Historium Salix

Second Era

1000 1E to 8641 2E

The Second Era is considered to have began upon the founding of the Great City of Jericho, said to have once floated above a boundless ocean. I only know Jericho to be a foul memory of a city in a vile desert.

  • 28 2E

    The Treaty of Jericho
    Diplomatic action

    The Treaty of Jericho is signed between the native draconic population. This allowed dragons to live and collaborate with the population of the city freely.

  • 109 2E

    New Capital
    Political event

    The City of Jericho is named the capital of the new Draconic Solar Kingdom

  • 864 2E

    Forges of Jericho
    Technological achievement

    The Forges of Jericho are reignited, sparking a technological revolution.

  • 898 2E

    Disaster / Destruction

    The Forges of Jericho are destroyed, one of it's five power sources - now known as the Heart of Creation - is relocated to the surface of Jericho.

  • 2002 2E

    Population Migration / Travel

    Contact is re-established between the island of Jericho and the rest of the world, dragons spread quickly around the planet, at first acting as envoys for the Kingdom.

  • 2019 2E

    Technological achievement

    Automatons are first recoded, at first humanoid.

  • 2188 2E

    The First Steel-Walk
    Technological achievement

    Mountain-sized construction automatons are recoded for the Great Reclamation Project.

  • 2265 2E

    The Great Reclamation
    Construction beginning/end

    The Draconic Solar Kingdom constructs the Great Sea Wall, reclaiming an unknown amount of land for inhabitation.

  • 2305 2E

    Population Migration / Travel

    Various populations spread out into the new world as vegetation takes hold.

  • 3199 2E

    Dwarves of Lumen
    Technological achievement

    The Heart of Creation is relocated to the dwarven City of Lumen.

  • 8615 2E

    Disaster / Destruction

    The fertile plains of Greater Jericho dry up. With the ground water supply drained, the land turns to desert.

  • 8617 2E

    CIty of One Thousand Isles
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Draconic Solar Kingdom decrees that 4 sections of land by excavated from each region and brought upon the site of the ancient capital.
      The capital is excavated, a section on which stood the old palace is lifted to be the 5th section. The City of One Thousand Isles is formed.

  • 8618 2E


    The land is completely desert now, life dies outside the capital city.

  • 8620 2E

    The Draconic Purge

    The Draconic Purge begins, the terraforming projects lead by the dragons was seen to be an affront to the gods, having ruined the world, leaving the common people left for dead.

  • 8620 2E

    Life, Milestone

    Bertolt Von Lohengramm hides Lyra during the purge.

  • 8624 2E

    Discovery, Scientific

    An advancement in the arcane is made, a method to permanently change a dragon into a humanoid form, initially crude, eventually perfected and resulting in dragons locked in a near perfect human form.

  • 8625 2E

    The Silence of the Dragons

    The purge is completed.

  • 8638 2E

    Rising Force
    Political event

    Bertolt Von Lohengramm forms House Von Lohengramm and establishes himself as an advisor to the King.

  • 8639 2E

    A New People
    Cultural event

    The word "Dragonborn" enters the common lexicon, meaning those descended from the humanoid dragon forms.

  • 8640 2E

    Cout D'Etat
    Military action

    Bertolt Von Lohengramm and an alliance of other noble houses launch a coup d'etat, sensing the need for a reformation of government in the more desperate times in changing environment.

Third Era

8641 2E to 8134 3E

Bertolt Von Lohengramm declares himself Kaiser with the support of the common people. He quickly instates a new calendar system, of which we use to this day.

  • 1 3E

    6 Second Seed

    Life, Relationship change

    Kaiser Bertolt Von Lohengramm I grants Lyra the position of Captain of the Guard, she held this position until 3411 3E.

  • 3 3E

    25 Frostfall

    Church of the Triumvirate
    Religious event

    The worship of the sun, the body in which scholars believe they originated, was outlawed and worship shifted towards the Triumvirate planets.

  • 2862 3E

    17 First Seed

    Imperial Standard Calendar begins!
    Political event

    Kaiser Bertolt XIV is coronated, Imperial date system reform, accurate timekeeping begins.

  • 3330 3E

    22 Last Seed

    Our Birth
    Life, Birth

    Both me and my sister, Severa Willow were born on this day.

  • 3361 3E

    22 Sun's Dawn

    Another royal baby!
    Life, Birth

    Kaiser Siegfried Von Lohengramm is born.

  • 3385 3E

    11 Midyear

    Prophetic Visions
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Kaiser Siegfried sees a vision of the empire being burned, and his subjects washed away by mile high waves of black smoke and gas.

