
"Simple, deliberate, stubborn, and hulking."   Half-giants are widely known for their physical abilities, and for their ability to deal heavy damage to foes during combat, but they are typically shunned by many people for their hulking figures and often simplistic views on life and goals. This is not to say that half-giants are stupid, as many of them, especially storm half-giants can have great intellect, but because of their ability to muscle through problems, they typically do not worry too much about details, and feel they can just plow right on to their goals.   The main thing a half-giant wants in life is acceptance from giants, humans, or both. Some Half-Giants attempt to gain acceptance by accomplishing heroic deeds. Half-giants who are raised among the giant culture will attempt to gain acceptance by honing their combat skills to perfection. Adventuring typically allows them to hone their combat skills and accomplish heroic deeds at the same time, so most Half-Giants who get the chance to will gladly join an adventuring party.   It is believed that the last house of the half-giants to be alive is House Kaydwen, though the house itself only has a few members left.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Half-giants are very tall and well-muscled.they stand 8-13 feet tall and weigh 450-1000 pounds. They typically will look like humans, but at times they are also known to look like the giant of which they are kin. Many, however, are known to look slightly more primal or have skin more closely colored to stone than actual flesh.

Civilization and Culture


In the beginning, the world was populated by many creatures and they lived together in relative harmony. Infinitely varied they were; contrived of all the gods' imaginations. Each was beautiful and special in its own way. And the gods walked among them, blessing all the creatures of the Earth. One the most impressive of these creatures was the race known as, the Giants. Of god-like stature and possessing great power, the Giants were unmatched save perhaps, for the Dragons. They were so powerful, in fact, that they became arrogant and dismissive, even treating the gods with disdain. Weary of the constant annoyance, the gods withdrew their favour from the Giants and left them to admire themselves in solitude.   When the giants began expanding to other lands such as Novarus and Illithium, they came into conflict with the true dragons that ruled them. The giants had the advantage when it came to a form of an army and an alliance, but the dragons made up for their lack of numbers with magic and inate abilities. To combat this, the giants started to mate with humanoids creating the first half-giants. All half-giants carry features and racial traits from their ancestry (i.e. fire giants, frost giants, storm giants, cloud giants, and hill giants).
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
8' - 13'
Average Weight
450 - 1000 lb
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