Ser Aric Manderly

Name:   House:   Age: 40   Titles: Ser   Father: Lord Serwyn Manderly   Mother: Lady Rosalind Branfield   Spouse: Lady Selene Manderly   Children: Lady Emmeline Manderly, Lady Elysia Manderly, Lady Rosalind Manderly   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Early Life   Born as the firstborn son of Lord Serwyn Manderly and Lady Rosalind Branfield, Lord Aric Manderly entered the world amidst the grandeur of White Harbor. From his earliest years, Aric was groomed to uphold the family's legacy of power and responsibility. His upbringing was characterized by the twin pursuits of knowledge and leadership, instilling in him a sense of duty to his house and realm.   Aric's formative years were marked by both privilege and expectation. Under the guidance of skilled tutors, he delved into subjects ranging from history and strategy to diplomacy and statecraft. The weight of his lineage and the responsibilities that came with it served as the backdrop for his growth into a capable and principled young noble.   As he matured, Aric's dedication to the prosperity and security of White Harbor became evident. His commitment to his father's vision of the city's future saw him engaging in matters of trade, governance, and military strategy. Whether overseeing the bustling docks or orchestrating the city's defenses, Aric emerged as a reliable and steadfast leader.   Aric's loyalty to House Targaryen, a legacy inherited from his mother's lineage, runs deep within his veins. His devotion to the Targaryen cause and their rightful rule over the Seven Kingdoms is unwavering, a trait he holds in common with his siblings.     Adulthood   As a young adult, Aric married Lady Selene Manderly, a lowborn girl from White Harbor who served as his mother's handmaiden. Together they have had three daughters.   As the heir to White Harbor, Aric's aspirations reach beyond the walls of the city. He envisions a future where White Harbor's influence extends beyond its shores, contributing to a stronger and united realm. His pursuits are driven by a sense of duty, as he navigates the delicate balance between loyalty to his family, his city, and the larger realm he seeks to safeguard. Most of all however, he wants a son and heir that will carry on his family name as he did for his father.

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