  • 3390 3E

    2 Last Seed

    Separatist Negotiations
    Gathering / Conference

    Separatists convene in Carina, unhappy with the current state of the Triumvirate Imperium. They seek to secede from the empire and rule themselves.

  • 3401 3E

    5 Frostfall

    Weapons Testing
    Military: Battle

    Weiss Willow launches an attack on Gemini with experimental vampiric soldiers under her direct telepathic command. Only one tenth of the population survive after a loss of control of the soldiers.   I'm sorry, Arkus.

  • 3403 3E

    24 Second Seed 16:00
    3408 3E

    9 Hearthfire 9:00

    The Civil War
    Military: War

    A civil war breaks out in the Triumvirate Imperium, both sides face massive losses. The Imperium emerges victorious, but is economically and culturally weak following.

  • 3408 3E

    1 Rain's Hand
    3411 3E

    6 Frostfall 03:00

    Disaster / Destruction

    The events of Jericho take place.

  • 3421 3E

    12 Second Seed
    3421 3E

    5 Hearthfire


    The events of Fief take place.

  • 3421 3E

    13 Hearthfire

    Life, Death

    The lover of Margaux Fresnel, Maya Sicarii, is murdered by mercenaries whilst in the Last City of the Githyanki.
      Margaux is flung forward in time in an attempt to escape with her life.

  • 8096 3E

    12 First Seed
    8096 3E

    24 Hearthfire

    Aqua, Stellar, Chroma

    The events of Aqua, Stellar, Chroma take place.   Rhothaxis is slain over the Moku Sea in the far west.    The Blacksteel Company is reorganised into the Blacksteel Group, and remains on Mauna Ki'eki.

Fourth Era

8134 3E to 1770 4E

Following the first defeat of the God-Dragon Rhothaxis, a new era was marked by the rapid growth of new technologies. The Fourth Era was our bloodiest.

  • 1125 4E

    The Age of Steel begins
    Technological achievement

    A unique combination of factors, mostly due to the rising threat of a repeat of the invasion of several milleneia ago, the Kaiserreich of Jericho found itself in a new technological revolution, harnessing the power of both phlogistinium and oil to build new technologies.

  • 1130 4E

    15 Sun's Dawn

    Black Gold
    Technological achievement

    The first oil-powered ship was constructed, as well as the first oil-powered airship.

  • 1133 4E

    12 Sun's Dawn

    An Arms Race
    Political event

    The news of the surge in technological power reaches the New Tetrarchy. The 4 Tetrarchs vote against invasion and begin building up defences, whilst attempting to steal as much intelligence as they can from Jericho.

  • 1134 4E

    2 Second Seed

    Life, Death

    Our mother, Lucrecia Willow dies at her own hand for reasons we do not yet understand.

  • 1135 4E

    17 Second Seed

    Preparations for War
    Military action

    Jericho's military moves the bulk of it's forces to Iserlohn Fortress on the north-east coast.

  • 1138 4E

    20 First Seed

    Discovery, Scientific

    Advancements in mining in the New Tetrarchy discover a previously useless ore to have an unseen arcane property: it seems to irradiate some kind of radiant energy when in proximity to ore of the same kind.

  • 1139 4E

    17 Second Seed

    Asmodeus Core Incident

    [ REDACTED ]

  • 1143 4E

    1 Sun's Dawn

    The Grand Imperial Fleet
    Military action

    Jericho launches a fleet of three thousand ships towards the New Tetrarchy. All but one never return.

  • 1143 4E

    15 Rain's Hand

    Military action

    The Intrepid returns to Iserlohn Fortress.
      The crew are covered in boils, scars, and some even seem to have their very flesh dissolve off of their bones.
      They speak of flashes brighter than the sun, explosions larger than mountains.

  • 1144 4E

    21 Second Seed

    Project Assured Victory
    Construction beginning/end

    Kaiser Pyotr Von Lohengramm-Nephiron XXIV begins personally overseeing Project Assured Victory.
      My sister, Severa, and I are awoken from our five-hundred year sleep to assist on the project. This is when we learn of our mother's death eleven years prior.

  • 1146 4E

    11 Sun's Height

    False Heart of a God
    Discovery, Scientific

    Severa Willow fails to construct a replica weapon based on Tetrarch plans, instead using sections of the plan to build a containment unit for Rhothaxis' recovered heart using a Phlogistinium-Chimerium alloy.   This False Heart, as she called it, could radiate this radiant energy at an unfathomably high rate when resonating at a specific frequency.   Severa expanded Project Assured Victory by three-hundred workers, and commissioned ten dwarven Spellsteel forges to construct specific elements of a greater design.   I journeyed into the deep desert to convene with Kadmon, who gave me instructions for the construction of a "human" of colossal proportion.

