Attack 01-09-3024 of Nessa Tower

The attack on Nessa Tower underscored the persistent threat of the monsters and exposed critical weaknesses in the settlement's defense strategies, highlighting the urgent need for better coordination and preparedness among the Extractors of Areu
Madea, current leader of the Extractors
3 years ago the tower outside of the only settlement on the planet of Areu was attacked by monsters.  


Attacks by monsters are a regular occurrence on Areu, but they usually avoid Nessa Tower. The reason for this anomaly remains unknown. The buildings in Nessa have been rebuilt with the same materials as the tower, yet they continue to suffer attacks. Some residents speculate that one of the original builders placed a protection spell on the tower, but this theory is met with scepticism by most as those who have looked at the spells on the tower can only find a food preservation spell. Nobody knows why it is there.  


On the night of the attack, the Extractors were on high alert due to increased monster activity in the area. Extractor units were positioned strategically around the settlement. The defense force consisted of a mix of seasoned warriors and newly recruited fighters, all equipped with advanced weaponry and protective gear designed to combat the monster threat.   The other force consisted of an unusually large pack of monsters of various types. Luckily none of the flying types.  


The battlefield was centered around the base of Nessa Tower, a vital structure for communication and observation. The surrounding area was a mix of open terrain and scattered debris. The monsters, primarily large and aggressive, approached from the abandoned caves in the northwest, using the cover of darkness to their advantage like they usually do. It's is believed that they are all nocturnal. Defensive barriers and fortifications had been set up around the tower, but the sheer number of attackers quickly overwhelmed these defenses.  


The engagement began shortly after midnight when the first wave of monsters breached the outer defenses.   One platoon were waiting behind some debris to attack the monsters from behind. The lieutenant wasn’t new, but he deferred to one of the veteran fighters. This veteran fighter, Irico, should’ve been a captain but ze refused the rank. Irico was a legend among the other fighters because ze always managed to do amazing feats.   The platoon was about to lead the attack from behind when Irico told the lieutenant to call off the attack. The lieutenant didn’t question zim and directed the platoon to head back to join the rest of the force in the front.   One of the new recruits broke formation and attacked the monsters from behind. The recruit hadn’t paid attention to the lieutenant’s and Irico’s interaction and the recruit wanted to do what he thought that Irico would do. Both to show off in front of Irico, but also to gain the same fame as Irico for himself. He thought that he would be able to take the monsters from behind. They had a great advantage.   Irico headed out after the kid, but ze hade made a big misjudgement. Ze thought that the others would go with the lieutenant. Ze thought that they would do what they were ordered to do because the others were experienced Extractors. A bit over half of the platoon followed after Irico and the recruit. The lieutenant and the rest followed soon after.  
The rear battle was fierce and they had the upper hand until the environment began to change. A storm rolled in from the west, bringing torrential rain and lightning that illuminated the battlefield in flashes. The rain turned the ground to mud, hampering movement and making it difficult for both the extractors and the monsters to maintain their footing. Visibility was reduced, adding to the chaos. Their upper hand crumbled.
  The battle in the front fared a little bit better. They held their ground, using their advanced weaponry to fend off the monsters. However, the unexpected break in formation from the rear platoon created a gap in their defensive line, which the monsters exploited.   As the storm raged on, the front-line and rear-line fighters struggled to maintain their positions. Despite their efforts, the monsters sheer numbers began to take a toll. The muddy terrain made it even more difficult to maneuver the weaponry.   The recruit that Irico ran after though inexperienced, displayed remarkable bravery. Irico's prowess was on full display as ze single-handedly took down several of the larger monsters, buying precious time for the rest of the platoon to regroup. However, the chaotic conditions and the monster’s relentless assault made it clear that a tactical retreat was necessary.   Just as the situation seemed most dire, a blinding flash of lightning struck one of the nearby debris piles, creating a temporary distraction for the monsters. Seizing this opportunity, Irico signaled for a retreat towards the settlement. The platoon, battered but not broken, began to fall back in an organized manner. The lieutenant coordinated the retreat while ensuring that the wounded were carried back to the tower. However, one of the monsters were quick on the uptake and attacked. Irico stepped in and got wounded while the rest of the platoon got away.   As they neared the tower, the defenders from the front lines, provided covering fire to aid the retreating platoon.   With dawn breaking and the storm beginning to subside, the monsters, deprived of their nocturnal advantage, began to retreat back to the caves from were they came.  


Like always there were a couple of people dead and several people wounded. Irico lost a leg and the lieutenant lost an arm. As they now were disabled they were not allowed to remain and were sent promptly sent to The Station.   The recruit and the rest of the platoon was reprimanded but allowed to stay on.


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Jul 6, 2024 00:55 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Aww, poor Irico and the lieutenant. I am so glad the whole platoon was not wiped out, though.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 6, 2024 01:04 by Dragon

Yeah! They were lucky!

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