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As celestial comets rain down, the cold and harsh continent of Ûnduleah is transformed as magic enters the world

  The night is cold and dark, but no chillier or blacker than usual for a day in Inquit as I'm woken up by a strange noise. People are shuffling and mumbling outside. I can't make out what they are saying, but I feel the nervousness in their voices. My eyes are still a bit stingy and I clumsily throw on my warmest coat. As I open the door my eyes start to water due to the bright lights outside. As my eyes adjust, the white-silver streaks in the sky become clearer. There is a subtle trembling sensation in the earth beneath my feet. The whistling noise that woke me up is getting louder and louder. As I look around I notice that one streak of light seems to slow down, the tail shrinks until it is not much more than a dot. A slowly growing dot. The whistling has turned to a wheeze that's so loud, it almost feels like the noise alone is causing the earth to shake. The silver dot is now straight above our heads. Shouts around me are barely audible as my chest tightens. I too look quickly left and right. There is a large boulder right next to me. I don't know if it will be enough, but I have no time and jump. As I drop behind the boulder the wheezing noise stops. It appears to have landed just outside the village somewhere in the forest. I feel the ground beneath my feet shift and almost instantly the shockwave hits. I get blown away and land flat on my stomach a few meters away from the boulder. I feel thudding around me. For a second there is complete silence. Then my ears open again, and instead of the loud whistle, I now hear cries and sobbing over a subtle static noise. The other silver objects are raining down too, but thankfully further away. The sky has turned thick with blown-up snow but even through that, something feels off. These are no ordinary asteroids. The air appears to shimmer, as if imbued with something magical. I don't give it too much thought though, because I know people around me need my help.

Hi there! Where to start?

First off, this world is a work in progress. So there will be inconsistencies, out-of-date or weird things here and there. Secondly, I'm also writing a novel about Roseburn. So my attention is divided between worldbuilding and novel writing.   Okay, with that out of the way: the best place to start is the world map (currently V6, found in the right column below), as that's where this entire worldbuilding started for me too. I just made a map and started to think about what people would live here, what animals would fit here, and what flora would grow where.   The world codex in the left column is, of course, a more organised approach where you can find áll of my articles, feel free to click around there to see what piques your interest, and read about that!   The timeline, below the map, will show you in more detail the premise of my world in 3 major events.   Or just jump right into the most recent articles listed in the middle column! And see what I've cooked up recently.  

About me

My name is Judith(she/her), my online name is nicemustang. I enjoy fantasy and writing. I'm quite new here but WorldAnvil is a creative outlet for me where I can fantasize about my own world, come up with locations, stories, species etc. I love diving just a little too deep into the research on a new topic, and thus learning about geography, conlangs, biology etc. So far I'm having a blast here. My bestie sometimes uses my worldbuilding as inspiration to draw, so keep an eye out for the gorgeous drawings from lottewave_art  

Note to self:

I love learning how the world works, but it's okay to change it if I don't like it. It's my fantasy world, not everything hás to be realistic.   My thoughts, ideas and world changes a lot, there will be inconsistencies. That's okay. They'll be fixed one day eventually.   Tag without #, and multi-word tags get a '-' in between.