Empress Emily's journal is filled with stories of undiscovered and unique cultures, cities, and creatures. The Empress journeyed around the The Speckled Sea, down the eastern coast of Aar'karr, and all the way around the continent of Yiria.
I, soon to be Empress, Emily Exion sign this journal signifying its authenticity and accuracy to the fullest of my knowledge and understanding.
I've always loved the sea, the blue waters that connect our Empire and all of Ümbria. The sea is a gift from Umberlee and I thank her for it everyday. Ever since I was young I have always wanted to traverse those beautiful waves and see how they move, how they feel, where they go. I loved any and every chance I could get to join my mother and father on trips to the other islands away from Dunwall. When I was 15 or so I learned how to sail from Admiral Ulysses Avenkar. We started off with smaller sailing boats and eventually I was personally captaining our Grandships whenever I needed to travel. Everyone told me I "took to sailing like a fish takes to water" but I couldn't tell if they meant it or they said it just because I was the next Empress. Either way, I eventually got the hang of it and from then on I spent as much time as I could on my personal boat father gave me. I named that ship The Breach Runner or Breach for short. She was a Dagger class ship and could out run any ship in the Navy even today.
I will soon take the mantal of Empress from my mother and that is why I believe I need use this time and my love of the sea for the benefit of The Empire and its citizens. I've gathered the best Imperial sailors, navigators, cartographers, botanists, arcanists, and some of the Navy's most capable soldiers. Together we shall attempt to meet as many Imperial citizens on as many Imperial islands as we can before setting out south towards
Aar'karr. From there we shall either circle
Aar'karr or head east towards
Yiria. Either way, we shall document and collect as many samples of every new type of plant, animal, or material discovered on our journey. We also plan to talk with any people groups willing to converge with the strange foreigners sailing up to their front doors. Hopefully they will be peaceful enough to allow us to enjoy and learn about their culture from their religions to their foods, I want to know everything.
Most importantly the main reasons why I wanted to make this expedition happen was to map out as much of Ümbria as we can. One of my life goals is to create an Imperial Atlas with full detailed maps as well as one complete map of Ümbria for our future generations to be inspired by and to learn from. I believe this expedition is my best opportunity to make this dream reality. I may not see this Atlas achieved in my lifetime but then I hope my children or their children will.
We leave tomorrow, The Oracle, The Burnt Rose, The Faith, and Kudelia's Heart are all loaded and ready to sail. I doubt I'll sleep tonight.
I was right earlier. I write this from my bed in the dead of night, Kirk and Julia sleep besides me. My heart breaks at the thought of not seing them for however many years this journey will take but I know I leave them in loving and capable hands. They are bright young children. Kirk is exceptionally smart for his short 8 years in this world. His health is not as a parent wishes but I know he will become stronger with time. Kirk's short blonde hair reflects the light from the single candle on my beadstand. It reminds me of his father's and the way it would shine in the daylight. Julia is always the center of attention with the nobals and the lords whenever she manages to sneak away from her nurses and into a dinner or meeting. Little stinker. I have to push her long brown hair off of her face to see it as she sleeps. How I will miss you two, how I will miss this, most of all.
I love you both more than anything. You will both make wonderful leaders one day.
[Unfinished as of May 28th]