
A machine made of twenty thousand years of love and hatred poured into a cast the size of a mountain, the Hyperium stands to defend the realm at any cost. It's directive: Establish the continuity of the world as recognised by the Nu-Concordat   It was retroactively constructed in the final year of the reign of Kaiser Arkus Nephiron-Willow II, some eighty thousand years ago. It has stood in place ever since.   The Steel-Tower has not one flaw in it's construction, it does not age, it does not rust nor decay. It is metal-eternal, the god-artificial, it cannot be stopped - nor slain.


Upon the return of Rhothaxis, the Dread-Hunger, Hyperium activated and defeated the beast in single combat. The battle took place over several hundred miles, and laid waste to two cities and millions of lives. Weiss Willow never saw the successful activation of the Hyperium, on her timeline she saw the complete destruction of her world and the deaths of everyone she loved. Weiss was alone after Severa tried in a valiant effort to slay the dragon.   Weiss was a god, alone and with no one to keep company - but the dragon itself. Over milleneia they spoke, arguments, debates, philosophy, everything. Until she understood, Rhothaxis wasn't evil, nor was it malicious. It was just a force of nature, like death itself.   She learned that she succeeded in another world, Hyperium was constructed and defeated Rhothaxis. But without the Dread-Hunger, the world would soon live beyond it's expiration, and a swift end would be the kind thing for them.   Weiss cast herself back one final time, throwing the timeline into disarray once more. This is how Margaux ended up when she is now. Weiss manifested into the world in the current year and began engineering the correct series of events necessary to reprogram Hyperium for it's new purpose: the destruction of the world.   The events are as follows:   King Titus Crow II is to learn of a threat to his regency, a true heir to the throne is to arise and begin to destabilise the Last Kingdom, and this instability will allow enough time to locate Weiss Willow's Instruments to transport the False Heart to Hyperium's resting place for his reactivation.   Once Hyperium is activated, it will destroy all present who activated it, before walking the world to wipe it clean of life.   Weiss took the name of her old foe, Nemesis, and closely monitors the progress of her plan from her ancient family tower, Tower Salix. She cannot be defeated by normal means, but she can be convinced to stop her plan. However if she is convinced to stop, it must be too late to prevent Hyperium from activating.

Power Generation

Hyperium on it's own is a threat that could not easily be stopped, standing over three hundred metres tall, and weighing three and a half thousand tonnes. Hyperium was designed to defeat almost any mundane threat to the security of the False Heart. Hyperium powered by either the Heart of Creation, or the False Heart, is in all senses a god. Hyperium would be capable of causing death and destruction on a scale unheard of. This ability is central to the plans of Nemesis-Eternal, who plans on using Hyperium to trigger a tonal vacuum collapse in order to annihilate reality.
Taken from Historium Salix by Severa Willow.
1000 ft.
91,625 tonnes (202,000,000 lbs.)
650 mph / 6000 ft.
Complement / Crew
0 (autonomous)