The Uharuka and the Keadin protectorate

After the banishment of all human men from Keadin, the Uharuka held a grude and pledged to take back Keadin.

The Conflict


A few decades after the founding of Keadin the humans came. A small group stranded in Dûnn by shipwreck, driven by their own silver rain changes in the continents further south. The dwarves took them in. Gave them shelter and food. And the humans decided to stay. They learned what they could eat, how to build. And in return they brought seeds. And taught the dwarves agriculture.   But the humans did not share the culture of sharing. They wanted to have things for themselves. So they took them. Especially the human culture where men wanted to impress and dominate was considered problematic by the dwarves, so they banished all men from Keadin . Calling them Uharu: evil humans. But allowing women free access to stay or leave. Calling them Eharu: good humans.


All banished men, and some of the women created settlements of their own. Some men held a grudge, and wanted to retaliate. They aimed to conquer Keadin for themselves. They united as the Uharuka , under the Banner of the wilted flower. They started raiding food supplies of the dwarves. And even started killing dwarves. For the first time in the history of the dwarves, they had to fight to protect themselves and their livelihoods. The dwarves created bigger walls, but they had to venture out to get food and water, so they fashioned armour and weapons to better defend themselves with. The Uharuka were vastly outnumbered, but they had experience in warfare.   The Uharuka are constantly raiding dwarven envoys on the plains of Unem.   Some humans did not want to parttake in this conflict and settled nearby Keadin and established (trade) relations with the dwarves, some wanted to end the conflict, and united under the given name of the Eharu.   The Uharuka even assaulted Keadin, and took the city by surprise. After an initial failed counterattack, the dwarves banded together and with help from the Eharu the dwarves took back the city again. They then founded Keadin Protectorate , an organisation who's main purpuse is defending Keadin and the dwarves in Unem from the raiding Uharuka.


Currently there is an active guerilla war going on between the Uharuka and the dwarves on Unem.   The dwarves have lost their trust in other races.   The Dîn even shut themselves off from contact for many years, focussing on their internal development only. Refusing any contact even with other dwarves. The Dwarves on Aachor maintained trade relations with those on Unem, but more reserved than before.   The dwarves were also forced to develop warfare methods, something they have not had to do for millenia.
Battlefield Type
Start Date
~180 SR
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Ongoing guerrilla war

Cover image: by nicemustangart


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