valley of the dancing moonlight

The valley of the dancing moonlight is the region between two rivers. Due to silver grains deposited by the river after its frequent floods, the valley glimmers in the moonlight.


The valley of the sancing moonlight is a Floodplain that lies in the region of Unem, south of the @laraki mountains. in the Unem grasslands run two rivers: the Yssi and the Vela. Both transport the melting snow and rainwaters of the steaming Laraki mountains. The region where these two rivers run parallel to each other is known as the flood valley, due to its frequent flooding.


Because of the heat from the orange Celestial Shards combined with the south western winds that bring warm winds to the mountains, the southern mountainside receives a lot of rain and snow. The heat from the core melts the snow causing a lot of rainfall and meltwater that the rivers can't contain. Thus they frequently overflow and flood the region around and between the rivers.   The result is a floodplain with highly fertile soil, but only suitable to grow water loving plants such as rice and berries.

Ecosystem Cycles

During warm seasons, the region is prone to heavy rainfall and violent but short thunderstorms, causing flash floods. During the colder seasons the rivers calm down a bit due to the snowfall slowing down the drainage of the water basin. In the spring the rivers flood to their maximum for long periods. The region has a lot of weidevogels, birds, that scavenge the river banks after the floods subside. They take refuge in the tall grasses to the north where there aren't any big rivers. During the winter some of the birds migrate over the Kiridûn mountains to the more southern delta regions of Dûnn. But others keep scavenging under the thin layer of snow.

Localized Phenomena

The rivers deposit fragments of silver and steel to the region, that can be collected from the mud once the river receeds again. This phenomenon makes the whole region glimmer in the moonlight in a spectacular show. Whence it's name.


The valley has a temperate, wet climate. Relatively Mild summers and mild winters.

Fauna & Flora

Lynx like animals roam the plains hunting for birds. Their wide paws have short nails and tiny webs when spread.

Natural Resources

Silver and iron us transported down the river Yssi.   Berries   Rice   Bird meat   Eggs,   Feathers,   Arrows, (twigs from the river from the forest)


The region used to have much colder seasons. Causing the rivers to nearly run dry during the winter months, but flood even further during early summer. It didn't use to have as many flash floods. So most birds migrated further south to the lands beyond. Giving rise to special winter adapted insects.
Alternative Name(s)
flood valley, the rice fields, the floodplains,
Estuary / River delta
Location under
Included Locations

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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