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Academy of Nautical Studies and Shipwrights

Old Docks District, Fuldair, Curtana

The Academy of Nautical Studies and Shipwrights stands in prime position in the Old Docks District of Fuldair, overlooking the River Yorin across the only remaining operating section of the Old Dock. Sponsored by both the Westbrook Family and the Noble House, the Academy offers a comprehensive training experience for sailors, sea-faring merchants, ocean explorers and shipwrights, providing accommodation and library services to students and consultation services to external enquirers. In addition to its beautiful main building, the Academy is famous for its expansive library and first class resources.  

Faculties and Courses


Maritime Business, Logisitics and Operations

Focusing on business-related education, the faculty has a heavy maritime focus and was the first specialised faculty of its kind, teaching merchantry, logistics, operations within the maritime industry, and dock workings.  

Sailing and Seamanship

Dedicated to sailing and seamanship techniques across a variety of seafaring vessels, this Faculty is considered the oldest within the whole school.  

Shipbuilding and Repair

Brought in as an extension of the sailing faculty, the Faculty of Shipbuilding and Repair is heavily supported by the Westport Noble Family.  


Dedicated to the study of the seas and oceans in all their biological, magical and chemical formats, the Faculty of Oceanography has a high number of students with latent abilities in Synergism and Witchcraft.  

Maritime Weavecraft

This faculty deals with the study of the various forms of magic that can be encountered, employed or ultilised as part of the tending, control, navigation and communication of the seas.  

Maritime Theology

Dealing with the study of the Gods of the seas, sailing and weather, this Faculty predominantly explores the implications of working with the sea and sailing gods, as well as methods and means of appeasing them.  

Cartography and Navigation

Considered an arts faculty, the Faculty of Cartography and Navigation deals with the creation and reading of maps, as well as the ability to plot locations and distances using landmarks and stellar objects.  

Public Courses

Not a Faculty in and of itself, Public Courses are instead short snippets of enrolled courses designed to educate the general public in the basics of certain areas of expertise. They can be used as an introduction to enrolled courses, as a supplement to current knowledge, to prepare for the hardships of sea travel, to gain a basic understanding of a certain set of skills, or to gain a greater understanding of the environements they may face.  

Notable Staff and Students


Notable Staff


Headmaster Verin Carnyx

A straight-laced and intelligent Human-Elf, Carnyx lost his left eye to the Silver Hand
for his part in evacuating his students from the Academy during the annexation of Fuldair. Carnyx took over the role of Headmaster in 1427, and has spent the last 50 years establishing himself as a well-loved and respected leader within the Academy. He is well known for his dedication to those under his care and would do anything to protect them. Carnyx is known to have friends in high places, including members of the House Guard, and has previously associated with unknown informants as part of his service to the Academy and the city. Carnyx's strengths lie in his diplomacy and his deep knowledge of magic, as he was a former teacher of Maritime Weavecraft.  

Faculty Head Marcia Duval

The Faculty Head of Cartography and Navigation, Duval is a Halfelin small of stature
but large in presence. Outspoken in her distrust of the Silver Hand after her sister was murdered by them, and known for her repeated protests against the annexation of the city, Duval is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in and will fight for what she believes is good and just. It is believed that Duval is most likely to become Headmaster if Carnyx retires or passes, and she has repeatedly made it clear that she respects Carnyx and will follow his every command. Duval was the leader of the project to map parts of the underground tunnel system for the Underground, and is said to know them better than anyone.  

Groundskeeper Baron

A Navian of indescernable age, Groundskeeper Baron has been at the Academy for
at least a couple of centuries, and is well known as a kind, affable individual with a fondness for the students. He is always willing to lend a helpful ear to students struggling, and is happy to offer words of wisdom whenever he can. In fact, Baron's wisdom is so famous, that even academics from outside the city have heard of him, and on occasion will seek him out to hear his words. Baron was one of those involved with the evacuation effort during the annexation, personally protecting several students from an errant Silver Hand patrol, showing that he is far stronger than he appears. Rumours suggest that Baron may be a higher being in disguise, but Baron simply refers to himself as "just Baron".  

Former Attendees of Note


Raker Flynn

Expelled from the Academy in 1452 for "unbefitting conduct", Flynn became a pirate and the antithesis of everything the Academy stands for. He has spent the last twenty years out on the seas, harrassing merchant vessels and attacking small port villages in a bid to make a name for himself. He is notorious for his disrespect for other seafarers and his repeated taunting of the Harbinger, a sailors' ghost story, to "come and get him", though he is also known to avoid the fleet of the Dragon of the West.    

