
The Emori are groups of independent travelling women and non-binary people that have claimed their own protectorate rings and now are free roaming people, not under anyone's protection or care.  

Gaining their independence

The way for a girl or nonbinary person to gain their independence from a man is by winning their protectorate ring.  

The protectorate ring

Whenever a girl, or non-binary person is born, the family crafts a protectorate ring for the father of the child. The holder of this ring is responsible for caring and protecting the person the ring is made for. In order for a husband-contender to bond with his desired wife,  

Winning the protectorate ring

Due to the patriarchal nature of the Northmen some women and non binary people don't want to bond with a man who they will then be considered lower than. People who don't want to bond with a man have the option to win their own protectorate ring in the same challenges against their father, or husband-contender.   If the husband-contender wins all 3 races against his desired wife, he will recieve the protectorate ring from the father of the wife.   If the husband-to-be does not win all three chalelnges, but only 1 or 2 out of 3, he fails to win the ring, and must wait another 3 years before he can contend again.   If the wife-desired wins all three, they will recieve the protecorate ring from their father. The woman or non-binary person can also challenge their father to the same 3 races. If she wins all three races they will recieve the ring from their father.  

After gaining independence

After winning their own protectorate ring, and gaining their own independence, these people are free to pursue their own goals. However, due to the humilation of losing the men of the town usually banish the Emori from their town. So these people group together and form travelling packs.   These groups of Emori are a taboo, and treated as ghosts. Unless discretion is required for a certain mission..
Parent ethnicities

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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