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The History of Man

This is a collection of the history of man kind. Following the calendar of the Old Empire.

Early Man

460 1076

This is the oldest records of human life and civilization.

  • 0 EM

    The Fall of the Great Tower
    Construction beginning/end

    The first recorded historical event in human history. What "The Tower" was or even what it was called is a subject of debate today. Even if it ever happened is questioned today, but it is the first thing humans wrote down about themselves.

    Additional timelines
  • 549 EM

    11 March

    Remus Remus is Born
    Life, Birth

    Remus Remus was one of the first great leaders of Imperatoria. Some even go so far as to call him the father of the Old Empire. Because of his actions in life more or less created the Empire of his people.

  • 560 EM

    21 May

    Remus Remus Father is Killed
    Life, Death

    When Remus Remus was only 11 years old his father, along whit many men of the Remus clan. Where slain in a raid by barbarians from the Lion Rocks, a mountainous region to the south. The young Remus took the lose as a warning. Noting was safe, and only the strong could protect that which they loved.

  • 564 EM

    7 Julia

    The Kingdom of the Lion Rocks
    Political event

    The tribes of the mountains south of what would one day become the heartland of the Old Empire united under a single leader. This leader was king Grenkuru Gramguur. He was a ruthless warlord whom had risen to power by slaying any whom opposed his rule. His first action as king was to attack his neighbors to the north.

  • 565 EM

    6 March
    567 EM

    17 August

    War of king Grenkuru Gramguur
    Military action

    The war lasted only two years. In that time Grenkuru Gramguur lost some of his support back home and Remus Remus rose to the rank of clan leader after the death of his uncle.

  • 569 EM

    10 June

    Remus Remus discover Iron working
    Scientific achievement

    Remus Remus, one of the first leaders of the Imperatoria, creates the first human made iron weapons and tools. This was the start of the Imperatorias rise to power. Whit weapons and armor far stronger then their tribal neighboring foes they soon came to dominate their homelands. Soon after the Old Empire would rise from their small nation.

    Additional timelines
  • 571 EM

    10 September
    572 EM

    11 February

    The Vengeance of the Imperatoria
    Military action

    As iron swords, spears, arrows and armor where made in hasted to prepare for a second war soon all Imperatorian clans has a full armament of iron weapons. Yet the Lion Rock folk did not come back. Scouts where sent out, and when they returned the Imperatorians learned that their foes where busy infighting. Which the Imperatorians took as the perfect time to strike back.

  • 572 EM

    3 May
    620 EM

    8 August

    The city of Imperiatum is built
    Construction beginning/end

    It took nearly half a century to complete and caused much of the Imperatorias early expansion to fuel its need for material and workforce. But when it was done, it was the greatest city on the face of the earth.

  • 616 EM

    1 January

    Remus Remus gathers all the Great Houses to form the Senate
    Political event

    This marks the start of the Old Empire. Before the Imperatoria people had lived as a loosely formed confederacy, whit the smaller tribes being ruled by a dominant family*. Said tribes had at times in the past fought one another as much as other civilizations. But this marked the end of that tribalism and put down the bases of the Empires laws and governance.

    Additional timelines

The Old Empire

1076 3088

The Old Empire was a ancient civilization that in time ruled all of man kind.

  • 0 OE

    1 January

    Remus Remus gathers all the Great Houses to form the Senate
    Political event

    This marks the start of the Old Empire. Before the Imperatoria people had lived as a loosely formed confederacy, whit the smaller tribes being ruled by a dominant family*. Said tribes had at times in the past fought one another as much as other civilizations. But this marked the end of that tribalism and put down the bases of the Empires laws and governance.

    Additional timelines
  • 3 OE

    13 December

    Remus Remus Dies
    Life, Death

    Only three years after being named the first Imperator the man who founded the Old Empire died. He died in his sleep being found by his wife the next day. After his death the whole of the Empire mourned him for three days and three nights.

  • 11 OE

    6 April

    The Empire meets the Rakh'Guals
    Discovery, Exploration

    When the Empire first meet the Rakh'Gual people the Imperatoria where shocked to see men ride horses in such great numbers. Even tho the Imperatoria had some horses they had not mastered horseback riding like the Rakh'Gual. This was the first time the people of the Old empire meet a people whom they saw as equals.

The Age of Horror

3089 3277

This short interregnum was the time when the Ghouls came into being and the human settling of new lands to the North ans east.

  • 0 AoH

    13 January

    The Darkness
    Plague / Epidemic

    This marks the time when the first ghouls came into being. They fast spreed like a plague over all the old realm of man and forced the humans to flee before them.

  • 1 AoH

    128 AoH

    The Exodus
    Population Migration / Travel

    Following the coming of the ghoul's creation wave after wave of humans fled north and east to get away from the living jaws of death.

  • 188 AoH

    471 AoH

    The Conquest
    Military action

    The Conquest was a time period when the humans banded together and made war on the older elven realms of the north and south. At the end of this period nearly all elven kingdoms and queendoms had fallen before the humans and a new era began.

  • 188 AoH

    4 March
    201 AoH

    14 Julia

    The Horhelm Invasion
    Military action

    The Helmlanders of Horhelm invade the outskirts of the Analatian empire. The elves soon withdraw and leave the north west coast to the human invaders.

  • 188 AoH

    7 May
    197 AoH

    8 March

    The New Aldian Invasion
    Military action

    The Alderians of New Aldian invade the coasts of the Elutiahan Empire. The elves lose's the river deltas and the settlement's they built there to the human invaders.

After the Conquest

3277 and beyond

Most historians agree that this era starts at the first year of the Conquest. This is mostly for convenience, as there is much debate when this time period ended.

  • 0 AC

    283 AC

    The Conquest
    Military action

    The Conquest was a time period when the humans banded together and made war on the older elven realms of the north and south. At the end of this period nearly all elven kingdoms and queendoms had fallen before the humans and a new era began.

  • 0 AC

    4 March
    13 AC

    14 Julia

    The Horhelm Invasion
    Military action

    The Helmlanders of Horhelm invade the outskirts of the Analatian empire. The elves soon withdraw and leave the north west coast to the human invaders.

  • 0 AC

    7 May
    9 AC

    8 March

    The New Aldian Invasion
    Military action

    The Alderians of New Aldian invade the coasts of the Elutiahan Empire. The elves lose's the river deltas and the settlement's they built there to the human invaders.

  • 9 AC

    11 March

    The Crowning of the first Alderian Emperor
    Political event

    Early during The Conquest, the King of the Alderian people crowned himself Emperor over the Alderian Empire. A realm that at this time held a number of greater island east of the northwestern mainlands coast and a handful of river deltas taken from the elves of Elutiahan.

  • 23 AC

    13 March
    32 AC

    13 August

    The First Haaurhelm Raid
    Military action

    The Helmlanders in Haaurhelm raid the Analatian Empire for resources.