Captain Huru Waverider

Huru Waverider is a female Human-Orc who graduated from the Academy in 1447. She was known to excel in her practical studies and showed impressive leadership skills throughout her time there, but made it clear from the moment she entered that she was only interested in re-joining her Father aboard his ship, the Cresting Wave. After the Silver Hand killed her crew and sank the Cresting Wave in 1474, she spent four years in hiding before eventually killing her former Handler and joining the People's Revolt of Fuldair by becoming the new Captain of the Midnight Steel in the employ of the House in 1478.  

Captain Richard Stallard

A Human native Fuldairan, Richard was known as a model student, despite being famous for being in possession of a fiery temperament and equally as wicked sword arm. He graduated from the Academy in 1406 with Grand Honours and was immediately recruited by the House to work aboard one of their merchant ships. He quickly rose through the ranks to become an "Iron Captain", where he was known as "the Red Master" because of his flaming red hair. Richard remained tirelessly on the seas before retiring at the age of 84 in 1468, passing away from natural causes at the age of 92 in 1476.


  • Reverence and respect must be shown to the seas at all times
  • Discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, sexual preference, religion, origin or class is not tolerated
  • Shortcuts in your work are the quickest route to ruin


The Academy began as an offshoot of the Sailors' Guild in Fuldair in Y6A 204 and was known as the Sailors' School. At the time Fuldair was a haven for pirates, who found the sheltered river banks and multiple illicit access points to be incredibly useful for trading in stolen goods. Additionally, Fuldair was poorly governed at the time, and authorities were regularly bought out or illegally installed. The Sailors' Guild was perhaps one of the only legitimate ventures within Fuldair, and they maintained a resolute dedication to quality seamanship and high moral standards despite the corruption around them.   By 679 the Guild were no longer able to manage the runnings of the School and it separated to become an independent entity, though they maintained strong ties. The School played a large part in the design and building of the new docks, including the Deepwater facilities, between 729 and 742.   However, by 784 the School had outgrown its physical capabilities and received massive investment from the Noble House and the Westport Shipyards. In early 804, the new facilities in the Old Docks were completed, and the School began the process of moving into its new buildings. The decision was made to rebrand as an Academy, and a full new prospectus was installed, giving birth to the Academy of Nautical Studies and Shipwrights. That prospectus forms the basis of all courses available within the Academy to this day.   In 822, members of the Academy staff were responsible for assisting in bringing to light the corruption of the Noble Family Arkhart, who continued to engage in piracy and illicit operations. The disgrace and banishment of the Arkharts paved the way for the rise of the Westports into the position of Noble Family due to their continued support of the Academy.   In 901, the Academy expanded to offer merchantry, logistics and operations as part of its prospectus, implementing the Faculty of Maritime Business, Logistics and Operations. This was the first dedicated merchantry faculty of its kind in Curtana, and paved the way for many specialised schools and faculties in other parts of the continent of Eirinn. By 1003 the presence of the Academy had helped Fuldair gain the prestige of being "the Sailors' Capital" and the "Greatest Shipbuilding City in Eirinn". The Academy became known as one of the most presitigious education establishments along the west coast.   On the 17th of Rainmoot 1468, all members of the Academy attended an assembly to announce the theme of the End of Year Exhibition, but it turned into a major evacuation effort when a Silver Hand corps led by Lieutenant General Khaldur Deciir engaged in a bloody annexation of Fuldair. The Court of Sails and the majority of the City Watch were slaughtered, but while the Hand were focusing on taking the Court and Shipyards, they ignored the Old Docks District, which allowed the Headmaster, Verin Carnyx, the opportunity to evacuate. One third of the students and the entirety of the staff chose to remain and support the city in whatever way they could. Evacuated students spoke of twisting smugglers' tunnels and trips on pre-prepared boats with unknown guides, and Carnyx later admitted that he had been aware of the possibility of an attack, notified by an unidentified informant, but had been unable to convince the Court of the seriousness of an attack.   Despite threats from Deciir to have Carnyx and several of his staff executed for staging the evacuation, Deciir ultimately left the Academy alone, seeing value in their "services", and settled instead for simply taking Carnyx's left eye. The Academy remained operational throughout the annexation, though it received immense amounts of scrutiny from the Hand during that time. The Academy engaged in relief efforts throughout the city, and secretly supported the Fuldair Underground after its formation in 1472; it was used as a meeting point, as well as staff and students actively assisting in the collecting and dissemination of information and supplies. Several staff and students were accused of "aiding and abetting" during the latter years of the occupation, though the majority of these escaped execution and were instead used as slave labour by the Hand. Those that were scheduled for execution were two teachers who mysteriously vanished from their cells, prompting a failed city-wide manhunt. Those teachers later reappeared during the People's Revolt of Fuldair on the night of the 17th of Firewane 1478 as part of the forces of the Fuldair Underground.

In wind and wave we find our freedom

Founding Date
804 Y6A
Educational, School/Academy
Alternative Names
Fuldair Sailors' Academy
Predecessor Organization
Notable Members

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