
DAM is a small town in the middle of the floodplains in the @valley of the dancing moonlight. It's located in the middle between the river Vela and Yssi. To protect itself against the frequent floods, the inhabitants of Dam have built a circular dam around it.


The village of Dam is small enough and it has plenty of food and water to sustain itself. So most families are self sufficient, and take up an extra trade to supply the rest of the village, and to try and gain some surplus wealth. There is no government. But there is the council of the three sisters that founded the city. In an unofficial way they run the city.

Industry & Trade

The region is rich in food. Water and peat. It has natural river deposits of iron and silver. Wood is gathered from the forest nearby, and some of the people have started a small quarry to look for coal.   Farming the wetlands. Mining in the quarry Prospecting for silver and iron Blacksmithing Hunting Gathering Peat collecting And infrastructure building Trading Medicine Tavern   Exports: Rice, Poultry, Peat, Silver, Iron, Tools, Ships,   Imports: Coal, Wood,


The village is surrounded by a circular dam that encloses the whole village. To reach the village during high waters they dug shallow channels, lined it with poles. And built special rafts to be able to move in or out of the city in case of emergency.     Later in history they will build watermilld to ground wheat and flour.


The village of Dam has an inner circle (dam). Home to the 3 sister's hall. And and outer circle, with some scattered houses.

Guilds and Factions

The three families: van Dam, van Dike, van Ditch


The three sisters started building their first dwellings closer to the river Yssi, and further up north, near the forest. However, after a few weeks the first flood came and nearly swept away their home. So they tried again on the slightly higher ground between the bends of the rivers further south. They floated wood from the river down to the bend in the Yssi, and carried it from there up to the new location. They first built a circular dam around their settlement. Before further raising their house. They built a central building big enough for all 3 families. There were enough birds, waterberries and wild rice and grains to feed themselves, and they collected nuts from the forest.

Points of interest

The central hall in the inner dam.   The rows of poles painted with black and red tops that line the shallow ditches.


The base of buildings are built with rocks in lime to fend off any water. The rest is built with wood and straw. Simple slanted roofs to let the snow fall off.


The village of Dam is situated in the valley of the dancing moonlight in between the rivers Vela and Yssi.
Founding Date
180 SR ish
Inhabitant Demonym
'van Dam'

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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