Lady Rosalind Branfield

Name: Rosalind   House: Branfield   Age: Early 60's   Titles: Lady   Father: Lord Branfield   Mother: Lady Branfield   Spouse: Lord Serwyn Manderly (annulled)   Children: Ser Aric Manderly, Ser Jorah Manderly, Lady Elowen Manderly, Lady Alysanne Manderly   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Childhood   Lady Rosalind Branfield was born into the noble House Branfield of the Reach, a family renowned for their loyalty to House Targaryen. Growing up amidst the verdant landscapes and fertile fields, Rosalind imbibed the values of honor, duty, and fealty from an early age. Her childhood was marked by the teachings of loyalty to the Targaryen cause, a heritage that would shape her life in unforeseen ways.   As a woman of beauty and grace, Rosalind captured the attention of many admirers, yet it was Lord Serwyn Manderly who captured her heart. The age difference of nearly a decade was no barrier to their connection, and their courtship blossomed into a love that would see them wed. United in matrimony, Rosalind embarked on a new chapter in White Harbor, a city far removed from her Reach roots.   Rosalind's transition from a lady of the Reach to Lady of White Harbor was marked by both adaptation and resilience. While her heart remained steadfast to the Targaryen cause, her role demanded that she navigate the currents of northern politics and traditions. She lent her support to Lord Serwyn's efforts, fostering stability and prosperity within White Harbor's walls.   Throughout their marriage, Rosalind and Lord Serwyn welcomed four children—two sons and two daughters. These offspring, the legacy of their union, were raised in the shadows of White Harbor's walls. Rosalind ensured they understood their heritage, instilling in them the values of loyalty and service to the realm's ruling dynasty of Targaryen.     Modern Day   In the present day, Lady Rosalind Branfield has journeyed to White Harbor to visit her grown children. Her unwavering loyalty to House Targaryen remains a cornerstone of her identity, and she carries the weight of her noble lineage with grace. As she reconnects with her children and witnesses the turmoil that grips White Harbor, Rosalind's steadfastness and determination come to the forefront once more.     Appearance   Lady Rosalind Branfield possesses an understated beauty that echoes her gentle spirit. Her dirty blonde hair falls in soft waves, framing a face that holds an air of quiet strength. Her square features are marked by the passage of time, lines etched by both joy and trials. While not celebrated for her beauty, her attractiveness in her youth was undeniable, and her presence carries a grace and warmth that captivates those who have the privilege of knowing her.


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