Lord Serwyn Manderly

Name: Serwyn   House: Manderly   Age: 74   Titles: Lord, Ser, Warden of the White Knife   Father: Lord Manderly   Mother: Lady Manderly   Spouse: Lady Rosalind Branfield (annulled), Lady Joyce Manderly   Children: Ser Aric Manderly, Ser Jorah Manderly, Lady Elowen Manderly, Lady Alysanne Manderly   Religion: The Faith of the Seven       Biography     Early Life   Born into the storied lineage of House Manderly, Lord Serwyn Manderly's childhood was one of privilege and tutelage. Growing up within the walls of White Harbor, he was groomed to uphold the family's legacy of wealth and influence. Though his parents' names are lost to time, his early years were marked by an insatiable curiosity and an eagerness to learn the intricacies of ruling.   As the years unfolded, Lord Serwyn came into his own as a capable and astute leader. With the passing of his father, he ascended to the seat of White Harbor, overseeing one of the wealthiest and most strategic cities in the North. His stewardship was marked by a commitment to the prosperity of his people, fostering trade, and expanding the city's influence in both regional and national affairs.   In his youth, Lord Serwyn was joined in matrimony with Lady Rosalind Branfield, a union arranged for political and financial considerations. However, the marriage was far from harmonious, and as the years progressed, the divide between them grew insurmountable. Driven by the need for an heir and recognizing the lack of emotional connection, Lord Serwyn sought and obtained an annulment, severing the marital ties that bound them.   Following the annulment of his first marriage, Lord Serwyn's had a number of mistresses. His heart, however, found solace in the company of Lady Joyce.A woman of youthful spirit and undeniable charm. Their connection bloomed into a love that transcended the political considerations of his previous marriage. In the presence of Lady Joyce, Lord Serwyn found a partner who shared his vision for White Harbor's future and complemented his wisdom with her vibrancy.   From his first marriage, Lord Serwyn fathered four children—two sons and two daughters —each with their own aspirations and paths in life. His second marriage to Lady Joyce has yet to bear any fruit.   In his twilight years though, Lord Serwyn's health has begun to wane. His once-energetic presence is now marked by a frailty that speaks of the passage of time.     Appearance   5'8" tall. Overweight, richly dressed, bald. Bad hair line.


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