Astral Sea Geographic Location in A Sea Among the Stars | World Anvil

Astral Sea

The Astral Sea is the vast majority of the universe.    It appears as a purplish silvery Mist that stretches across everything. Inside the Astral Sea there are pockets of Wildspace in with most of live takes place.   The Astral Sea is the realm of thought and ideas. It does not abide by common rules of reality. Concepts like distance, time, and causation do not necessarily apply inside this realm. This is where gods are born, and this is where gods die.  
The astral Plane by Wizards of the Coast

Living in the Astral Sea

Live exists and flourishes in the Astral Sea, though it is much more spread out and challenging to comprehend compared to the condensed life in Wildspace. Creatures live life here and entire empires lay claim to parts of the Astral Sea. Yet, due to a lack of time & causality, it is often hard to comprehend the machinations of the beings out here for the creatures of the Wildspace.

Travel through the Astral Sea

Travel through the Astral Sea is possible, but inherently difficult and unpredictable.   Objects (creatures, ships, asteroids, etc.) crossing over from Wildspace into the Astral Sea take with them a bubble of Wildspace. Inside this bubble, the laws & rules of the wild space still apply. This bubble is starting to decay the moment the ships fully crossed over into the Astral Sea. The decay rate is subject to a myriad of barely understood factors.    As soon as the bubble of Wildspace is used up, the object is now subject to the incomprehensible rules (or absence thereof) of the Astral Sea. If this object ever returns to Wildspace, it can be subject to a litany of side effects - most of them deadly to the occupants.   Travel through the Astral Sea usually involves stabilizing the pocket of Normal Space for as long as possible. This usually involves magical or divine rituals, ranging from Wizards burning through a tremendous amount of magic, priests engaging in constant prayer, or shamans calling upon the spirits of the ancestors to guard the journey.   Another recent line of thought developed by the Clockwork Gnomes, who despise any esoteric approach, is as simple as it is convincing: Gotta go fast. Their new Lightning Gates allow for traversal of the Astral Sea at certain crossing points where two pockets of Wildspace are relatively close to each other by massively accelerating ships.
Alternative Name(s)
Silver Haze, Silver Myst, Realm of Thought, Cradle of the Gods, Graveyard of the Gods
Included Locations


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