegler (pretty much anyone who knows of her, but not on a personal level)
  • Zee (normally used as an insult)
  • Princess (varies as an insulting or affectionate nickname depending on the person)
  • Rissa (by close friends)
  • Riss (mainly by Delilah Corbeck, sometimes by Faolán McKeogh)
  • Little bird / birdie (by the one and only Queen of the Golden Falls)

Her self-assured nature doesn’t manifest in the same way as the other high strung, high society lot. For Larissa, it is a quieter, more subtle thing. On top of that she knows that people will always see her a certain way and will often use that to her advantage, falling into whatever role needs to be played.

Unfortunately, that means she tends to come off as spoiled and abrasive, but she is quite the opposite. Even though it may not seem like it, Larissa is surprisingly loyal and kind-hearted.

Cover image: Osiron Header - Protagonists by SunlanceXIII


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Mar 31, 2022 18:47 by Age-otori Ono

Excellent character building.

Apr 2, 2022 10:58

Thank you! ^^

~ write what you love
Garlan | Ma'rune | Osiron | WorldEmber 2023