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Rillifane Rallathil

Credit to: Wizard's of the Coast and
Rillifane Rallathil is The Seldarine god of protection of the woodlands and the guardian of the harmony of Nature. His priests often likened him to a giant ethereal oak tree so huge that its roots mingle with every other plant, which stands in the heart of Arvandor. The great tree drew into itself all the ebb and flow of the season and the lives within the woodlands of the Wood Elves . At the same time it defended and protected those lands against disease, predation and assault of all kinds. The Leaflord is the patron deity of Wood Elves and Dryads.   He demonstrates his favor through the discovery of amber, emeralds, microline, the sudden changing of colors of a single leaf or an entire tree, the budding and rapid growth of a new tree limb, or the sudden appearance of a forest animal that approaches to be petted without fear. The Leaflord indicates his displeasure by causing the leaves of an entire branch to suddenly fall off in front of the offending individual's feet, creating the sound of twigs repeatedly snapping in a rapid succession, or causing an object such as an acorn to fall out of the sky and strike the offending individual on the head.   The Leaflord was quiet, reflective and enduring over the various eras unchanged. He was the least flighty of The Seldarine , the least likely to act on a whim, and often grave and self-absorbed. Rillifane's avatar manifests only rarely, disliking direct action and preferring to act through his priests. When he did, it was usually in response to an attack on an Ancient Forest, and was heralded by sudden gusts of winds shaking leaves from trees.

Divine Domains

Rillifane Rallathil, the great oak is The Seldarine diety who is responsible for all the ancient forests across the planes. His domain extends to those creatures born of nature such as Dryad.

Holy Books & Codes

The Infinite Branches is the written word of Rillifane Rallathil, usually bound in bark covered wood carved with the great oak. While some versions of this holy text have found themselves copied into more regular book styles these oak bound books are considered a sign of great importance within the Worship of Rillifane Rallathil.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Great Oak is the symbol of Rillifane Rallathil, holy symbols often carved from oak or wood which is available. Metal holy symbols are common place amongst the followers and even clerics depending upon the region.   Most devoute followers have planted an oak on their property if possible as well to use a symbol and even an alter at times.

Tenets of Faith

The Great Oak draws energy from all the living creatures of the world and nourishes, sustains and protects them from outside threats. Live in harmony with the natural world, allowing each living being the opportunity to serve out its natural purpose in life. As the Leaflord's countless branches, his faithful are to serve as mortal agents in the natural world. Defend the great forests from those who seek to ravage their riches, leaving only destruction in their path. Contest the quick and slow death of Rillifane's bounty and hold strong like the great oaks in the face of those who can see only their own immediate needs.


The major holy day within the worship of Rillifane is Great Oaks Watch . This holy day is observed on the first day of Winterfall, and is believed to be the first instance of regrowth and a celebration of the patience and promise of Rillifane to protect nature.   The Budding is the 20th of Thawing (March) which is which is preceded by two days of fasting with a great hunt on the third day.   The Transformation  is the 22nd day of Collection (September), which is important to those who seek to change their lives.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The protection of ancient nature from the path of civilization.


Rillifane Rallathil

Brother (Important)

Towards Obad-Hai




Brother (Important)

Towards Rillifane Rallathil




Obad-Hai and Rillifane Rallathil are often depecited as brothers who share a common goal but differ on their plans. Both deities of nature Obad-Hai watches and balances nature and civilization where Rillifane protects the Ancient Forests which are though to fuel nature on the The Material Plane.

Rillifane Rallathil

Rival (Vital)

Towards Talos




Rical (Important)

Towards Rillifane Rallathil




Talos and Rillifane are great enemies, even while they are in different pantheons. Since the second era when Talos destroyed the continent which is now considered the Northern Chain  Rillifane marked Talos as a great enemy to which his followers now make sure to thwart the plans of Talos to bring about mass destruction.

Rillifane Rallathil

Greater Deity (Important)

Towards Ehlonna




Lesser Deity (Vital)

Towards Rillifane Rallathil




Ehlonna is currently in service to Rillifane in the wake of the Heralds of Darkness and their assault of the upper planes.

Symbol of Rillifane Rallathil

Divine Classification
Greater God
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Leaflord
  • The Wild One
  • The Great Oak
  • The Many-Limbed

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