Humans Species in A dance of orc's and elves | World Anvil
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The Masters of the world

Also known as "Mankind", "The Big Folk"* and "Tall ape's"**.   Short lived, fast spreading and adaptive this are the words that define human's. Few mortal race's has had as great a impact on the world as mankind. Some have stated that human's should not be the rulers of the world. Because elf's and dwarf's surpass men in nearly all way's. Some also point out that the Nadrac Imperium is technically ruled by elfs. But as the great ubien philosopher Hanaz Glib Huagatu said:  
Man is not great because he is born wise, or strong, or whit magic in his blood.   Man is great because he most struggle to earn those thing!   He most stubble in the dark looking for wisdom.   He most carry many great burdens to grow strong.   He most sacrifice much to bye magic from the world.   Man is great because of that struggle! We are imperfect and that is our beauty!
  * A common term for human among dwarf's.   ** Elven epithet for human tho they use their own tongue calling human's "Fha'Ghuum"

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans can have children whit not only there own kind, but whit all mortal's, such as elfs, dwarf's, orcs, etc. This and the fact that human women can have children 12 time's a year from there early youth until there later adulthood has granted man dominion over the world.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are extremely good at adapting to their environment and/or adapting said environment to suit them.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Biological Cycle

A human is seen as a child until it reaches the age of 13 years. In between the ages of 13 to 20 most cultures views said individual as a youth. From around the ages of 17 or 20 a person is seen as a adult. In all human society's a person that is above 60 is seen as a elder, among some people you become a elder even sooner. Human do not live past the age of 90.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Sentient low to high

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans are the baseline of how good or bad a sense of perception is.
Genetic Descendants
85 - 90 years
Average Height
1,7 to 1,9 meters
Average Physique
Medium to high

Inborn Magic



Is the collection name given to the children of a human and a member of other younger race. Such as a dwarf/human union or a human/troll union. This "half-men" show traits from both parents races, but the human blood seams to dominate as they are more human then not. Half-trolls are for example massive by human standards. But there appearance is more or less that of a giant human whit a few troll like features.   When it comes to reproduction, half-men can have children whit any of there parents races. Any children of such unions will become either human whit traits of there non-human grandparent or non-human whit traits from there human grandparent. In time half-man blood lines turn into "pure" blooded members of one or the other younger race.

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Cover image: Mercenaries by John McCambridge


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Sep 6, 2018 08:07

If humans can reproduced with anything this mean exist dog-humans or unicorn-humans hybrids?

Sep 6, 2018 08:38 by Erik Fallgren

No. It say's motrals. As in elfs, orcs, dwarfs, goblins, etc... Also there are no unicorns in this world.

Sep 6, 2018 17:41

So...dogs are imortal in this world?

Sep 6, 2018 17:57 by Erik Fallgren

No. There animals. Its in the category description. Mortals are beings that are thinking and die.

Sep 6, 2018 18:23

So...All animals are imortal?

Sep 6, 2018 18:43 by Erik Fallgren

.... I am geting the feeling that your trolling me.   No. Animals are just animals. There not thinking beings.

Sep 6, 2018 21:20

You know that IN THE REAL WORLD any species that can reproduce with humans have the name "homo",you can say that elfs,goblins etc are "homo something "this will make everything more logical and also...if humans can't reproduce with rocks this means that rocks are imortal?

Sep 6, 2018 21:22

All homo species can make hybrids together ,this is why is called the homo group (I don't know if is called "homo group "in English, I know the name only in my native language )

Sep 7, 2018 04:46 by Erik Fallgren

You most love Midi-chlorians!   Yea, no. I won't do that and here are the three reasons why I won't do that. 1) This is not the real world. So real world science need not fully apply to this world. Also that level real world of science won't exist in this world for a number of centuries. So no one in this world would know what you mean whit terms like homo "whatevers". 2) If I did make all mortals part of a homo species group, then it would make no sense that humans could mate whit everyone but goblins could not have kids whit dwarfs! 3) Last but not least! If I have a hard, this are the absolute fact's, it kills the mystery and any chances for speculation on the reader and the worlds inhabitants part.   To me at least making the change you suggest would be the Midi-chlorians once again. And I hate them for killing the mystery of the Force.

Sep 7, 2018 12:18

Thanks for explanation now I understand what are you trying to do but what is an "Midi-chlorians "?I never heard about this thing before

Sep 7, 2018 12:23 by Erik Fallgren

Correct answer!

Sep 7, 2018 12:53

Trees are imortal?