  • 1146 4E

    23 Hearthfire

    Military action

    Plans for a Sun-Bomb are taken from a New Tetrarchy facility in the far north, partial copies make their way back to Jericho.

  • 1149 4E

    1 Morning Star

    Contact Experiment
    Life, Death

    Weiss Willow dies during a contact-test of Hyperium.
      Authors note: I, Severa Willow shall continue my sisters work in chronicling the history of this world.

  • 1149 4E

    1 Sun's Dawn

    Life, Birth

    Weiss-II is born on this day.
      May whatever God or unworldly being that judges me in the end forgive my sins, for this is one above all others.

  • 1149 4E

    15 Sun's Height

    Loose Ends
    Disaster / Destruction

    Everyone with knowledge of Project Assured Victory is found dead, with the exception of myself.
      I hope I may be forgiven.

  • 1150 4E

    11 Rain's Hand

    Cruel Bomb
    Military action

    The new Kaiser, Pyotr Von Lohengramm XXV dies only three weeks into his rule after a Sun-Bomb is detonated over the Capital.

  • 1150 4E

    5 Frostfall

    The Great War
    Military: War

    The remaining Imperial Fleet launch a surprise attack against the New Tetrarchy using a captured Sun-Bomb.

  • 1151 4E

    4 Sun's Dawn

    Violence of Action
    Military action

    The Imperial Pathfinder Corp captures eight cities along the south-west coast of the New Tetrarchy.

  • 1151 4E

    1 Last Seed

    Cruel War
    Military action

    The Purge of 1151 leaves eleven-million dead after the systematic killing of all alive in the New Tetrarchy capital city.   The surviving New Tetrarchy Army commander declares conditional surrender under the threat of more genocide.

  • 1151 4E

    22 Frostfall

    Diplomatic action

    The Imperium install a vassal king to the lands previously controlled by the New Tetrarchy.
      Peace. But at what cost?

  • 1182 4E

    1 Hearthfire

    Ad Astra
    Scientific achievement

    Several dwarven scientists create a prototype rocket motor based on the ancient designs of the two Deimos-class ships.

Fifth Era

1770 4E to 7941 5E

Marked after the unification of all without our sphere, the Fifth Era - or the Age of Light - was the closest we got to Utopia. Alas, all things must end.   Humanity spread to the stars alongside their brethren dwarves, orcs, and other races. Elves took flight too, colonising worlds on their own - segregated by their own will.

  • 1 5E

    5 Second Seed


    The first slipspace jump is successfully completed by a dwarf of the Lumen clan.

  • 2 5E

    12 Morning Star

    Open Source
    Criminal Activity

    A slipspace drive is stolen from Lumen IV Station around Mars. Months later the design is released publically by the anonymous thief.

  • 6 5E

    19 Hearthfire

    Construction beginning/end

    Construction of the Deimos III is completed by New Tetrarch engineers. The ship uses a slipspace drive derived from the leaked Lumen design. Four D3-class ships are commissioned and built in the following year.

  • 7939 5E

    23 Second Seed

    Prelude to War
    Disaster / Destruction

    The envoy-colony to Jupiter goes dark and fails to return comms.
      The major superpowers hold a summit in New Andromeda.

  • 7941 5E

    6 Hearthfire 06:00

    The Battle For the Last Light
    Era beginning/end

    The Alliance of the Dawn made their final defence against the forces allied with Rhothaxis, successfully defeating him with the sacrifice of Weiss Willow.

Sixth Era

7941 5E to 4302 6E (pres.)

Following the Battle for the Last Light, the Sixth Era was declared to have begun by Severa Willow on the 11th of Hearthfire, 5E 8942.

  • 1 6E

    15 Second Seed

    The Age of Blood

    The Age of Blood begins following the pyrrhic victory over Rhothaxis at the Battle for the Last Light.

  • 101 6E

    The Beginning of the Age of Darkness

    The One-Hundred Years of Blood end with the stepping down of Severa Willow as Guardian of the Realm, and the dissolution of the Alliance of the Dawn.

  • 4302 6E

    2 Rain's Hand

    Red Sun

    The events of Red Sun take place. The The Second Alliance is formed by Percival Tanwen, Gideon Laranth, Nye Speckle, and Ophea Daphne.