
The Northmen are a group of patriarchal humans who lived on the northern parts of the southern continent.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Dragor, Luach, Leath, Pruga. (all feminine names start with a consonant)

Masculine names

Unthe, Ithic, Anuch, Eklund (all masculine names start with a vowel)

Family names

A 'surname' is only given to those who conquered a region. They are then named 'firstname' 'of [conquered region]'. So for example 'Unthe of Lois'.


Shared customary codes and values

The northmen follow a strictly patriarchal system. Women must serve men, and men are supposed to protect their property and wives. Bonded couples (man and wife) are usually very close and share almost anything. When they are together they are kind and loving towards each other. In public the man must walk behind his wife so he can protect her.  

Bonding contest

For a man to bind to his desired wife, he must first win her in a contest. This contest consists of 3 parts:   first, the man must prove he can provide for himself and his wife by going out into the wild together with his 'desired'. And he must care for the two of them for 10 days, without outside help. So he must hunt, fish, scavenge, build shelter and ward off wild animals.   Then, after those 10 days, his desired will return to her home for 40 days, while he must stay out in the wild. During this time he must build in the wild something to show his long term commitment. Usually this will be a house, or a farm, or ship of some kind.   lastly, he must 'battle' with his desired. This battle consists of three races: a sailing competition, a riding competition. and a running competition. There are a few common routes set out for these competitions, but ultimately the woman chooses the starting and finish location. The man must win in all three competitions to prove his added worth to the bonding.   This has resulted in some groups of women who don't want to bond with a man, to practice these races to make sure they can win these battles and make sure they stay independent. Women can gain independence from their parents if they win 2 out of three races from their father. Groups of independent women have formed that roam the lands either by horse or sea. These roaming groups are called .. Druga ..
Diverged ethnicities
Encompassed species

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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