
The original Titan began construction under the supervision of Severa Willow in the year 1146 4E, but wouldn't become operational for over 2,700 years. The completed vessel was placed deep underground, near where Zelnach stands today. Monarch is the second titan created by humanity, after the autonomous Hyperium  This Titan was named Monarch, after the butterfly. Unlike it's successor, Hyperium, Monarch had little to no combat functionality, and lacked an integrated super-soul to run independent functions. Further, Monarch lacked the compatibility with the False Heart extracted from Rhothaxis.   The central piece to Monarch's system is the presence of a shipbourne "smart" AI (or ancilla) that operated as a layer between the pilot and the machine itself. Due to the immense arcane draw of Monarch, the pilot was liable to be absorbed into the machine itself without the use of a compatability layer such as Iota.

Power Generation

Monarch was limited to using direct-ingestion soul-capture. This severely limited potential use-cases for the Titan to strictly end-of-world or near-end-of-world scenarios. It was for this purpose the Nu-Concordat was established, to dictate when and where Monarch would be permitted to be activated.   Calculations done at the time indicated that for an operational time of 5 minutes, Monarch would have to consume roughly 5000 souls of men (or equivalent sentient race). A unique side-effect of the soul-capture is it's retroactive effects, for example, those destined to be consumed would seem to become acutely aware of this fact months or even years before the event. In one case, one test subject stated he felt aware of this fate before Weiss-II had even conceived the idea of Monarch.

Weapons & Armament

Monach has no traditional integrated weapons systems, instead bearing an arcane amplificiation circuit that runs throughout it's body. This system allows for the projection and - unsurprisingly - amplification of arcane abilities, or raw power, present in the pilot.
Used by
850 ft.
81,646 tonnes (163,292,000 lbs.)
450 mph / 4000 ft.
Complement / Crew
1 pilot